Behaviour of the FL players…
I for myself experienced a worse behaviour of the players left in the FL Comm (which aren’t too much and this is just a reason to think over this a bit more…). Respect, flame - and spammfree fights seems to be gone. Same for saying gf after a fight.
The bad experience I had was at HC server, there happened stories of which you don’t want to know about (as example, instant flaming against me as soon as I login to server, or I got bashed for three hours 1 vs 7-8 + Battleship). But it is not only HC…it is more global I fear.
Many people are flaming against each other, laming, overnumber-ganking, insulting meanwhile…When I started in mid 2006 (not even three years have passed !!) I fought with respect at server. Not only that the whole server was something like a big, friendly family, but there were also other interesting things. There were indeed argues, but they were…different.
And there was also flaming - but more harmless then the nowaday flame. There was one thread per war, there were a bit flaming (for instance, you showed a pics and wrote “Ah, are you seeing all those 3 Imperiums switching off at the same time? I wonder why” or “Everytime I view the forums I see at least 3 Imps online instead of fighting ingame !! Maybe they should do, it is more than enough if leaders are checking the forum for updates while fights”) - and they KEPT IN THIS ONE THREAD. Not flooding over to other forum topics.
And there was indeed some kind of “hate”, but even this was harmless compared to nowadays. For instance, I can remember our plan in 2006 to destroy some special clans - But the odd things was, if we would had succeed with that, we would leave the players then, not matter if they would stay as Freelancers or join or create a new clan. (That was also because @ DN200X the war system allowed to steal systems from each other ^^) - However, we found a spy at our forums and he posted a screenshot at the server forums about that months later - And people “flamed” against us (of course ^^) and complained about the plan and making comments about it. This is that what I call harmless flame ^^
I am also able to laugh about this flame after it happened and the “hot discussion” was over - In contrast to many flames I see today.
Even the ingame flamers were different…harmless…more like making funny comments about some things - But still respect were there. For instance, I NEVER insulted the Diablos even though we had lost 2-3 wars (and with them the systems, unfortunaly our beloved new-berlin ^^) against them, we hated them a bit, we even opened an internal topic about them (“wrote here what you think about diablo!!” which only contains 2 postings: “They are bastards” (free translated) and “THOSE TOKIO HOTEL FANS!!!1” (german insider I guess ^^ >.>)) so we didn’t wrote any serious insulting against them (ok, max. bastards or ass holes, but that was mainly because of our noobiness back at that times…)
But I always had respect of my opponent, always considered that he is a human beeing too, always tried to think like him, I never insulted - I think also because of screens of flamers and insulters got posted at the server forums, especially in wars and if those flamers were in clans, so the leaders got officially blamed for this and got advised to punish this member and admins banned quite fast for insulting there (which is very ok in my opinion -> better behaviour, atmosphere and respect in the community)
I don’t want to say that I had bad words in mind especially during my noob time sometimes when I got shot (especailly with really large mission loot) but I checked myself to not speak out/write down my toughts. (which were quite harmless, would have been such “low things” like ass hole etc.)
People who flamed and insulted and reloaded got hunted and bashed and punished by the community, not only the admins, till they stopped with their wrong behaviour - Then everything was ok again.
I continued that way, in nearly three years I insulted…max (!!). three times, guess rather 1 or 2 times. (And the one time I remember I don’t feel sorry for it as it was only an understandble reaction to a very, very bad behaviour)
I also tried to flame quite few, but it is harder to draw the line in flaming than in insulting (at insulting it is very often very clear - things like “ass hole” are just simple an insult) - Later I tried to avoid over number-ganking, but especially with some retards I am not sorry to did it (especially to people who started it against me or my clan or flamed VERY much). I can’t remember exactly I we (the community) did this in 2006 (ok, I am quite sure there were things like 2 vs 1 etc), but I remember we even hold back some members then and then also against noob clans at this year - our war enemy even asked for a 1 vs 1 and we agreed to it. BUT (!) if we did over number ganking, I know FOR SURE that we didn’t F1 when the enemy did the same to us. We stand there and walked through (It seems that many people who are ganking nowadays don’t have the courage to walk through that what they harm to others)
Today I see people flaming against each other over one hundred forum threads and the ingame behaviour isn’t much better (as I wrote above) and there seems to be some kind of hate against each other (especially devided into clans and alliances) and disrespect as well - players are divided into many frontiers instead of beeing ONE community (so in true, there are MANY ISOLATED communities at ONE server)
I also miss the enthusiasm at our servers now, people are claming that their enemy is lamer, cheater or spammer (yep, after I ramped someone ;D) instead of thinking about how he fired up his guns, missiles, wasps or torpedos - I always wanted to get better and promised to my self that FL will be a game where I want to reach some skill (this goal didn’t fail totally :))
And about the spamming…I believe it is some how fault of FLHook’s autobuy. People are spamming more because they get their ammo bought back everytime they die - If you fight without autobuy, it sucks to spam because you have to buy every missile back by your self manually - so you think over when you should fire a missile and when not.
Ganking - I some times heard the very stupid excuse “oh it is just a member from clan XYZ !!!” just an example how much hate must be in those heads or even better “BUT HE IS AT OUR BLACKLIST !!!1” - What a shame into what the community drove into, IMHO.Oh sry, lost in words ;D - Hope this posting wasn’t too boring. This just damn nostalgic emotion… :-X
But I hope you got the message - I am complaining about our players nowadays.But the fault is not only by the newbies…also many old players have changed…flame, ganking, laming, insulting…stupid excuses…this would be too simple.
People stopped to teach each other how to fight…how to be respectful (including some old players)…how to keep your self back and that flame and insults have consequences…and of course also to mention is the skill difference…it is just stupid to bash newbies as a experienced pro and call them over and over noobs and n4ps and b00ns…I am the only one feeling that some thing is going wrong, just bad experience with some single players, or are here some people who want to agree with me here?
You are not totally wrong. In my experience much of this flame develops, cause some people are better than others. Or just start to insult each other when they were shot at the wrong time. All in all - this is like Darvin once found out - the strongest will survive and the weakest is lost (or similar
The more the people have to be reminded that there is a human being at the other end of the line. A human being that is to be treated in normal manners. But that is not the case. As there seems to be no borders - its easy to insult others, accuse someone without prove… So someone starts this crap - and the snow ball effect is doing the rest.
And another fact is the internationality - if I tell a joke here its maybe taken serious somewhere else. That’s nothing that can be avoided in general but could be a problem to get the snow ball rolling
So first think what you say and then announce yourself. And finally its in the admins or higher ranked server players responsibility to care about those incidents, to care about the different players, to calm down situations, to be a good idol. Just to show others how easy it is to be friendly to each other - cause then finally the game makes more fun, the stories or role plays can develop. This is a good example of the snow ball effect - cause it also can work in the opposite direction (being a good idol).
And one old phrase must be said here:
Its just a game. Don’t let the game rule your life. If you feel annoyed - take a break, have a walk, talk in private with someone you trust about the problems and finally try to find the fun in the game. Makes your life much easier and the lives of the others as wellGreets
HuorPS: Its kinda of my own experience.
I’m lucky I’ve been on the servers with not quite as many players, servers with a more tight-knit community.
I think we are simply re-entering a phase. Time will pass, and manners and such will return.In the mean time, can people who are leaving leave in a more dignified way. I am sick of people willing to use their last post to slip a torp in.
There are several examples, lots of communities have one/two cases. It’s boring. It’s tiring. And it’s useless since, as you are leaving more or less no-one will care beyond argument. -
Bas is right, the behaviour of some FL Player is only crap
i stared in 2006 on the DFLS and i dont feeled any heavy flame (of course, a little bit flame is ok, but not to insult the oponent!) But ion the years of playing there was more flame…
in the middle of the last year my clan and me swiched to HC Server, and there is a lot more flame!
In nearly every Topic the flame starts at the first page and there is a lot ingame flame.
but only the players can stop it, and a good beginning are the Clans.
they had to be fair and friendly in every way. It doestnt matter if the “ganked” you or insulted you.
Alyways say “hi” “cu gf´s”We >F2G< tried it since we swiched to HC, and it works. We are nearly flamefree (ingame and Forum, Teamspeak is special case
) and had some friendy contacs to our enemys.
so every Clan should try to be fair etc.
When I started in mid 2006 (not even three years have passed !!) I fought with respect at server. Not only that the whole server was something like a big, friendly family, but there were also other interesting things. There were indeed argues, but they were…different.
Ow yea they were so awesome, when TCEagles had war against 16 clans, they decided to ban them cause we didnt wanted to surrender so they declared nobody likes us and start voting poll to ban us which end up with result 50:50 and admins still decided to ban with what reason ? Because we didnt bow down to their server donators ? Dont tell me storys how great they were, I lost bunch of members which could not find any more contact with us when we got bannished form there.
As about flames, insults, ganking… I dont really care much about that, because i punish them with shooting with my guns, i dont support that kinda behavior but i dont wanna waste my time complaining about that while i can use guns on them. -
Crashbx, first, I know that the admins did a big mistake then, second, the poll got manipulated by new and double registration, but the third is the most important: This thread is about the players, not about big bad admins.
And please…try to shut down with this story…the server is off, will never come up again, it is over.
I also request the T SP staff to enforce stay at topic, so please don’t respond to this in public, feel free to do via PM. -
Change with players starts with Clan leaders policing their members and telling them what is acceptable behavior. Unfortunately, alot of Clan leaders are lacking in leadership trait, instead get obsessed with ensuring their clan is the top dog on the server.
Agreed - I also think that server admins should play a higher role in the behaviour of their players, for instance kickbann someone who is playing and insulted “ass hole” or something like that for just 2 hours - the player will get the message and might stop - At least if he don’t want to get a larger bann.
You are not totally wrong. In my experience much of this flame develops, cause some people are better than others. Or just start to insult each other when they were shot at the wrong time. All in all - this is like Darvin once found out - the strongest will survive and the weakest is lost (or similar
It was not only Darvin, also Walles and some others. That’s why this is called Darvin-Walles law.
Darvin was the one to publish a book about it and became known widely, but he was not the only one to discover this. -
Admin can not be around all the time. Change begins when peers police other peers regarding acceptable behavior. An example of this is the “no-regening” during pvp in the old vanilla servers. In many of these servers, it wasn’t against the server rules to regen, but players ridiculed those who did. These players enforced a code of pvp etiquette. The same applies to other aspects of FL gaming. If someone acts out and starts flaming someone, then his/her clan leaders gets on him, along with everyone else he knows…. that player will revise his behavior in most cases to “fit-in”. Noone wants to be the outcast, or the problem child if they call a server home.
I prefer to discuss with the player doing the flaming to see if there is anything behind it, i find it helps solve the problem a lot better than just kicking them for x amount of time.
Crashbx, first, I know that the admins did a big mistake then, second, the poll got manipulated by new and double registration, but the third is the most important: This thread is about the players, not about big bad admins.
And please…try to shut down with this story…the server is off, will never come up again, it is over.
I also request the T SP staff to enforce stay at topic, so please don’t respond to this in public, feel free to do via PM.i dont blame admins which got forced by community to ban us or they will stop donating for the server, they had no choice but to ensure survival of server and keep donators, but with banning us they killed themself either way. History is always part of us.
I hear you. Back when I played on the public servers of various mods, I’d say for the most part it was pleasant - the biggest issue I ever ran into was having to pay rediculous high clan-territory taxes, but usually I could work out a deal, and it kept things interesting as I explored the universe. I miss those days, especially considering I spend most of my time with Freelancer working on it rather than playing it.
However, currently, yeah, I’ve heard stories of bad things here and there from other communities, and I’ve definitely had a few tough times with 88 Flak’s community - most players are fine by themselves, but for some reason some of them just do not get along at all with certain people, leaving the admins to diffuse the situation.
PvP in particular is a nightmare… Someone gets shot and all hell breaks loose. I don’t know what it is, considering a vast majority of the time the people in question are fine and don’t cause any trouble at all… Some personalities just don’t match, I guess. -
I believe it is also caused a bit by this stupid shit of mass MMORPGs - Many childs and lamers are playing those games or played (don’t want to say that every MMORPG freak is a lamer just continue to read pls) they only know to work TOGETHER in a world were every one can decide by himself - Instances, strong bosses etc. are part of the MMORPG world, and for this purporses they are creating groups.
However, in FL it is very different. They didn’t expect ppl to shot them just for fun, because havent calculated such a thing (pls don’t compare to FPS games this is a HUGE different and I believe in this way you can compare FL with MMORP games - In FPS games you have NO decision you have to shot your enemies to win - Which isn’t the case in FL -> Free decisions like in the mmoprgs) - just an additional theory.
(yeah I know there are PVP modes and/or servers but even there they arent fighting against each other the whole time (and not to mention that there are more players at no-pvp servers (afaik)) -
Joined just to post on this subject.
Ganking has been going on as long as i have been around a long time.
I left FL community a while back because of this same problem plus the flame"s.
It will never go away simple reason is the community is a lot smaller now than it was,Server owner"s dont want to lose player"s,Flame war"s have alway"s been a part of the FL community and in a sick way generate FL intrest and RP.
On the subject of MMORPGS many many ex FL player"s play these type of game"s now and with newer generation of these type of game"s they attract player"s from all the different community"s out in internet land.
Change with players starts with Clan leaders policing their members and telling them what is acceptable behavior. Unfortunately, alot of Clan leaders are lacking in leadership trait, instead get obsessed with ensuring their clan is the top dog on the server.
well said!
Sorry, but this is not just a Freelancer thing, any online game that has competitors is exactly alike. Especially, if they have a forum. This is one of the few games where I’ve seen people from ages 9 - 60+ playing a game. The younger players are at times hot heads (Alas, I’ve seen it the other way around too) and the older (wiser??) ones are more level headed (Seen this reversed too). Face it, with the different backgrounds, beliefs, temperaments, and etc of so many people there will be headbutting involved and a few derailments. What I see in the FL community is mods pitting mod makers and players from one server against mod makers and players from others (This also happens in any game that has mods). The petty bickering on “my mod is better than yours”, “my mod has done this”, “We have the biggest community”, “your mod sucks”, or “our mod has been around for……” The biggest tragedy is Freelancer is dying and when people see stuff like this, it turns them off and they shelve the game. I’m talking about our player base not new people (Our meaning the FL Community). Almost every time I see a mod posted there is always a idiot that says you don’t have this or that and even your a thief that is from so and so’s mod. As a mod maker I don’t get paid, I do this for fun and for the good of my community, but I have also helped other mod communities out as well with how I do things and give them models at times. Am I afraid that people will switch mods because the same features are in another mod?? Nope, thing is this would not be much of a Community if Mod Makers didn’t share how they do things. I think this actually should be titled Behavior of online gamers.
Well, as stated above, it seems taht this behaviour changed in the past years, so it wasnt always there (I can only speak for the FL comm not for general players because I didnt play that much MP different games in the past ^^)
@FM: Regarding the MMORPG thing, I was talking about some thing very different. I suggest you to read my post again if you missunderstood it (no offence)
And for ganking, if this was always the case, then I didn’t F1 when I got ganked (which I still continue to yet) - Maybe this has changed too.
My point about the MMORPG thing is this many Freelancer"s play these type of game"s and return to Freelancer under Alias name"s to cause havoc and they return with player"s who do cause trouble on server"s,most Server police/admins who confront these player"s enforce the rule"s but the player"s just move back from were they came from.
And yes the general behaviour of player"s has changed over the year"s from been very active in clan"s to been a solo flyer doing misson"s or just trade.The increase in ganking and of course the forever subject of been dock killed has alway"s caused problem"s now with undocking protection though most have gone.
On a good note though most player"s i no are old school and do not do any of the thing"s mentioned above