The Big Huge Effects Pack!
Excellent work Why, thanks for sharing
Did you do any more with the smoke fx for ship damage or was one of your previous uploads the last version you altered? I have them included in my Phoenix mod, was just wondering if you’d altered them as i noticed they were not in the current upload
Its been some time so I may be wrong on this.
There is definitely a version of the ship damage smoke effect in the pack. You can find it at DATA\FX\EXPLOSIONS\gf_continuous_damage.ale. I am pretty sure there is a slight difference between the one I uploaded originally, and the one that is in this pack. I made the smoke particles tighter, which makes the effect look much better, and you avoid the “bubble effect” which is what I call what happens when you don’t have enough particles to make it look like smoke. However this version is a little more demanding than the old one.
It has come to my attention that I never explained how to do the fiery debris. It is fairly simple though.
For example, the Kusari Battleship explosion.
Under the Kusari Battleship I have the line “explosion_arch = explosion_ku_battleship” to call the explosion. The explosion is then defined in the “explosions.ini”
This comprises of several parts. The first part, is the explosion itself. For which the code is here.
[explosion] nickname = explosion_ku_battleship ; Name lifetime = 0.000000, 0 ; Not sure process = disappear ; Other value is "shatter" I am not entirely sure what the differences are effect = gf_capital_explode_yellow, 0.000000 ; This is the ALE effect that will be called on the explosion debris_type = debris_capital_death, 1.000000 ; To be honest I'm not sure what this is or where its defined, I just copied it off the old explosions debris_impulse = 150 ; How fast the debris gets thrown outwards innards_debris_start_time = 0.000000 ; Presumably sets a delay before the debris spawns innards_debris_num = 50 ; How many bits of debris are spawned in the explosion innards_debris_radius = 100 ; Radius at which debris are spawned from the center of the object innards_debris_object = simple_torpedo_debris01 ; Very important, which debris object is used for the debris
The second part, is the debris itself.
[Simple] nickname = simple_torpedo_debris01 ; Name DA_archetype = Equipment\models\weapons\dummy_round.3db ; Model of the debris, I used a dummy model I made, its also included in the effects pack material_library = equipment\models\ku_equip.mat ; Material for the model of the debris Mass = 10 ; How heavy the debris is
**disappear - make it go away
shatter - explodes model into triangles, cool effect if used right, disappears if it gets off-cameraBTW cool FX indeed!!!**
hehehe , yes the torpedo debris will shure come in handy for the VAT’s
seems i didn’t have that particular bit of code so i had to alter it slightly to avoid crashbut now i can see to making them as they should be hehe ;D ;D
such wonderful toys you bring Why… just plain wonderful
NOTE: the debris i used was…
debris_type = debris_solar_short, 1.000000
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris04someone said somthing about you doing fireworks… this looks mighty close… only "metal"works
add some pretty fx to the explosion and we may just have those “fireworks” lol oh and smaller debris lmaoas always… exelent work why … just pure genius
superb work as always Why!
Thanks for sharing,
Just some CRC corrections to this awesome pack:
In: “DATA\FX\EXPLOSIONS\explosions_ale.ini”
'-105140263' for 'gf_battledust' '-522438362' for 'gf_capital_explode_green' '-263687348' for 'gf_capital_explode_blue_small' '-50230066' for 'gf_capital_explode_yellow_small' '-204439480' for 'gf_fighter_explode_white_small'
No biggy of course
Just some CRC corrections to this awesome pack:
In: “DATA\FX\EXPLOSIONS\explosions_ale.ini”
'-105140263' for 'gf_battledust' '-522438362' for 'gf_capital_explode_green' '-263687348' for 'gf_capital_explode_blue_small' '-50230066' for 'gf_capital_explode_yellow_small' '-204439480' for 'gf_fighter_explode_white_small'
No biggy of course
Interesting. Those are the values I used straight out of Itano Circus, and they obviously work there. I just ran my CRC checker and I notice you are using the alternate CRC. If that works as well, then all is well, but I always used the first value.
Ah, I see, yeah. Well fair enough, it obviousl works either way. The only reason I ever went to alter mine was because the general consensus of FLIA and FLEC was that the first value was ‘overflowing’
Nice effects
Thanks for sharing!! ;D
I’m struggling to make out exactly what it is you are referring to. I’m off into a seizure by looking at it.
He is talking about the flaming debris trail. Yes that effect is in the pack. It is called gf_continous_damage. However it has occurred to me that I forgot to put in how I implemented the debris trails for the larger capital ships explosions like you see in the Itano Circus videos. It is fairly simple though.
For example, the Kusari Battleship explosion.
Under the Kusari Battleship I have the line “explosion_arch = explosion_ku_battleship” to call the explosion. The explosion is then defined in the “explosions.ini”
This comprises of several parts. The first part, is the explosion itself. For which the code is here.
[explosion] nickname = explosion_ku_battleship ; Name lifetime = 0.000000, 0 ; Not sure process = disappear ; Other value is "shatter" I am not entirely sure what the differences are effect = gf_capital_explode_yellow, 0.000000 ; This is the ALE effect that will be called on the explosion debris_type = debris_capital_death, 1.000000 ; To be honest I'm not sure what this is or where its defined, I just copied it off the old explosions debris_impulse = 150 ; How fast the debris gets thrown outwards innards_debris_start_time = 0.000000 ; Presumably sets a delay before the debris spawns innards_debris_num = 50 ; How many bits of debris are spawned in the explosion innards_debris_radius = 100 ; Radius at which debris are spawned from the center of the object innards_debris_object = simple_torpedo_debris01 ; Very important, which debris object is used for the debris
The second part, is the debris itself.
[Simple] nickname = simple_torpedo_debris01 ; Name DA_archetype = Equipment\models\weapons\dummy_round.3db ; Model of the debris, I used a dummy model I made, its also included in the effects pack material_library = equipment\models\ku_equip.mat ; Material for the model of the debris Mass = 10 ; How heavy the debris is
This can be implemented anywhere, but the clients will need this to be able to see the effects. You’ll get problems otherwise.
Can implement this and use this on any vanilla server ? I will try now
The gf_continuous_damage can be implemented safely on its own. It replaces a vanilla effect so you can just drag-drop and it will be used in whatever situations vanilla calls that effect for.
However the debris-spraying as demonstrated above actually involves editing of the ini files. I do not think there will be any trouble caused by using those particular ini edits online, as a suprising amount of Freelancer is client side during multiplayer play. However, admins will be very wary of the fact that you actually modifying ini files to be different from what the server is using, even if it is for something harmless like this.
I misunderstood his question
I thought it was for ‘his’ server not ‘any vanilla server’. So yeah, what why said  ;D I’m keeping shtum :-X :-X Wolfie, if FLAC bans you for such subtle (effect) changes… then well… it shouldn’t be allowed to exist. I would say no, although i’ve never used FLAC…
Yes, I had to figure that one out on my own. I got it to work great though