Let's get Coordinated!
well i didint know that you were removed …well not all admins are gone …Zyos xyo and tvae comes sometimes and helps …well the others that still there is trying to do something =D …i stoped working when i lost frellancer …now one my friend from uberlancer is sending copy of freelancer so ill get to work again … but still come sometimes there ;D i remember you were good at graphic i think =D
Xyo hasn’t been on the site in weeks. Which was a shame, he was really active and keen to learn. He was also a TFL player (my home server) so I was kinda proud with his progress
he was on week ago …
and i knwo that something wrong is going with that forum
Uberlancer started with many mistakes that have been done
Uberlancer is an ordinary mod like all others and not the mod that can save FL… i dont think that a single mod can ever do such stuffjust alone the name and the presentation in the early days of that project raised false hopes which are meanwhile gone in the FL community
hopes of the ppl which wanted to help… and hopes of players which finally had to realize that Uberlancer might have been hopeless from the start.EDIT - seriously keep it PG-13, you scared even me…
Can someone please edit the last 3 words of the above post… it just doesnt sound right… and may cause offense.
I have to say OPR8R; I really can not recall the last positive post from you. Is everything so negative?
Yes Uberlancer started wrong, I just made that point. But there is NEVER any harm in trying. It didnt hurt anybody did it?
This thread is supposed to be about saving FL, although Uberlancer is doing that your kind of talking about the failures and the death etc. You see where I’m going?
Your making the future of FL seem bleak which is completely opposite to the current topic which TECHNICALLY is off-topic spam so…
Seriously though try and think positively, this is about saving a game we all have some connection to as a community - your talking about the very game that bought us to this website in the first place, unless you got some other reason for being here
Can someone please edit the last 3 words of the above post… it just doesnt sound right… and may cause offense.
I have to say OPR8R; I really can not recall the last positive post from you. Is everything so negative?
Yes Uberlancer started wrong, I just made that point. But there is NEVER any harm in trying. It didnt hurt anybody did it?
Actually, just look at the responses. Uberlancer (and, before it, Openlancer) gave everyone a bitter taste which makes every next attempt at making a general initiative even harder. With each failure, the community seems to fracture itself even more and have less trust and faith in those they do not know personally.
However, Hazard is totally right and any further post about something that is off-topic will be split. Let’s get back on track and do some good, alright?
Roo gets back in his box
You DO know GE is far from a Freelancer “clone”? If games which give similar gameplay to FL are clones, we might as well call X3, Jumpgate, Darkstar One and a whole lot of other games clones.
Also, this is something to try to get the game advertised and known around. If you think this isn’t the proper way to go, why don’t you actually enlighten everyone with your knowledge? It would help everyone and the community as a whole would benefit from it. Remember, none of those people are doing this for themselves and everyone is as dependent as they are of Freelancer’s popularity. If the global community dwindles, ALL SERVERS DIE. That’s a “FACT”, as you call it
Are you real??? What drivel your writing and your head is in the clouds. Explain what budget these companies had to dev the game compared to GE. Explain how your going to convert the FL gamers to GE? FFS GE is not a viable alternative that people will WAIT for. I can imagine people thinking “wow this GE is great I must now go and buy Freelancer”
I have already posted ideas spent hours on MSN explaining how SEO can be used to optimise the sites for freelancer, I have already suggested changes to Starport on how it can reach out to more users.
So dont get sarcastic with me about how your so righteous doing stuff in your own time, maybe if you actually decided what your going to do i.e Save freelancer or give it up and make some clone then you have reached the starting point of doing something. Until that moment, there is no starting point. Its like kids in the playground talking about there latest ideas.
So in summary, either save FL or go and dev GE. which is the point of my first post.
Seriously I haven’t known you for very long and already your starting to get on my nerves… In that last post you have:
Undermined everything the community is trying to do
Disheartened anyone who may have believed anything you had written (God help them)
Insulted a Friend and an Admin (Harsh Move)
Made a really bad reputation for yourselfYour right we don’t have a budget - but you don’t need a budget to create something good, just talent and my God does this community have plenty of it…
GE is undergoing development concurrently to us trying to get people into FL - and whether we choose to help Lancer Solarus or not is up to US! Albeit from you to try and force people out of helping by destroying anyones hope in the project actually succeeding
Any ideas you will have posted would’ve perhaps been considered had you not completely ruined your reputation as a member of this community with your disregard for anyone here and what we are trying to do…
Had you felt your suggestions not been taken into account all it would’ve taken was a PM or a tactful post…
FF is allowed to feel righteous about doing things in his own time - he has earned that right through constantly making an effort and helping others, you think there would even be a starport to flame on were he not here?
Saving FL WHILE developing GE is not an option no?
You have been completely tactless and if it wasn’t for me not wanting to at least temp ban someone on my first day my god I would’ve…
Actually, I have been and will continue to support Freelancer up to the point where it is dead and buried. I may be supportive of GE, but only Lancer Solurus is actively working on that. It is his project and his alone; his baby and his masterpiece. Whether people want to go ahead and support him too in ways they can is up to them. Whether you don’t want to help him is up to you.
From your point of view, it’s a bit like people should never been eager to see another game being developed. If someone decides to be dedicated at two places, he’s immediately bound to fail at both places. Is that right? I don’t believe so.
We aren’t asking people to WAIT for GE. GE is something everyone should have at the back of their mind, but that doesn’t mean we’ll drop everything and wait at LS’ porch until it is completed, otherwise this discussion would not even have been started. We are actively working on trying to do good stuff for Freelancer.
As for SEO, we already know all that and will apply it in due time based on what we believe is good. However, as many people know, SEO and user friendliness are often contradictory; we will never remove the FLCN to get better pagerank, for instance.
Please, be a little less insulting in your posts too; I don’t want to see a flame war erupt in a thread which is supposed to be a positive thing for all.
Im makeing a site called Save FL right now, staff needed
Im makeing a site called Save FL right now, staff needed
We wish you all the best Stormblast. Feel free to keep us in the loop
Sure I will. ;D
I deleted my post before anyone responded as i didnt get my point over well enough and knew that it wasnt productive.
I have said enough on the matter and am disapointed that people decide to jump on a deleted post even though its prompted before they post their reply. A Very childish and immature response @ HazardFN in light of the fact that you know I had deleted the post.
I deleted my post before anyone responded as i didnt get my point over well enough and knew that it wasnt productive.
I have said enough on the matter and am disapointed that people decide to jump on a deleted post even though its prompted before they post their reply. A Very childish and immature response @ HazardFN in light of the fact that you know I had deleted the post.
I was already in the process of writing my reply before I knew your post was deleted, when I posted my reply I had realised your post had gone…
Let’s leave it shall we gentlemen? Both parties have made thier points and had thier say.
Anyone for a mince pie? I have squirty cream to go with it! ;D
were SAVING the community to rip apart, not RIPPING it apart!
were SAVING the community to rip apart, not RIPPING it apart!
Wolfie has a point.
Indeed. Any further discussion must actually be constructive in a POSITIVE way, please ::)
Otherwise, I’ll have to go split-happy and may unfortunately split things into the garbage bin, so be careful…
Openlancer is not dead(for now).
Site: www.opengameforge.orgWanna keep freelancer(not the new game with new story/ships/characters etc.) alive - read my previous post in this topic.
Or get the source code for FL. (We should keep trying here, but damn MS… Â >:(:()