Ehrm whats that?^^
Ok LOL and sry for doubleposting
i pasted the CRC code wrong into FLDev >_>"
Now i find the critical entry: ge_lbd_engine_01
[Engine] nickname = ge_lbd_engine_01 ids_name = 263889 ids_info = 264889 volume = 0.000000 mass = 0 max_force = 3000000 linear_drag = 100000 power_usage = 0 reverse_fraction = 0.100000 flame_effect = gf_li_largeengine02 trail_effect = gf_br_atransport_engine01_trail trail_effect_player = gf_br_atransport_engine01_trail character_start_sound = engine_li_freighter_start character_loop_sound = engine_li_freighter_loop character_pitch_range = -50, 25 rumble_sound = rumble_battleship rumble_atten_range = -5, 5 rumble_pitch_range = -5, 5 engine_kill_sound = engine_li_freighter_kill cruise_start_sound = engine_li_cruise_start cruise_loop_sound = engine_li_cruise_loop cruise_stop_sound = engine_li_cruise_stop cruise_disrupt_sound = cruise_disrupt cruise_backfire_sound = cruise_backfire cruise_disrupt_effect = gf_li_cruisedisruption cruise_charge_time = 5 cruise_power_usage = 0 indestructible = false outside_cone_attenuation = -3 inside_sound_cone = 225 outside_sound_cone = 600
but everything looks fine towards me.
Try Lancer Solurus OUTSTANDING errorchecker
and the CRC Tool - i suppose thise: -
to check 4 those server error.With the given info I d bet, one of the encounters (ie. one npc loadout ) in the system you entered is buggy.
Yeah see my second post^^
Now i tried it other systems, too (f.e. NY, O. Theta, Tau 31)
Everytime i spawn, jump or beam there the server crashes.
Even in a system without NPCsAnd the only file containing “ge_lbd_engine_01” is the engine_equip.ini
No its not.
Now I’ve started FL (windowed mode) on the left screen and the server with console view on the other screen.
(long story without sence^^)
The message is printed while undocking.
Then i can fly around, shoot someone or smth. else.But when i got killed and respawn + undock. Then the server say good bye.
You say you start the server, is it just the server and no server software like Ioncross or FLHook? Reason i ask is if you have the 1.1 patch applied, you’re using an engine that isn’t normally for player use which is why you’re getting kicked as it’s on the banned item of goods. If you use Ioncross for instance, then you can set the engine to be useable and not get kicked everytime you use it. Try flying the ship with a standard engine like a Rheinland Freighter engine and see if you get kicked then
Or… make new one
I’ve running FLHook 1.6.5, so i have 1.1 Patch.
And im not using the engine.
But now i make a new one like : wtf_dont_crash_engine_01
and put it into the special_loadouts.ini. (cause just there its used)see ya later^^
I did this and then:
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CEqObj.cpp(463) : *** WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0xa91e7ec5] not supported/equippable! ```…. 0xa91e7ec5 = wtf_dont_crash_engine_01
But now i make a new one like : wtf_dont_crash_engine_01
and put it into the special_loadouts.ini. (cause just there its used)Ok, why would you put the engine there unless it’s an npc ship? Are we talking npc ship or player ship? If player ship then it MUST GO IN THE GOODS.INI All flyable ship loadouts go in that file and nowhere else.
If it’s an npc, then things are different. Obviously it would then go in the loadouts_special.ini.
i dont f***ing use this engine in any way. >.<
But it seems the Server do something with it.
Its in vanilla FL for the Liberty Dreadnoughts.
Its in every FL installation. -
Yeah see my second post^^
Now i tried it other systems, too (f.e. NY, O. Theta, Tau 31)
Everytime i spawn, jump or beam there the server crashes.
Even in a system without NPCsAnd the only file containing “ge_lbd_engine_01” is the engine_equip.ini
If you get crash after jump, then i recommend to check the Missions/faction_prop.ini, and npcships.ini and cmp-shiparch-goods with Freelancer Error checker, i had same problems after jumping.
3DSound on/off? -
Right… on the Jumpcrash thing…
I had a bad prob with NY->TX … went through it all… tore out lots of hair…
All it was was 1 level of Outcast with a dodgy loadout trying to fire… that simple…@ MoD… Gibbs right m8… no need to put anything “extra” in the loadout ini’s
that’s all for NPC’s. Perfectly “legal” to have a player in the same ship with a differing engine than
the NPC’s have ;D and wrong/strange data in the NPC loadouts will certianly crash FL well and good!BTW… hope its working well… seems ye having fun with them 'eh… hehe…
Right… on the Jumpcrash thing…
I had a bad prob with NY->TX … went through it all… tore out lots of hair…
All it was was 1 level of Outcast with a dodgy loadout trying to fire… that simple…@ MoD… Gibbs right m8… no need to put anything “extra” in the loadout ini’s
that’s all for NPC’s. Perfectly “legal” to have a player in the same ship with a differing engine than
the NPC’s have ;D and wrong/strange data in the NPC loadouts will certianly crash FL well and good!BTW… hope its working well… seems ye having fun with them 'eh… hehe…
Yes mate same here with texas-ny, and more
@MoD: i have never tried server or multi and such, but if you can, then try this mod in open singleplayer. If you got crash there also, then not server problem.
The second, i dont know if it has a shield or not, but if it has then make sure the type of the shield is fits to the shiparch.ini and for npcs it does need to add “npc_” tag at the front of the shield type.
@Xarian: could you tell me which outcast loadout was buggy? -
lolz… sry m8 shoulda said “custom” loadout… hehe
Ive changed almost every faction… I just somehow left a turret were there was none on the custom ship…
Lancers Error checker will give you a full complete listing of any (if at all) loadout problems… one might skip past this section thinking “it cant really harm FL”… but Alas!!.. yes it can… and more often than not… Its the whole cause of a CTD…
or 2… or 3… heheSo id go through it with a fine tooth comb after a “check” with the EC… Rouges are known to have the same issue…
Also if using custom ships… that HpBayDoor (or lack therein of) can cause a CTD if enough NPC’s are using tractors (NPC tractor hack) and some don’t have this onboard. -
But i didnt modifie any of these files, except the engine_equip.ini for adding new engines. >.<
Now I’ve tried the mod without the engine_equip.ini and still the same problem with ge_lbd_engine01.
ok just scanned my files for “ge_lbd_engine01” … hmm
I find no “ge_lbd_engine01”… but i do find a “ge_lbd_engine_01”
look for the same dealy in yours… if you have a ge_lbd_engine_01 and no ge_lbd_engine01 in your engine_equip.ini then weve solved it…
simply put the _ wherever ge_lbd_engine01 exists… either Goods.ini or your loadouts
umm… that was possiby “mybad”… maybe i should check myself … lol :-[ Â
What i meant was “ge_lbd_engine_01”, just too fast writing
And ge_lbd_engine_01 isnt in the goods, either.Why is it " not supported/equippable!" when its the vanilla one.
I suggest to take working engine from any ship and to make search it in contents of files in a folder Data, then to do the same with ge_lbd_engine_01.
Next - compare results and fix/add sections contains ge_lbd_engine_01 according working engine.
Same Error
I already tried to simply remove the engine from the loadout where its equiped to:
Undock first time = no errors -> undocked second time = server crashWhere can i find the clientside error logs??