FL MarketGroup Converter
hi, i just submitted this tool to…
Downloads > Editing Downloads > Coding > Editors
let me know if you find it useful, or if you have any ideas to improve it ill have a look.
this is the readme which is also included in the archive.
FL MarketGroup Converter
version 1.0 by RimShot
[email protected]
This utility was meant to make it easier to manage market goods, especially if your mod consists of many dockable bases.
How to use it is up to you, to understand how it works read “Usage”.
Important: does not support BINI encoded files.
The first step is to make sure the file “market_db.ini” exists in the application directory.
This file is used as a database for all your market groups, if it doesnt exist, you have to set it up like this:[MarketGroup]
nickname = li_gun_grp
MarketGood = li_gun01_mark01, 0, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1
…You should know the structure of market goods already, the number of market goods per group is unlimited.
The second step is to create the file used as source during the conversion process.
This file is identical to a standard market file, except it has market groups, which hopefully make the setup of your mods market a lot easier.
Theoretically you could even combine goods, equipment and ship market without having a huge work file.
Set up the source ini file like this:[BaseGood]
base = Li01_01_base
MarketGood = ge_s_repair_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1
MarketGroup = li_gun_grp, 0, 20, 1.500000
MarketGroup = li_turret_grp, 0, 20
MarketGroup = ammo_grp
MarketGood = ge_s_battery_01, 0, -1, 100, 100, 0, 1
…As you can see it is possible to mix market goods and market groups without problems, only the market group lines are being processed by the converter.
MarketGroup = nickname, min, max, multiplier
nickname - as defined in the “market_db.ini” file
min (optional) - the minimum level of included market goods, may be used to set up difficulty levels
max (optional) - the maximum level of included market goods, may be used to set up difficulty levels
multiplier (optional) - each market good price multiplier will be multiplied by this value, may be used for variationOpen the application.
Click “Parse DB”.
The database is stored in the memory, it will be rebuilt every time you press the button.
Click “Source”.
Sets the location of the source file.
Click “Target”.
Sets the location of the target file.
Click “Convert”.
Source file is processed, creates target file on success.
These are provided in the application directory:
market_db.ini - market groups database (required)
market_source.ini - exmaple source ini file (work file)
market_target.ini - exmaple target ini file (release file) -
Nice one Rimshot.
So in brief - we can define a set of goods (equipment) in each group, then list the group name(s) that we want for each base, and the proggie will substitute the equipment of each group into the base list as it generates the new market file.
And we can add specific items as normal too.
Got it.
Looks very nice
- and just in time while i m going to rework the market files. ;D
A convenient little sneaky tool, shortens the job a lot.
using such a tool you should take care about the singleplayer bases
There are bases which appear only in the story campaign but not in mp or opensp. So if you accidentially place special objects on those bases you wont be able to buy them ingame.Those bases are:
gd_im_oxygen_miner -
ta, glad you like it.
using such a tool you should take care about the singleplayer bases
There are bases which appear only in the story campaign but not in mp or opensp. So if you accidentially place special objects on those bases you wont be able to buy them ingame.using such a tool? what youre talking about is a basic mistake and has nothing to do with the tool at all.
no need to get hyper-sensitive
I just wanted to point out that such error could happen if you add stuff to the marketsscripting tools are mainly used by unexperienced modders which have no idea about possible errors and since they dont work with the original code they wont even find out what went wrong
of course this problem can happen to every other modder and not only to those using this tool
Actually, OP, this tool still requires you to write the markets by yourself. It’s just that instead of listing, say, all the guns that Liberty Navy bases would have, you just need to add a “group” which then gets replaced by the actual guns once parsed by the tool. It doesn’t do everything automatically and is more of a tool to ease the creation of markets for people who already perfectly master them.
Ja, das hier ist ein zimpler misunderstandung ven zwei personen sprek den diferentser nativen langvages!
Zo must vir geben more zeit to understandink each ozzer’s meinung bevor respond-spreken badlich!
Heheheheheheh ;D
No offence meant and it was good to know too, guys.
Well hot damn, this is actually just what I need. A lot of players have been complaining recently about needing to go to XYZ obscure base to get XYZ equipment, and I was planning to standardize the market system a little bit according to faction. I’ll give this a whirl. =D
I want to refresh this utility, it’s really useful.
My method is to create an Excel workbook (only because I’m familiar with Excel macros more than another method) with a separate sheet of weapons for each faction, others for common equipment, faction goods, common goods, common ammo etc., which I can fairly easily strip out from the weapon_equip.ini, select_equip.ini and st_equip.ini, and then I make any manual modifications to each as I need.
I could also pull out the base reps for each base to make it even more swift but I haven’t done that yet.
Then with this utility of RimShot’s it’s…
… a Piss of Kek!!
Heheheh. Thanks again RimShot, you old fiend !
hey… where is this… i cant see it on the editing tools section anywhere?..