Help with mod install
Hi, im a total noob at modding Freelancer.
I wish to install the Federation ships v2.3 mod.
I downloaded and installed the FreeLancer Mod Manager v1.4 beta 4, and downlaoded the Federation ships mod, it comes as a .zip.flmod file, and when i try to run it, it comes up with some error.
Error: Unable to find section ‘[trigger]’ (…) blah blah in data\missions\M13\M13.ini
I also tried installing it with the Mod Manager v1.3 and that failed too.
I would install manualy but im not sure how… i tried adding the files to my Freelancer directory which did change their clothing when i ran the game but not the ships and it crashed…
If any one can lead me to a good tutorial on how to install mods for noobs or explain it would be helpfull.
Try this: i understand you correct,
you just try to install a mod.And the error sounds a little bit,
as if you might need a fresh + clean installation of Freelancer. -
Yes ive read that and it does explain well, i think maybe this mod is currupt or something beacue it doesnt seem to work.
AS far as i can remember the federation ship pack is only a shippack and not a finished mod, i guess the ships are not buyable, but i can be wrong on that.
They are buyable, you have to activate an open SP mod before activating Federation Ship pack 2.3, then it should be working.
Old problem I’m sorry to say, basically Archedyne made a mess of his xml coding, he’s set the mod up for SP & OSP, but without “options” in the xml this never had a chance of working.
If all you want is to play Open Single Player then do as Aigle suggests and activate Xerx’s OSP mod before you activate the shippack.
However if you want to play the story, then you will have to delete a chunk of code from the “Freelancer - Default Starting Ship.xml”. Open the file in notepad and delete this chunk of code -
<data file="data\missions\M13\M13.ini" method="sectionreplace">[Trigger] nickname = bse_initialize_init_li01 <dest>Act_SetShipAndLoadout = ge_fighter, msn_playerloadout</dest> <source> Act_SetShipAndLoadout = T9_shuttle, msn_playerloadout</data> ```After you've deleted the code press "Ctrl + S" to save the file, then you'll be able to fly Trek ships in FL ;)
Thank you loads!! it works fine now… i thought it was me being a noob. ;D