File Front
That is going to hurt a hell of a lot of gaming communities, so many of them have subdomains at filefront (I’ve plundered most of them over the years
lol, thats gunna hurt >.< and so the recession finally hits the net \o/ ¬_¬
Damn bad to hear that.
Sethernis of jolt server or a different one?
on topic, id say if you have anything uploaded there, download it again, i have =P
Damn bad to hear that.
Sethernis of jolt server or a different one?
on topic, id say if you have anything uploaded there, download it again, i have =P
No not that one sorry.
Salute to the best file hosting site I’ve come across. It supported so many games and mods, along with providing new demos for download at really fast speed. It will be missed.
Speaking of which I need to get the past 4 years worth of files off Filefront and onto my computer now.
Salute to the best file hosting site I’ve come across. It supported so many games and mods, along with providing new demos for download at really fast speed. It will be missed.
Speaking of which I need to get the past 4 years worth of files off Filefront and onto my computer now.
rofl, i got stuff on thier i forgot i even had
Might still be march 30th where they are located….
If thats the case then heavy fail is in order. ^^
mine too, but i have downloaded my Firefly Cocpkit and the DDS tool just in case it disappears,
lets drink some tea and have a sleep on it tonight, and tomorrow, they fool us, or i fool myself, man i don’t know what i should think about this, i mean, i would get fooled anyway, ;D
If it is a hoax there is going to be a lot of hacked off people. The sites hosting Armada II and Bridge Commander no longer have downloads. If it proves a hoax, there is going to be a lot of rebuilding to return to normal operation.
i am trying this one out as an Alt…so far so good
No popup ads – No Bs no Verify code to Dl
No Premium Mirror sites to sign up for …just a free acct… you have to register to get more control over your files
Direct linking works… Any file type
2GB Max File Size
only downside i see is they auto Delete if your file isnt downloaded every thirty days… But i can live with that
just download my files once a month.
I just tried It’s gone
No suprise. They’ve given people plenty of pre-warning and time to download and move stuff. Pretty silly to just store the one copy online though and not on a local hdd or optical disc…