Samurai Studios "Starlancer Ship Pack"
Think that issue is now safely resolved ;D. Made another one, this is officially called the
Never realised the Chinese had ships in SL, this is one of them. And while i’m on the subject of textures, after i extracted all of them i found a texture and model for a Thunderbolt from Wing Commander and a Borg Cube ROFL
I know i’ve kind of hijacked this thread and apologies for that, but the main topic was dealt with at the start of this thread and since i’ve managed to extract all the SL textures, i’ve been in a modelling frenzy sorting out these Coalition ships.
Further to the Chinese being involved in SL, i’ve found these ships
Han Bomber
Zhuhai (cross between a goose and the firefly)
Loki Pirate Ship ?
I also located some squadron repaints of all the Alliance fighters in “Tiger Squadron” colours
Here’s some i’ve done today. All of the ships i’ve shown so far are now in CMP format with a DDS texture MAT file
Berejev ( this comes with lightmaps as well)
Thunderbolt from Wing Commander which was also in here
The “Bremen” carrier - this comes with lightmaps as well
Alliance - Baxter Base - with lightmaps
Lonestar Shuttle
It is my intention to release all these models, i’ll never get them all into one ship pack so i’m going to split them up. I’ll re-release the original Alliance fighter ships, then the same again but with different skins, i found some with Tiger Squadron colours, then the Coalition Fighters, Coalition & Alliance Capships, Then finally some bases i’ve found as well
it seems to be a bit bright compared to the other SL ships
btw. I just took a look at the coalition fighters that we retextured for CF1.8 1 year ago… now im unsure which one to take… the original one with the original textures or the retextured ones with custom textures and transparent cockpits - lol
decisions ^^For the SL:SolWar game I will have to create new models/convert them. So using a high-res version of the original texture and the transparent cockpit will be the best.
I gotta laugh. In ITAC it’s the wrong way round, in game it’s as i have it now. It looks upside down but it isn’t. I just did mission 2 where you meet one and i had it right all along .
And another thing, what’s with the Yamato and that ring round the middle? It wasn’t wearing that in game when it torped the Zakov
I found another texture for that Yakob Shuttle as well. Two skins for it and not used in game, what a crime. That’s going to change for sure lol
;D ;D Im exiteted ;D ;D
When the paks ready… It’ll be my pleasure to give them a home in XLR… I’ve got the “original” FL pack… but these look so much better
and you said something about bases?? mmmmmm yummy…. (lmao)
Looking real nice… ;D