One word. LOL. Everyone take some time to chill out ffs.
Yay drama, who’d of thought.
Echo on DA’s post, GL on your ventures OP.
In regards to TLR… I never agreed to totally abandoning the new people asking for help over there, and will continue to do so. Â My/Our beef isn’t with those people, and they shouldn’t pay the price. Â I however won’t be directing people to TLR for modding information. Â But those who are new modders wanting help on TLR… I’ll happily help them with whatever issues they have.
Someone mentioned giving up knowing what is going on. I have given up trying to follow. I was absent for a week or so and suddenly there is accusations of TSP bashing SWAT and OP. I am seriously confused.
Regardless, I am posting to enforce FriendlyFires warning above. Please keep things civil. Already the comments are taking a sarcastic turn and this will only lead to further disagreement and potention flaming.
Please play nicely.
I’m curious… How come everyone suddenly wake up to complain now that one person has rose up?
Didn’t we show we are open to criticism and willing to do the best? How come it takes an eruption of bad comments for people to finally say what they thought all along?
Hey, if you think you can do better, feel free to rise up and try. We’ve been doing our best to make this place a better place, but it seems like we didn’t really succeed (we aren’t blind either). We aren’t gods, we aren’t omniscient. If you have something to say, say it instead of burying it down until the pressure is so large it explodes in everyone’s face.
I am all for a Nice civil discussion of what needs done to fix things. You sure can’t fix anything if you don’t know what is broken. But it’s better to not open the floodgates and spill it all, try to deal with a few issues before they swamp you and then call you ineffective because you can’t fix it all at once.
It’s my fear they can’t keep this issue here civil and just discuss it… maybe they need a cooling off.
–- Well, can you discuss it or just start tossing Molotov cocktails like you have done before?
Come on Guys, Haven’t we seen enough of this in the last months, years, ??? Every time someone has a strong difference of opinion it can’t lead further fracturing of the shrinking FL community.
Save the Jelled Gasoline to use on someone you really H8… Remember this…
TSP is meanwhile acting like the old TLR
Through which actions?
(Problems just exist to be solved)Cooperation between the communities is not existent
Not completly true IMHO.
Just see the FLHook (plugin) development and as well the features I brought to the internal topic “I have a nice surprise for you ^^”
Not to mention Why485’s work. So in conclusion I can say, that here exists indeed some cooperation. (IMHO)Not enough that I had to deal with Microsoft to get FL sites added to the FL fansite because either TSP was not willing to or not able (dunno… and maybe i dont want to know that)… no… not enough of this I got blamed because one of the FL fan sites was removed before I re-added it (Station Network got removed when Starport got added). I took the blame for doing something good to the FL community by not just thinking about the benefits for my own site.
As a Station Crew member of Station Network I am quite sure you missunderstood the comment. I believe it was more meaned in a wondering way.
However, just wanted to mention that I am surely not the only one who appreciate your work you did for the entire FL community.
I’m also taking a back seat from here on in, no more sharing, no nothing from now on
Without wanting to attack you, isn’t this one of the reasons why there isn’t more cooperation between FL modders? (You are keeping your stuff - However, it is your decision as it was OP’s decision to leave and letting his stuff removed from T SP)
For the rest of your post Gibbon, you may want to talk with some SP admins about the issue. (like FF said)
How come it takes an eruption of bad comments for people to finally say what they thought all along?
not bad comments… just what happend
I am all for a Nice civil discussion of what needs done to fix things.
I think we ve been talking long enough about many topics… I have to act now before its too late… im running out of time and have to concentrate on what is really important now
no comment
Its better if i dont say something about that stuff -
Didn’t we show we are open to criticism and willing to do the best? How come it takes an eruption of bad comments for people to finally say what they thought all along?
my understanding of that is:
people usually dont speak their mind until someone really piss them off
people usually dont speak their mind until someone really piss them off
That is the normal way people behave, correct.
However, that doesnt help does it? If you have a suggestion, post it. Look at Bas for example. The guy is forever posting ideas and suggestions.
he is jumping from one foot to the other… would b good if at least one of those ideas actually get finished somewhen and leads to results
and its not that people are now guilty for now talking with you about problems… its not that you could have solved them
many problems are because of the TSP members and their communities but TSP has no incluence on that
the problems exist and everybody has to decide how to deal with them -
I don’t know what your trying to say here Op.
…. On one hand it sounds like your saying you have grown tired of discussion and just wish to leave,… But on the other, As your still here appearing to be swinging away, it sounds like your saying your tired of Calm Civil Discussion?
It must be a miss-communication, as I can’t see anyone wanting a flamewar?!?!?
I am all for a Nice civil discussion of what needs done to fix things.
I think we ve been talking long enough about many topics… I have to act now before its too late… im running out of time and have to concentrate on what is really important now
Well OP do what you feel you have to do, i know we have a difference of opinion over TLR but hope theres no issues between us over that.
I also hope you have no issues with any of MU’s community bad mouthing you or your mod as i do try to keep the MU community out of such childish things.As i tell people if you dont like a mod simply dont play it but no need for bad mouthing, every mod and every mods admin team is different and do things how they want them which is not always to everyones tastes.
Anyway good luck Op
people usually dont speak their mind until someone really piss them off
so true… and if this tread gets any harder to understand… i may just do that… but for now…
Hope you do well and are happier somewhere else OP(truth & peace)
… obviously we don’t meet some standard of yours… but that’s not my place to divulge…
I don’t understand your reasons… and i don’t have to… busy enough as is without worrying about this…Good bye and good luck.
its always going to be like that dragnite, exept if something gets done
discovery hates void, and void hates hamburg city after what ive seen
just a question OP, why does everything need results? i mean everyone fails and when u try something u cant always expect results
discovery hates void, and void hates hamburg city after what ive seen
Hey, what on earth led you to post such thing?
It’s absolutely not true, mate.
We will definitely go off topic after this one, so Starport admins feel free to split this if needed as that’s not connected to what OP posted and I am not doing this post to react to any of his posts.
Wolfie, you have to differentiate between 2 things. Single players of one mod/server badmouthing other mods/servers on one hand and administrating/modding team doing that. Single players are not under anyone’s control. We have a right of free speech and thus they can express what they feel and administrators and moderators are obliged to influence them not to cross the lines of civilised discussion. But if players are for any reason badmouthing other servers/mods on one forum, it in no way means that those communities hate each other.
If you try to search “Void” on discovery forums and as well “Discovery” on Void (or Hamburg City) forums, you always get a bunch of threads making fun or badmouthing the others. It’s natural. Those said servers and their admins have absolutely different way to approach their player base and players who choose one of them to play on because they find it closer to what they like obviously ‘don’t really love’ the way other servers are ran. It’s natural and it doesn’t mean those communities (and their leaders) hate each other.
A perfect example would be the difference in RP/PvP approach. On Discovery you really have to make yourself familiar with 23745 rules before you start to play in order to avoid any collision with the admin team and people from PvP servers obviously find that ‘absolutely crazy’ and they make fun of it whenever they can. On the other side you have people who prefer the RP way of playing, and this really isn’t a tiny group. They pay special attention to the fact that their characters have the ship, equipment, reputation and behaviour absolutely in line with their character’s biography and faction alligned to. These know the importance of RP rules, because they know they defend their principles. If such player is attacked with a player flying the Eagle, armed with Nomad guns and other uber stuff 3 times in a row right after they undocked, they naturally are going to badmouth such players on forums and make comments about how these should go back to their Void/HC server. On Discovery PvP oriented players are generally called ‘PvP whores’ and on Void/HC RP players are called ‘RP freaks’.
As an Administrator of the Discovery community and the server operator of Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server I can clearly state that we don’t hate Void or Hamburg City. Actually on the contrary, we try to encourage PvP oriented players to try other servers and hope that they do the same. And they really do, I know that because I am a frequent visitor of both Void and Hamburg City forums. We also want to cooperate on development of various server and mod related tools.
Thank you Majkp, your post was (I hope) has tidied that up and will aid in keeping it civil around here.
Just another gentle reminder to everyone, play nice.
my final post on this forum
I originally intended just to have a request to get my stuff removed from here as i feel that fairplay is nothing that I can expect from the so called FL community.That I have good reasons is something I have explained… no matter if those are acceptable or understandable for you.
The entire discusssions about the FL community of the past… maybe 1-2 years… have lead to what?
nothing… and the discussion on this thread have also lead to nothing besides angry claims just because some people can or dont want to understand the reasons.Fairplay and respect got lost in FL… I experienced it very badly in the past weeks. Accept it that me any my community will go its own way now to avoid discussions which lead nowhere and to finally work for the future of SWAT and not just for the future of others.
You also should finally accept that others have similar experiences and feelings towards the FL community and that they will do similar dicisions. This is not a happy family and it never was a giant FL communtiy working together since everybody did his own decisions no matter how much damage was done to others.Like I said… this is my final post on TSP
no matter how much i discuss here i always feel like talking against a wall here and no matter much good stuff I do to the FL communities I always seem to get kicked in the back -
Well in that case, I hereby declare the thread locked.
I know that final post will cause a few to post in anger, or support, and that will only lead to another flamewar.
Again, we are sorry to see you leave.