[Freelancer Mod News]Jason's Freelancer Patch
regarding the widescreen-solutions: I hope you have changed the settings in the perfoptions.ini? Moreover, be careful with the freelancer.ini as some anti-cheat measures will detect it as cheat, for instance, Hamburg City. -
@Bas: Hamburg City asked for and received a custom jflp.dll to provide a cameras.ini anti-cheat (ignore fovx/fovy, always calculate it). There should not have been a need to change perfoptions.ini, but apparently I do have a bug if Gibbon isn’t seeing his resolution. I don’t change *fonts.ini like the previous widescreen solutions, since the patch uses the height or equivalent 4:3 width. I just hope I got them all…
Oops, there is a bug. I changed my desktop to 1280x800 and it didn’t show up, although the list was successfully patched. Now why didn’t I think to test that before I released it.
@Gibbon: Get the stats working, at least?
As you may know, FL Hack has an option to put the sector letter first, which seems to be preferred. Should I remove it from FL Hack and fix it into JFLP?
BTW, if there’s no negative responses on the 8-Way Strafe topic, that shall also be incorporated into the next release of JFLP.
@RimShot: Looking at the customised ship info used by Evolutions 1.30, it’d pretty much require another plugin for the format, so I might wimp out of that. Should still be able to combine ids_info2 + ids_info3 to make ids_info, though…Ah, but they use different “Stats” lines. Bugger it.
I could do the next best thing and write a separate program that scans shiparch.ini and creates the infocards. Of course, the same problems exist, but they’d be a lot easier to manage outside of Freelancer. I find it hard to believe that such a thing hasn’t already been done, but admittedly I haven’t looked.
I’ve put up the new version of jflp.dll. It fixes the widescreen problem, adds the 8-way strafe and puts the sector letter first (FL Hack can be used to put the number first). The cameras.ini anti-cheat version is also included. The resources have also been updated, using En Dash instead of Hyphen-Minus for the jump gate arrows (jflp.dll does it for the trade lane).
Regarding the DLL portion of your mod - do you know if it can be forcefully loaded and/or unloaded without causing the game to crash and burn?
ProcyonHook, a client-side element for the server I help run is designed first and foremost as an anticheat solution - given the addition of eight way strafe to your DLL, we’re probably going to have future versions unload any unrecognized DLLs upon connecting to our server (restoring them once the player has disconnected).
ProcyonHook itself is designed to be able to be loaded and unloaded as needed without causing any problems, however we’ve noticed during testing that the same cannot be said for many other client-side DLL hooks.
Any information that could lead to peaceful cooperation between the two DLLs would be appreciated.
Excellent, means i can remove at least one dll from my growing library lol
On the widescreen front i’m getting this.
1280x960 non widescreen - As it should be
1680x1050 widescreen
The ingame visuals are as they are supposed to be but the HUD and menu sizes are way off.
Do these need to be resized manually or does your dll do the job?
@Gibbon: jflp.dll will do it, but only if fovx is set to 0 in cameras.ini (or you use jflpac.dll). BTW, as with the other ws solutions, it is still necessary to load a game to force the new camera values to be read. The initial intro will also remain 4:3, since the cameras are initialised before the resolution is set; fortunately, WinCamera is handled differently, so the menus are okay.
@Sion: as it stands, I don’t think loading it (at any time) will cause problems, but unloading it definitely will, since Freelancer will still point to now non-existent code. I guess I could add the necessary “undo” code on unload, or if you really want cooperation, add entry points to enable/disable stuff. As for 8-way strafe, well, if you already disallow vertical strafe, it won’t work anyway. And I did ask if it should be included, you should have spoken up sooner.
(I had intended to wait longer, but wanted to get the widescreen fix released, so while I was there…)
I guess I could add the necessary “undo” code on unload
If you could do that, it’d be really awesome, and appreciated - with client hooks being on the upswing, it’d be really nice if they were all capable of such things, as it’d be very nice if a client-side anticheat hook were able to simply unload unrecognized libraries upon connecting to the server it’s linked with, without fear of side effects.
As for 8-way strafe, well, if you already disallow vertical strafe, it won’t work anyway.
Aye, we’re just starting to get a bit wary of the potential for… ‘unfriendly’ client hooks in general to spring up in general - I probably didn’t do a very good job of communicating that however.
At any rate, I apologize for the semi-derailment.
@Sion: Fair enough, I’ll add it to jflp.dll and keep it in mind for any future hooks.
@Nos#Fi: Do you want that as an alternative jflp.dll or standalone? Actually, I’ve had second thoughts and won’t add it to jflp.dll, so I hope standalone is okay. I could even just provide the hex-edit for it, so you could add it to your own dll…
Freelancer.exe C7A42: 12 C7A47: 83 F9 03 73 09 51 8B C8 FF 15 80 64 5C 00 C3 ```That will prevent vertical strafe from working (untested). Change the 03 to 00 to disable strafing altogether. Since you haven't asked, I guess you're trying to modify your own dll to fit in with mine?
adoxa wrote:
@Sion: Fair enough, I’ll add it to jflp.dll and keep it in mind for any future hooks.Thank you, it is very greatly appreciated.
As mentioned, or own hook works in the same way (it can be unloaded without problems), but takes this one step further by applying only a bare minimum of modifications to the game unless connected to our own server, so as to minimize the potential for our hook to clash with another - something I think that everyone in the Freelancer community that does work with client hooking should keep in mind to some degree or another.
Again, thanks for hearing me out.
I’ve just put up version 1.11 of jflp.dll. If MultiCruise is being used, cruise speed will be included as part of the Engine stats.