Gun fire limit?
Has anyone come across a simultaneous guns firing limit of 32?
I can mount more than 40 weapons on a ship, and I can fire all of them one by one, or in any combination of them, but if I fire 33 of them or more at the same time FL crashes, usually with no message. On 2 crashes I had the message WARNING: glEnd invalid vertex mode (0xFFFFFFFF) but this may be conicidental.
I haven’t personally experienced it, but yes I know of the 32 gun limit. I’m not sure if a workaround is available, but I know that practically every single mod I’ve worked on has worked inside this limit, rather than just making the limit higher, if that is even possible.
I don’t know what the mechanics are behind it, but I’m sure some of the more knowledgable people of the forums will have an answer.
I personally would not use more than 14-16 guns/turrets on one ship cause to many guns with to many projectiles are causing vid and serverlag.
I’ve played with this a long time ago on NewUniverse 1.3 and 1.4 and we found out that 2-3 battleships with to many weapons are causing lag for anyone near the battle.I would prefer u to reduce the amount of turrets/guns and make them a bit stronger, that will have the same damage result.
Here it is
It is possible to have:
32 Guns/Turrets
32 Torpedoes
32 MinesIn my mod, I don’t use mines so I renamed the Mine slot to CIWS and use Flaks and short range defense type weapons on them. A couple of ships have 4 Guns/28 Turrets/8 CIWS and about 10 Torps. There has to be a hex value assigned to this, it just has to be found.
Like Midhunter I would not recommend putting more than 30 weapons on a ship because of the lag it may cause, especially 2 barrelled turrets and homing weapons.
I originally put 30 turrets on battleships but reduced it down to 20 in order to keep the server running smoothly when 2 or more battleships are fighting.