Where is the Freelancer Mod Manager 2
look into your script.xml
This is NOT the version of your mod, but the version of FLMM.
So if you want it to run with FLMM 1.3 or newer, make it so its:<scriptversion>1.3</scriptversion>
for version 1.4 and above:
If you have text resources in the xml, the mod manager will convert them to ids entries for you and place them in a .dll. It sounds like there is already the limit of new .dlls in freelancer.ini and thus it doesn’t have anywhere to place them. Mind pasting the libraries section of your freelancer.ini to confirm this?
Hi FuryFreelancer , Thanks for reply.
New info:
The Original [Resources] in my Mod
DLL = InfoCards.dll ; Contains all infocard text resources
DLL = MiscText.dll ; Contains other bulk text resource: rumor, offer, and mission text
DLL = NameResources.dll ; Contains names of things, primarily.
DLL = EquipResources.dll ; Contains names of equipment (in string table) and infocards for equipment (in HTML resources)
DLL = OfferBribeResources.dll ; Contains random mission offers and bribes
DLL = MiscTextInfo2.dll ; Contains MP UI elements as well as other misc. text
DLL = DepthExplorationInfoRes.dll ; DepthExplorationRes Name Res
DLL = DepthExplorationMapRes.dll ; DepthExplorationRes Maps Res
DLL = DepthExploration2MapRes.dll ; DepthExploration2Res Maps Res
DLL = DepthExploration2EqRes.dll ; DepthExploration2Res Maps Res
DLL = DepthExploration2EqRes2.dll ; DepthExploration2Res Maps Reswhen FLMM working and show this Error message,
[Resources] in Freelancer\EXE\freelancer.ini will be change like this
DLL = InfoCards.dll ; Contains all infocard text resources
DLL = MiscText.dll ; Contains other bulk text resource: rumor, offer, and mission text
DLL = NameResources.dll ; Contains names of things, primarily.
DLL = EquipResources.dll ; Contains names of equipment (in string table) and infocards for equipment (in HTML resources)
DLL = OfferBribeResources.dll ; Contains random mission offers and bribes
DLL = MiscTextInfo2.dll ; Contains MP UI elements as well as other misc. text
DLL = DepthExplorationInfoRes.dll ; DepthExplorationRes Name Res
DLL = DepthExplorationMapRes.dll ; DepthExplorationRes Maps Res
DLL = DepthExploration2MapRes.dll ; DepthExploration2Res Maps Res
DLL = DepthExploration2EqRes.dll ; DepthExploration2Res Maps Res
DLL = DepthExploration2EqRes2.dll ; DepthExploration2Res Maps Res
DLL = tempban.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT
DLL = flslplugin.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT
DLL = condata.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT
DLL = anticheat.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDITthe new dll files from MyMod\EXE\flhook_plugins\dlls for FLHook (includede in my mod)
that so strange….
FLMM automatically adds any DLL found in the mod’s root folder (the parent folder to EXE or DATA).
Thank you FriendlyFire for take me out from the maze.
i make new mod only have data folder, script.xml and exe\freelancer.ini, and it work!
i don’t want to add string to dll file one by one, so i using FLMM script to help me to do this. now all problems has been solved, thanks all guys! ;D
Nieckey wrote:
A really problem here:Error: unable to convert string resource string to id
Error: too many resource DLL’s listed in freelancer.ini; deactivate some mods and try againso, how can i solve this problem?
Now after adding few more adoxa’s new .dll wonders grabbed form his site this message popups to clients! At server where is SDK applied no such mess!
FuryFreelancer wrote:
If you have text resources in the xml, the mod manager will convert them to ids entries for you and place them in a .dll. It sounds like there is already the limit of new .dlls in freelancer.ini and thus it doesn’t have anywhere to place them. Mind pasting the libraries section of your freelancer.ini to confirm this?Cutting my text resources in the xml will make room for them?
Any connection with that?-.- again me and my questions - sry
[Resources] DLL = InfoCards.dll ; Contains all infocard text resources DLL = MiscText.dll ; Contains other bulk text resource: rumor, offer, and mission text DLL = NameResources.dll ; Contains names of things, primarily. DLL = EquipResources.dll ;Contains names of equipment (in string table) and infocards for equipment (in HTML resources) DLL = OfferBribeResources.dll ; Contains random mission offers and bribes DLL = MiscTextInfo2.dll ;Contains MP UI elements as well as other misc. text DLL = scroller.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = RandomJumps.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = MultiCruise.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = jflp.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = healing.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = d3d8_.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = Cloak.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = d3d9.dll ;added by ME. DLL = chklootvol.dll ;added by ME. DLL = moors.dll ;added by ME. DLL = ShieldOffline.dll ;added by ME. DLL = flmm1.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT
Error: unable to convert string resource string to id
Error: too many resource DLL’s listed in freelancer.ini; deactivate some mods and try againHow can I use more than 8 custom .dlls ???
DLL = scroller.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = RandomJumps.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = MultiCruise.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = jflp.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = healing.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = d3d8_.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = Cloak.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT DLL = d3d9.dll ;added by ME. DLL = chklootvol.dll ;added by ME. DLL = moors.dll ;added by ME. DLL = ShieldOffline.dll ;added by ME.
They should be in dacom.ini under [Libraries], not freelancer.ini.
It should look like this:
scroller.dll RandomJumps.dll MultiCruise.dll jflp.dll healing.dll d3d8_.dll Cloak.dll d3d9.dll chklootvol.dll moors.dll ShieldOffline.dll
Don’t trust FLMM in all it does, it does some stupid things.
Wolfie wrote:
They should be in dacom.ini under [Libraries], not freelancer.ini.Don’t trust FLMM in all it does, it does some stupid things.
They r in dacom.ini aswell but how to force FLMM to automaticly only apply his own generated names/infocards (flmm1.dll?) and this bypass for making no errors in activation?
sumanuti wrote:
Wolfie wrote:
They should be in dacom.ini under [Libraries], not freelancer.ini.Don’t trust FLMM in all it does, it does some stupid things.
They r in dacom.ini aswell but how to force FLMM to automaticly only apply his own generated names/infocards (flmm1.dll?) and this bypass for making no errors in activation?
So where are the dll’s on the FL folder, in the root of the game? Is this why they’re in the root of the mod folder - that’s where they have to be for FLHook (or whatever it is) and FLMM copies them across?
If so, can’t you put them into a sub folder and then use the script.xml copyfile method to move them to the root folder in FL?
(if this is stupid, it has been about 5 years since I used any xml scripting of FLMM, so I can’t remember #$%%
Ok I got a fix strange way. Please dont laugh!
script.xml<data file="exe\Cloak.dll" method="copyfile" sourcefile="exe\Cloak.dat"></data> <data file="exe\healing.dll" method="copyfile" sourcefile="exe\healing.dat"></data> <data file="exe\MultiCruise.dll" method="copyfile" sourcefile="exe\MultiCruise.dat"></data> <data file="exe\RandomJumps.dll" method="copyfile" sourcefile="exe\RandomJumps.dat"></data> <data file="exe\scroller.dll" method="copyfile" sourcefile="exe\scroller.dat"></data> <data file="exe\chklootvol.dll" method="copyfile" sourcefile="exe\chklootvol.dat"></data> <data file="exe\moors.dll" method="copyfile" sourcefile="exe\moors.dat"></data> <data file="exe\ShieldOffline.dll" method="copyfile" sourcefile="exe\ShieldOffline.dat"></data> ```makes **freelancer.ini**
DLL = InfoCards.dll ; Contains all infocard text resources
DLL = MiscText.dll ; Contains other bulk text resource: rumor, offer, and mission text
DLL = NameResources.dll ; Contains names of things, primarily.
DLL = EquipResources.dll ;Contains names of equipment (in string table) and infocards for equipment (in HTML resources)
DLL = OfferBribeResources.dll ; Contains random mission offers and bribes
DLL = MiscTextInfo2.dll ;Contains MP UI elements as well as other misc. text
DLL = jflpac.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT
DLL = jflp.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDIT
DLL = flmm1.dll ;added by FLMM. DO NOT EDITI renamed some custom **.dll**s to **.dat**s and that way avoid them to be generated in **.ini** Puting original .dlls in any subfolder aswell made entry in freelancer.ini. Do I screw this way something?
Not sure if it’s of any help (must admit I’ve only glanced over a few posts :oops: ) but to prevent troubles with extra DLLs, I’ve been using the following solution, to my satisfaction:
Stuff the new DLLs in a folder named NewDLLs, all with the extension .newdll rather than .dll
Then, use the following script - and it should be one of the last to be run, so name it ZZZZ___DLLs.xml or something similar:
well, just make the freelancer.ini part of your mod. then only what you wrote there will be there. in my freelancer.ini there aren’t those plugin dll’s listed and they nonetheless work quite well.
oh, and “copyfile” is a comparably instable method, at least in FLMM v1.31