Freelancer: Still Alive Video Series (Revised)
After some though, I am re-organizing the Still Alive Initiative. Rather than a single comprehensive video I would rather make videos for each specific mod highlighting each mods unique features. The format will be somewhat similar to that I used for the benchmark Itano Circus video, only I plan on having some text here and there to describe the features of the mod in question. The whole series of videos will be linked together as a playlist on YouTube that can be all linked out in signatures and other forms of spreading links. Once the series is complete, I will create a singular video containing all the mods in some crazy lolwut mashup of the Freelancer community.
This will take time. As a whole, this is a long term project due to the amount of time invested for each project.
On a first come, first serve basis, here is what I want the mods that would like to participate to do.
The first thing is to select a piece of music, generally around the 3-4 minute mark. This piece of music has to describe your mod and video because this one piece of music will be what the video will be based off of. In general, I would prefer more movie sountrack-esque scores rather than a “real song” with lyrics and whatnot. They are just easier to work with, and easier to visualize as a sort of movie trailer video for each mod.
Once you figure out the music I would like a copy of the mod and if the mod is singleplayer, it makes everything simpler as I can just insert my camera ship and start shooting. However I realize most mods simply don’t work that way. In which case, I will need to create a new version of the mod specifically for shooting, organize a time and server for shooting of footage, and go from there. It will take a lot of coordination I know, but this will be the way to get the best results.
Comments, Suggestions, Flames?
This sets up the camera FOVs as well as gets rid of the mouse.;12611850;/fileinfo.html
However everyone has different ship code. I took the smallest ship I have (Patriot) and just modified these lines.
mass = 300 camera_offset = 0, 0 camera_angular_acceleration = 0 camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 0 camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 0 camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 0 camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 0 nudge_force = 72000 strafe_force = 72000
I am also using a modified OPEN SP to give me a patriot when I do a new game. The loadout in loadouts.ini was modified to add this.
equip = cloak_fighter, HpCloak01
The higher mass gives you a much smoother platform as well as a ship capable of moving at great speed in all directions. I recommend you add and bind the strafe up/down commands as well.
With all this put together, you get a ship that flies pretty stable. Is invisible. External view is slightly zoomed in FOV, and Cockpit view is zoomed in. You can easily switch between the two zooms just by switching cockpit/external.
I also hex-edited the targeting bracket multiplier so that the brackets appear at only super close range. However this has unusual side effects in asteroid fields so be aware of that. On top of that, I added type = NON_TARGETABLE to mines so that they do not display the little red Xs. Again, using OPEN SP, I made it so that I am neutral to all factions.
Monkey Universe are definately wanting in on this. Gimme a day or two to find you a decent track for it and ill link you up to our mod
Once you figure out the music I would like a copy of the mod and if the mod is singleplayer, it makes everything simpler as I can just insert my camera ship and start shooting. However I realize most mods simply don’t work that way. In which case, I will need to create a new version of the mod specifically for shooting, organize a time and server for shooting of footage, and go from there. It will take a lot of coordination I know, but this will be the way to get the best results.
Wouldn’t it be better to film players in a live server engaging each other? You could call your char Camera (No Attack) and the server owners could put in looping banners like “Filming in-game do not attack the camera ship.”
Once you figure out the music I would like a copy of the mod and if the mod is singleplayer, it makes everything simpler as I can just insert my camera ship and start shooting. However I realize most mods simply don’t work that way. In which case, I will need to create a new version of the mod specifically for shooting, organize a time and server for shooting of footage, and go from there. It will take a lot of coordination I know, but this will be the way to get the best results.
Wouldn’t it be better to film players in a live server engaging each other? You could call your char Camera (No Attack) and the server owners could put in looping banners like “Filming in-game do not attack the camera ship.”
If a mod is a singleplayer mod, then its a singleplayer mod. Simple as that. A singleplayer mod also avoids all the issues that are going to come up with with how I’m going to get rid of certain MP hud elements. If it is a multiplayer mod, then yes, that’s what I plan on doing.
Please add TFL to your list.
I will be in touch in regards to Mod details as we are in the process of changing our Mods. Details will follow.
For MU’s vid we have chosen this track
Our mod is curretly MP only. We are more than happy to assist you in anyway possible as in with FLAC rights for beaming and coding work for getting the no HUD.
Points of interest that we would like to be included in the video are
For Custom Modular Stations Creadted By Tiger
Mercenary Navy Spaceport - Robot 2
Cybernetic Research Centre - Robot 2
Nomad Stronghold - Tau 23
Robot Interface Centre - Tau 29
Monkey Embassy - Hudson
GVT Cathedral - Monkey Homeworld
Rays Rest - New London
SPF Prison Station - New Tokyothere are others as well but up to you if there is time to include them
For Battle Scenes
Cheeky Central - Recently over run by fugitvie robots
Omicron Major - around freemans paradise
Also may want to include the airlock to Dyson Sphere - plenty of npc battles around there too.Ship wise the players use a fair few of them so shouldnt be too difficult getting a nice range of them in.
Just drop me a pm when you have the time to make the vid and we’ll help you as much as we can.
Once again thankyou for doing this
For our server/mod I think it would be pretty easy to get footage just by watching battles or players in a cloaked camera char - so you wouldnt have to organize, but it would also be more time consuming for epic events to occur and filming them. I could give you nicknames for locations of interest and beam command access and so on… also you could try to organize a little bit via the universe chat channel.
Of course I can also help you set up a dedicated server and stuff, but I think it would be nice to just see some pure rather undirected gameplay.
Looking really forward to this, I already got some ideas for filming
For our server/mod I think it would be pretty easy to get footage just by watching battles or players in a cloaked camera char - so you wouldnt have to organize, but it would also be more time consuming for epic events to occur and filming them. I could give you nicknames for locations of interest and beam command access and so on… also you could try to organize a little bit via the universe chat channel.
Of course I can also help you set up a dedicated server and stuff, but I think it would be nice to just see some pure rather undirected gameplay.
Looking really forward to this, I already got some ideas for filming
Western Alliance (Hamburg City server) will be glad to make some action in gamma and near by systems for this movie and i also support this idea.
Anyway i started interesting thing to advertise freelancer gameplay and action, since i got new computer i am frequently broadcasting on xfire, battles and daily action and a lot of people which never heared of freelancer caught me broadcasting it live and they were quite interested and started asking me what i play, where and different sorts of questions about game… Some even said they will call their friends to try it.
If you wanna check sometimes my broadcast is on if i caused any sorts of spam i just want freelancer get more alive and supported vby more people also.
greetz !
Is the still alive project still alive?
(just don’t want that this project will die that soon :-[)
I really hate to say this, but I just haven’t had the time to fully commit to this. Last semester my grades in school fell, and while there were several other factors, one of them was how much time I spent modding/tinkering/filming/etc Freelancer. Trust me I want to. I have been accumulating a long list of things I want to do in Freelancer*, but other than the occasional five minute idea (such as those thrusters the other day) I really haven’t done anything Freelancer related in a long while.
Fortunately several others have taken up the camera ship. crashbx in particular made excellent use of the camera ship and hud tweaks in filming this. So not all is lost.
- Of the highest priority once I finally get back to FL modding, is to release a big effects pack of all the effects I created in the process of making Itano Circus. As per usual, anyone is free to use any of the effects that are included in the mod provided I am cited and notified. But I want to make a big pack to post in the effects showroom for simplicities sake.
it would be nice to have The Void included on this project
Sadly, I don’t think anyone has taken up this project because of the overwhelming amount of work it would be.
I will try make more videos, i was playing little with Why’s effects, changed some explosion effects
This movie got no pvp action i made it only to show how i used whys effects and keep this project alive xD.P.S. Why i noticed your standardeffects.txm kinda disapears and not like fade out of explosion, if you would wanna tweak it out
But i hope u will come with more effects and ideas
i just love them.
now i am playing with borrowed plasmafire standardeffects.txm, nebula txm’s…
Yeah that standardeffects.txm is a little buggy. It was the first gif I ever made. I do intend to make a new one, but there is no telling when I will be able to do it.
On a side note. 13CentKiller of Discovery had contacted me asking for help on some of the techniques I used for this video. Fast forward a couple months, and he put together this promotion for Discovery. Its very well done, and is exactly what I had in mind when I originally opened this up.
Sure thing. I saw that video not too long ago. I have to congratulate you guys, it is a job well done.
It lives up to the “vision” that I had when I created mine. Seeing what you did in that video makes me feel good because for all the broken promises, at least the whole project inspired several others to make comparable Freelancer videos.