Alcander's Freelimits
And a last question, would be possible to make engines class and level selective like shields are?
Find attached my first version. It will only work with 1.1 (common.dll). It adds hp_type to [Power] and [Engine], using the same format as the shield (hp_fighter_power_special_1, hp_elite_engine_special10). Any engine/power without hp_type will be universal. The shiparch shield type is also used for the engine and power - so much so that you have to unmount the shield in order to buy/mount a new engine or powerplant. The supplied FLMM script adds the necessary change to dacom.ini (essential) and adds Eagle and Patriot engine/power goods, buyable on Manhattan (for those wanting to test without already having them). Not much testing has been done, so there could be some things I’ve missed. Now I’ll see if I can get it to work by adding appropriate hp_type lines to shiparch…
Whoa adoxa! That’s pretty impressive! Had already lost my hope on this…
Works as you said… it’s only downside is having to unmount the shield in order equip a engine or powerplant…
I wish I could help… but i only have a basic understanding of C language and absolute no idea of what you are doing into the FL processes…
Many thanks for going down on this subject…
adoxa wrote:
And a last question, would be possible to make engines class and level selective like shields are?
Find attached my first version. It will only work with 1.1 (common.dll). It adds hp_type to [Power] and [Engine], using the same format as the shield (hp_fighter_power_special_1, hp_elite_engine_special10). Any engine/power without hp_type will be universal. The shiparch shield type is also used for the engine and power - so much so that you have to unmount the shield in order to buy/mount a new engine or powerplant. The supplied FLMM script adds the necessary change to dacom.ini (essential) and adds Eagle and Patriot engine/power goods, buyable on Manhattan (for those wanting to test without already having them). Not much testing has been done, so there could be some things I’ve missed. Now I’ll see if I can get it to work by adding appropriate hp_type lines to shiparch…
Dont forget Scanner and beam and armor please^^
I figured scanner/tractor beam/armor would be universal, so didn’t worry about it. But if you want it, I’ll go ahead and add it, since it shouldn’t take much. They’ll all still use the shield, though, and no, unmounting the shield can’t be helped.
The second version isn’t looking good. I’ve managed to make it display what type it is (like in “Elite Engine-Class 10”), but that’s using External Equipment, not Internal, and it doesn’t show up in the mount point. I’ll keep trying, but don’t get your hopes up.
Another possibility could be to make more than 10 shield classes? It’d still be the same HP type, but you could use, say, 1 to 10 for shields, 11 to 15 for power and 16 to 20 for scanners (just an example).
Don’t know the inner workings of what you’re doing, but I thought it could be an alternative.
The main problem lies in internal equipment not having a hard point, but one is required to make all this work. That’s where the second version comes in, if I can get it working…
Now that you bring it up, though, shouldn’t be that difficult to extend what I’ve done to add additional types (gunboat, cruiser, battleship, whatever) and more classes (but isn’t 10 enough?) to all the existing hard points.
maybe… if you just let the shield slot empty and create a new one for the shields to be mounted much like you are doing with the engines, power plants, etc…
i don’ t know it’s just an idea… well, at least every internal would be in the same basket…
does it make sense?
Sorted it out, so find attached EngClass2 (although it’s still engclass.dll). Engines and Powerplants are now truly mountable equipment. Hope you all can follow my instructions okay, 'cos if you get it wrong, they won’t work right…
Now, how far would you like to see this developed? I was thinking may as well go all the way. That means every item of equipment has five types and 20 classes. The types are no type (like the guns and turrets are now), fighter, elite, freighter and capital. Would you like guns and missiles to become separate types? I was also going to have five “user” items, available for whatever you want (such as Evolutions shield capacitor/generator and power booster). I’d also move Armor into External Equipment.
adoxa wrote:
Now, how far would you like to see this developed? I was thinking may as well go all the way. That means every item of equipment has five types and 20 classes. The types are no type (like the guns and turrets are now), fighter, elite, freighter and capital. Would you like guns and missiles to become separate types? I was also going to have five “user” items, available for whatever you want (such as Evolutions shield capacitor/generator and power booster). I’d also move Armor into External Equipment.Yes!
It would make expanding choices easy without crazy FLHook/FLAC mounting group plugins. The inability to create new hardpoint types/classes was the reason for these plugins in the first place. With this patch, it fixes it all.
hp_capital_armor_special_1-10 -
a very nice peice of work
can I add seperate classes for torpedos 1-10 and mines to the list. torps especially and capital class torps / flak weapons