Constructive criticism is good, sabotage is bad
I take pride in honest assessment of ones capabilities. It is the only way to improve ones self, meaning… If you think you are the best at something (and really aren’t) then chances are you won’t push yourself harder to break past previous limits. Therefore, when someone criticizes my mod, I (try) put my ego in check, observe the issue, and do what I can to make it better. All, apart of good quality control.Where am I going here? As many of you know, my mod was mentioned in PC Gamer (along with FW, BS:Exodus, & Disco). Shattered Worlds has a reputation for being an excellent mod and I take great pride in that fact.
Up until last night when I went to bed our moddb rating was 9.5 with 31 people having voted. I woke up this morning to find out our rating was now 8.4 with 35 people having voted. It doesn’t take, much simple math to figure out that 4 individuals blatantly rated my mod a 0. Why does this perturb me? I can deal with someone giving an honest assessment and giving a 6 or so, but there is NO WAY my mod deserves a 0 rating. Couple this with 4 individuals doing the same 0 rating in succession… you can easily understand I think someone with multiple accounts(or a group of individuals) were out to sabotage our high ratings.
If there is a real issue with my mod, that deserves such a rating, let me know. But giving 0 (bullshit) ratings is just ungentlemanly and indicative of jealousy or envy.
[/rant] -
I have to agree.
TBH, I haven’t played your mod till yet, but a mod would have to be VERY BAD to deserve such low ratings. And I am sure your mod isn’t.
It might be one of the players banned from the server, you could try to get into contact with MOD DB staff so that you could compare some IPs or let them check if all ratings came from the same IP (/IP range)I am very sorry for you, and this was a lame action indeed.
Well i am sorry if some of you may feel pissed after reading this - but i would like to be impartial
If you have added your mod to moddb then everyone at moddb (who registered there) is able to vote. Its up to the voter to decide what he votes and how many points he will give. Consider that 5 is about normal, 10 would be nearly perfect and 0 is really bad…
To vote this without having any experience is indeed an unfair draw. Its hell of work you have spend to develop this mod and you have all my respect. But as far as this is a democratic vote you cant do anything about it - you simply have to respect that this may happen. And like w0dka already said - i am sure every mod presented at moddb had made this experience
I think you should voice yourself at moddb to make sure you would like to have feedback - if someone don’t mind to give some^^
Nevertheless 8.4 is better than 5 what is considered to be normal - so feel comfortable with this. I am sure it will icrease sooner or later
I could give you a ten if needed - but i rarely vote for something that i never played - seeing your adverts here it (your mod) really looks good
I understand Huor and you are correct… I don’t want undeserved 10’s. I just want an honest assessment from people, I tell everyone in the community this. And if there are issues… for them to pm me so I can look at it.
Its is unfair to vote on something one has not played, and even more unfair to vote a 0 on mods one hasn’t played b/c they are a fanboy of another server.
I just noticed the same happened to my mod Itano Circus on moddb. I had an ~8.2 with some 6-8 votes. Now my vote count reads 12, and its dropped down to 6.5.
Also yes, [insert Forsaken’s original rant].
I totally agree with what Forsaken said.
[Edit] Oh snap, 88 flak posts. Screencap!
It looks pretty obvious these are again PR measures for the Crossfire mod.
Look at the last 2 comments on the bottom of the page.
Both users say, Crossfire is awesome, they voted each others post +1 and both users have been created today. (you can check that by looking at the time-online and site visits entries in their user profiles)While I dont want to start a fight here, it really offends me that we are still not beyond such behaviour.
Oh, FWs was 9.0 last night with 42 votes. We got 8 new votes today, we’re now at 8.1. Pretty sad. That means a majority were 0’s…lol.
Pathetic, really.
It’s in those times that I like not to have released anything yet… Can’t get downrated for no reason.
Indeed, actions like these are completely pathetic and should not happen in any respectable community.
Whilst I feel for those affected here, I really do. It is unfair to all involved, and the time they have taken to create thier Mods, I want to ask that NO ONE lowers themselves to do the same out of spite.
We need to show that we are above this sort of behaviour and that the majority of the Freelancer Community respect and value each others work and opinions. Those in the minority will soon dwindle away.
Ya, I don’t get it, really. We’re trying to keep this small player community alive and something like this happens? Ah, well. Shit happens. We all know our mods aren’t worth those 0’s so whateves
Meh, drama’s
Anyone thought - maybe those 4 folks were retards? and couldn’t activate it, or got crashes on loading (saved games from another mod perhaps?)The only thing strange is that they don’t leave a comment to rant about it being “bad” (in their viewpoint).
People love to complain and tell people things are crap, but only if they exist! When it’s simply vote manipulation, they won’t bother.
However, it has to be said, vote rigging goes on everywhere - on both sides (ie getting friends to bolster votes to increase ranks in, well, mod rankings etc).It’s all swings and roundabouts, as long as people play and enjoy - who cares what nay-sayers think? Just give it a good description and people will try it anyway
I believe that some of the people that vote have never even looked at the mod. I know last year there were a lot of votes cast that were zero because of the Mod Awards that happen every year (There here again). This also holds true when they comment on something that is not even a feature of the mod (i.e. Example, I get tons of comments to make my mod SP compatible, which I won’t do). There will always be morons out there that try to cast any mod into the dumpster because they don’t like you or they’ve been banned from the server.
Indeed Crossfire is doing PR work but that is limited to updating the moddb site with pics, videos and new content, posting news and sending out newsletters (including calls on my forum to vote for all FL mods).
The rating for Crossfire was over 9 and dropped to 8,8 (maybe not such a big difference that other mods experience but thats explainable by the amount of votes that already existed).
MOTY are a free vote and eventhough Freelancer is a very old game the FL mods have many visitors and very high rankings. Based on the visitor count many mods belong to the top100, some to the top20 and the mod ratings are pretty good compared to many others. There are about 4700 possibilities where those “negative” votes came from.
To say that it is unfair to vote for a mod without knowing it might be true but on the other side the votes are free and the visitors are allowed to vote for any reason. They can vote if they dont like the game. They can vote because they dont like the genre. They can vote because they dont like the mod presentation or the pics on those sites. And they can vote because they dont like our nose.
Its their decision and unfortunatly thats how it is working and to be honest I care more about the MOTY votes than about the ratings atm. In the end we should not forget that a top100 ranking on the MOTY is a better ad than all the ratings on the FL mods together.
Right now there is much more activity at Moddb than in the months before and the chances to catch negative votes is much higher aswell. I personally have learned to care more for the ppl which give positive comments than for those which only have to rant and i guess i will ill do the same with the rating.
Edit: Oh and the MOTY rules say that votes are getting checked and fake votes get removed (just in case that someone is doing fake votes)
The world has too many narrow-minded, petty tools.
Unfortunately, this isn’t just an issue that we face with ModDB. These days, I think if you go to any site that offers voting systems or the ability to leave a quick comment, people will ‘take sides’. The consoles and how their ‘fanboys’ react is a perfect example of why this issue is a mainstream issue.
At the end of the day, some people treat the Internet like they were back at school - like a popularity contest.
Honestly, I wonder how sad these people are. What sort of jollies do you get for giving something a low score. Chances are, said voters are incapable of even contributing a morsel of what those who have done the work have accomplished. They probably feel ‘big’, hidden behind their computer screen and can say what they like. At the same time, I bet if these guys were to be in front of those why were badmouthing, they would say nothing!
It is such a shame there isn’t a Internet-wide mute button for people like that.
there are people in this world who are jelious of other peoples talent or theyre personality. theyre are people in this world who are going to love you or hate you. i just say if you can do a better job than me the tools are out there download them and lets see what you can do. i am a man who knows his limits i put something out there. you like it great play it you dont you dont. my life still goes on my bills have to get paid thats it. i personally gave everybodys mod a good vote cause you all are better at it than me. have a nice day ;D
…. oh my … down from “10.0” to “6.2”
That’s almost funny.From our forum:
some silly people seem 2 have voted a “0” on most of the mods
as 2 read @ The-Starport and we are down on a “6.2”.Maybe ‘inspired’ by the very well done
“[ur=]Save Freelancer Petition”
by darthmop1.
Check the comments mentioned by w0dk4 at the Starport
and all player please- give us your vote
- feel free 2 comment that behaviour especially @ moddb
- stay away from negative votes for Crossfire,
cause it’s a nice mod and i m sure that’s not caused by OPR8D or the Crossfire team.
…… what can can i say:
Better silly votes on the WWWW, than they go to their school and shoot people.We shouldn’t seriously expect, that everyone with internet access is nice.
And i also think, that being ‘not so nice’ requires a reaction,
if a certain level is reached. -
Okay, I decided to spin this our way a bit. I’ve made reply comments on the recent band of idiots that thought it would be fun to make new accounts and bash other FL mods. Â I don’t know where they’re from, nor do I really care. I think what they’ve done is pretty deplorable and we shouldn’t have to sit by and watch this happen. Â I’ve also made a post here:
I urge all developers, particularly within this community, to make a comment there. Â We need to stick together folks, or FL will fade quicker than it already is. Â
Nice one Sushi.
;D -
Ya, I have my moments