File Front
okay, either the Filefront staff is forgetting something or they just failed on making good a April Fool
I’m still able to access the sites -
Might still be march 30th where they are located….
If thats the case then heavy fail is in order. ^^
hokay, i think this is no fool, Jedi Knight/STBC file entries are gone or a genius hoax? ???
mine too, but i have downloaded my Firefly Cocpkit and the DDS tool just in case it disappears,
lets drink some tea and have a sleep on it tonight, and tomorrow, they fool us, or i fool myself, man i don’t know what i should think about this, i mean, i would get fooled anyway, ;D
If it is a hoax there is going to be a lot of hacked off people. The sites hosting Armada II and Bridge Commander no longer have downloads. If it proves a hoax, there is going to be a lot of rebuilding to return to normal operation.
i am trying this one out as an Alt…so far so good
No popup ads – No Bs no Verify code to Dl
No Premium Mirror sites to sign up for …just a free acct… you have to register to get more control over your files
Direct linking works… Any file type
2GB Max File Size
only downside i see is they auto Delete if your file isnt downloaded every thirty days… But i can live with that
just download my files once a month.
I just tried It’s gone
yeah cant get my files anymore :-[
No suprise. They’ve given people plenty of pre-warning and time to download and move stuff. Pretty silly to just store the one copy online though and not on a local hdd or optical disc…
lol, i seem to live in a parallel reality connected to yours cos i still can access my 19 Files, lol
One day you can’t download anything, the next it’s all back working, even their forum staff haven’t a clue WTF is going on ???
really bad april fool? O.o
hehe, JK3 and STBC files all back online, FAIL
if this is rly a april fool, then the worst i’ve ever seen
this “manouver” was just too big for Filefront -
Oh… Its happening… just rather slow… and creepy…
A file will be there one min… you go to download it… its gone…Like some guy said on a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. site last night… “Its like watching the nothing gobble up fantasia”… only there’s no Morlok to fight… grrrrrrr… ever so slow… one by one… its all going away… sniff
Don’t know myself if the crystal castle still stands… Im too afraid to look… Artex is dead… my luckdragon gone…
And the oracle has forsaken me… This folks… is the end for Fansasia… better known as “Filefront”now… were’s my racing snail… hmmmm?? ::)
latest news folks
FileFront has been acquired by the original founders of the site and will NOT be suspended as previously announced. This is NOT an April Fool’s Joke.
After learning about Ziff Davis Media’s plan to shut down FileFront at the end of March, the original founders of FileFront made the decision to buy it back from Ziff Davis Media.
We’re happy to announce to the gaming community that as of today, April 1st, 2009, FileFront is a completely independent company again and is no longer part of Ziff Davis Media. All previously suspended services should be active and working again. We thank Ziff Davis Media for their cooperation and willingness to keep the site and community alive.
Due to the very unfortunate timing of this event and related announcements on March 24th and April 1st (April Fool’s Day), we’d like to make it perfectly clear that:
The March 24th announcement about FileFront shutting down was NOT an early April Fool’s joke and Ziff Davis Media had every intention of shutting down FileFront by the end of March.
This announcement about the original founders buying back FileFront from Ziff Davis Media is also NOT an April Fool’s joke.
We’re making this announcement on April 1st because the deal was completed today and we want to bring all services back online immediately.
We would NEVER shut down FileFront as an April Fool’s joke.
We are happy to be back!
FileFront has existed in one form or another (originally as FileLeech and Voodoo Extreme’s downloads) since 1997. In the last 12 years, FileFront has become the gaming community’s most comprehensive and trafficked library hosting millions of files for thousands of games while requiring no registration and providing uncapped download speeds. We look forward to improving FileFront and serving the gaming community for years to come.
Welcome home. Game On!
Email us,
Great news !! ;D
latest news folks
FileFront has been acquired by the original founders of the site and will NOT be suspended as previously announced. This is NOT an April Fool’s Joke.
After learning about Ziff Davis Media’s plan to shut down FileFront at the end of March, the original founders of FileFront made the decision to buy it back from Ziff Davis Media.
We’re happy to announce to the gaming community that as of today, April 1st, 2009, FileFront is a completely independent company again and is no longer part of Ziff Davis Media. All previously suspended services should be active and working again. We thank Ziff Davis Media for their cooperation and willingness to keep the site and community alive.
Due to the very unfortunate timing of this event and related announcements on March 24th and April 1st (April Fool’s Day), we’d like to make it perfectly clear that:
The March 24th announcement about FileFront shutting down was NOT an early April Fool’s joke and Ziff Davis Media had every intention of shutting down FileFront by the end of March.
This announcement about the original founders buying back FileFront from Ziff Davis Media is also NOT an April Fool’s joke.
We’re making this announcement on April 1st because the deal was completed today and we want to bring all services back online immediately.
We would NEVER shut down FileFront as an April Fool’s joke.
We are happy to be back!
FileFront has existed in one form or another (originally as FileLeech and Voodoo Extreme’s downloads) since 1997. In the last 12 years, FileFront has become the gaming community’s most comprehensive and trafficked library hosting millions of files for thousands of games while requiring no registration and providing uncapped download speeds. We look forward to improving FileFront and serving the gaming community for years to come.
Welcome home. Game On!
Email us,
;D Peace and Harmony returns to the net…. ahhhh
Um may i say… WOOOOOO!!! HOOOOOO!!! ;D
the best news i bring all year.