Disco Account Manager
It’s nice to see such quality competition for tools like this. With your utility, Hazard’s BioCross plus that Plasma program I’ve read about on freelancercommunity, there’s bound to be something for everyone!
Well done
;D Thanks… I love new toys… and this one looks tasty ;D
So i take it Mod intergations easy… as long as Ioncross is set right?
loool i supose i’ll find out in a few minutesNice work anyways ;D
So i take it Mod intergations easy… as long as Ioncross is set right?
As long as you have the IonCross files it should just work. I know it works with the discovery mod but I haven’t tried it with any others. If it doesn’t work let me know what the problem is and I’ll fix it.
I’ve just about finished a parser to extract all of the game data information from the mod so the program won’t need the IonCross game data files.
Version 0.2 of the disco account manager is out. It now has its very own project page on the forge. Get it here: http://forge.the-starport.net/gf/project/dam/
I will take requests for features, so if you want something let me know. As usual both the source and binaries are available.
Changes in brief:
Doesn’t need the IonCross game data files. Will scan your installation for strings and hashcodes and derive the information automatically. If you have Ioncross game data files then these will override the scanned values.
There’s a rather handy searchable hashcode window that shows all (okay most) of the hashcodes used in your mod. It’ll scan both bini and plain ini files for the information and correlates this with ids_name entries in your dlls. This might be helpful when you are trying to track down those pesky flserver and flspew errors.
The main window character list includes the character locations, charfile paths and account ids. This list is searchable and can help you track down who is in prison or find a particular character file if you don’t know the player name.
A few bug fixes: flhook socket comms, properties window problems and other random stuff.
Note this is still an alpha release. If you find a bug please report it. It is in use on a fairly busy server and seems to work at least as well as IFSO - for the things we use it for.
I’ve updated the link in the first post to point to the new location…
Ooh, this looks sexy. I’ll give it a whirl. =3
The next version is out. Lots of changes:
Added server status window.
Added player status window.
Added bulk character file editing.
Removed auto-update char file scan and replaced it with flhook supported char file scan on player login and logout.
Checks for corrupt character files. Scans the goods, equipment, and shiparch files to determine appropriate ship loadouts. Fixes some character file errors.
Fix for bugs when running in non-English locales.
Allow armor to be added in an un-armored ship.
Fixed torpedos being classified as guns rather than torpedos.
Fixed ammo being not classified as cargo.
Support for non-standard ‘data’ directory.
Fixed editing of ban reason.
Reads hardpoints from ship UTF and compares them to the shiparch.ini hardpoints.
Removed stupid click-once installer.
Get it here: http://forge.the-starport.net/gf/project/dam/ See the read me included in the release package for more information. The instructions for setup are a little terse. Post your questions, comments, bug reports and feature requests here.
Super! Loading to check…
Cannon, you wanna have my babies? …
Jeez, looks realy nice!!!
Cannon, you wanna have my babies? …
Worfeh, get in the queue …
From one who has to use this software regularly, it comes highly recommended.Hood
i would like to try it on my vacation and fire up my server again and play discovery 4.85
The project page is playing hide and seek with me. No alternate links?
Awesome, thanks Wodka.
And how to better compile?
What tools are needed?Edit: Has already found, thanks
My try to do something.
- .NET 3.5 (dunno how to properly compile for 2.0)
- “Save as Restart” button
- Link to SqlServerCe Client
- “Show original file” checkbox stays in position when window maximized
- = Alex =
P.S. Someone plz check on x86 Wintel Platforms, because we have not them at the moment
just a questionany way to have a flstat file generated buy Disco Account/process Manager ?
Flstaaaat with sorting and pages and direct upload to ftp?
Dunno, i am just learning.
Only Cannon or other C#/Web programmer may do it…
well, i want this :
it’s generated by ioncross here, or a .bat
but is there a chance to see it integrated in DS ? -
There are some statistics functions built into the program. They’re not quite in the same format as FLStat. I’ve been meaning to do this but never seem to find the time.
private void SendCommand(NetworkStream stream, string command, bool unicode) ```is declared twice - And it should be? Hmmmm…. one of them must be public? Aah, different classes...