Changing cockpit glass?
Hi everyone ;D
Recently i was asked to custom my clans chosen craft for the mod im making…
got the textures all sweet and just how i was asked… but i’ve got a small prob with the cockpit glass…The ships in question are Firebase’s “phantom” & “ravenclaw” direct from the FBshippack
they don’t actualy use a texture for the glass it seems… its some cut down reference instead to “glass”I got it to work in the mid section screen when you buy the ship… but on the pad and in space… its empty
Gota run and do some RL stuff for a few hours… but i’ll post pics when i get back if that helpsI know its something real simple… but without an actual texture to wrangle im stumped…
I seem to remember the original versions of those ships had some issues with cockpit glass. Nightstalker did a rebuild of those models quite some time ago and by that i mean a few years back which fixed all of those problems. Can’t remember what he did though
Is ok… i seem to have it kind of working… shows up in shipdealer pad as well
and now i actualy have a translucent cockpit in space… hmm …think im missing a node realy… but i have no clue what one… I’ll get it ;D
or i’ll just revert “back to black” wich is all ive really done anyway… made them shiny black
with glowy blue symbols, we just wanted the glass to be blue or red… i chose redThanks Gibbon ;D
small note reguarding Firebase, he DOES NOT allow ppl to modify his models without his permission, this includes reskins & hardpoints.
iirc the glass is done the same way DA did it, the material will have 3 nodes, “type”, “Dc” & “Oc”, “type” will be “DcDtOcOt”, the “Dc” node will have 3 lines for the RGB color (0.000000 to 1.000000) and 1 line set to 0.000000. The “Oc” node will have 1 line for the transparancy (0.000000 to 1.000000) and another line set to 0.000000.
I do remember this problem, but as I didnt have Andy’s permission to modify his models I never tried to fix them.
Um… thanks… i think…
pretty pointless if i cant get a hold of Firebase m8…
All i’ve done is make em darker… the “originals” still stand… and are with the LSF as per the mod…
this was just a variant… but why bother when ppl are not findable/active in FL comunity… yet might just come back to
rip me a new one if i touch it… so the ship (HP wise) is perfect is it? one size fits all mods… c’mon thats just … cant find a word really… but its silly…We need to Re-HP ! all modders do! otherwise the fancy stuff don’t work. so im to leave all Firebase ships without cloaks,addons… and “fixes” when the error checker tells us so…
Food for thought…
Just forget i even asked…
Not sure what email addy you have for him, but the one I used was fire_base <at>hotmail <dot>com, mind you that was January 2006
For most of the models we have, yes you can get away with redoing hardpoints & the odd reskin, but we did have a couple of modellers that were “fussy” about what happened to thier models, and Firebase was one of those.
I dare say that since HardCMP came along he wouldn’t be to upset at ppl redoing hardpoints, as you don’t have to rip the mesh from the CMP with it (easiest way to do hardpoints in the old days). Reskins are different, I can’t remember who it was but one of the older mod teams got chewed out for reskinning the “claw” without permission.Question for you, how did you clone the ship to avoid material CRC conflicts between your reskin & the originals.</dot></at>
FL Model Cloner m8…
haven’t tested them against the LSF yet… that would show me if it worked or not…
was waiting to install the glass 1stn’ sorry for my grumpy… i have a rather painful flu…
Tried contacting him years ago… the Firebase LSF mod was the first “addition” to my mod … over 2 years ago…
just got a non delivery notice… i get that alot these days… and its kinda a pet peeve…I’ll sit on this for now… & decide latter when im well what to do…
Thank you both for the info… as im sure it’ll come in handy -
A long while ago WTS got permission to use other Firebase ships
not included in the shippack.The reply was - if i remember correct - something like
“Go ahead - but keep a LF a LF and don’t change it to something absurd”.I doubt, they would mind a fix or a change of color.