Alcander's Freelimits
Sweet… another nagging longtime FL limitation quashed!!
Thankx Adoxa this should provide some … interesting work this week for me (lol)
Tiny Problem… not shure if this is how its meant to work though…
I took pics to show easy what’s going down…Oki as you can see… its works… just wont mount here’s the relevant code…
For the ship
addon = xc_hf_engine, Hpxx01, 1
addon = basic_vhf01, Hpxx02, 1
hp_type = hp_fighter_engine_special_1, Hpxx01
hp_type = hp_fighter_power_special_1, Hpxx02Engine & Powerplant
nickname = xc_hf_engine
ids_name = 590022
ids_info = 589964
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
max_force = 98000
linear_drag = 599
power_usage = 0
reverse_fraction = 0.400000
cruise_charge_time = 5.000000
cruise_power_usage = 100
flame_effect = gf_br_smallengine01_fire
trail_effect = gf_br_smallengine01_trail
trail_effect_player = gf_br_smallengine01_playtrail
cruise_disrupt_effect = xc_md_cruisedisruption
cruise_speed = 500
character_start_sound = engine_ku_freighter_start
character_loop_sound = engine_no_loop
character_pitch_range = -50, 25
rumble_sound = rumble_nomad
rumble_atten_range = -5, 0
rumble_pitch_range = -25, 25
engine_kill_sound = engine_oe_h_fighter_kill
cruise_start_sound = engine_oe_h_fighter_start
cruise_loop_sound = engine_oe_h_fighter_loop
cruise_stop_sound = engine_ci_cruise_stop
cruise_disrupt_sound = cruise_disrupt
cruise_backfire_sound = cruise_backfire
indestructible = false
outside_cone_attenuation = -3
inside_sound_cone = 60
outside_sound_cone = 180
lootable = false
HP_child = HPConnect
hp_type = hp_fighter_engine_special_1
DA_archetype = equipment\models\HARDWARE\nomad_power_cell.3db
material_library = ships\nomad\nomad_fx.txm[Power]
nickname = Basic_VHF01
ids_name = 590681
ids_info = 590008
volume = 0
mass = 10
DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\li_fusion_reactor.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat
capacity = 17500
charge_rate = 3200
thrust_capacity = 1800
thrust_charge_rate = 180
lootable = false
hp_type = hp_fighter_power_special_1[Good]
nickname = xc_hf_engine
ids_name = 590022
ids_info = 589964
equipment = xc_hf_engine
price = 1500000
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\equipicon_engine.3db
shop_archetype = equipment\models\commodities\crates\crate_grey.3db
category = equipment
combinable = false[Good]
nickname = Basic_VHF01
ids_name = 590681
ids_info = 590008
equipment = Basic_VHF01
price = 1500000
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\equipicon_powerplant.3db
shop_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\li_fusion_reactor.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat
category = equipment
combinable = falsePowerplant works… Ive had switchable ones for a while now… it’s nice to be able to level them though… Just the engine’s…
Awesome as always Adoxa!
8-)EDIT: just to let know… I’ve tryed different HP*** 's including the Engine one… Ive got min 5 HPxx aready on all my ships so it just works easyer for this test (or just easyer…) For this… i grabed my newest ships and altered a few to enable swaping engines over per the instuctions (and the start ship as well).
Is there a proper place i should place my Engine Good data… currently its in “Engine_Good.ini” maybe putting them elsewhere might fix/help ie: misc_good.ini… there’s about 6 different things that could be the issue… im betting its the “simplest”… as freakin always… lol but i dont wanna fix untill im shure… as thats a ton of work for a “maybe”
Even though you do need attachment_archetype, that’s not what’s causing this problem. You should not be seeing the engine doubled, as shown in the first pic. Works fine for me, copying your goods entries, but using the normal Patriot equipment. I don’t know, did you actually replace the addon line, not add a new one? Can’t really think of anything else, other than a conflict with another plugin, but that would probably just crash.
Regarding hardpoints, for the third version I was hoping to create “dynamic” hardpoints, at least for the internal equipment. A quick test using non-existent HpPower shows it could work. Since I didn’t find out how to add it to the ship itself, I think it’d be easier to specify the additional hardpoints in another ini file (DATA\EQUIPMENT\hp_type.ini). That would allow for meaningful tractor beam, scanner, armor and power hardpoint names without needing to modify all the ships (assuming HpEngine01 is already available).
double mount bug?
And btw - GREAT WORK.
It’s a .dll conflict
after some altering of the load order It works… but then breaks the Multicruise… hmm…
Placing it before works and engine mounts (with sound) but all my engines are set to my constant.
Placing it after means the Multicruise works… but then the Engine won’t mount properly and is confusing (not for me… but for any that would be “playing” the mod…)
I can live with the bug… 8-) Just thought i’d tell what i just found…
Other than that… its all sweet -
I’ve updated the attachment again. Put MultiCruise.dll first, then engclass.dll and all should be well.
Sweet… thanks a zillion for fixing this conflict… but she ain’t there m8ty… Been over 12 hour now… something go wrong?
Gonna play with your Territory and gatelock .dlls today… I’ll let ye know if any more problems occur, not that there should be… Multicruise conflict makes sense… nothing else in my dacom that “should” interfere with the extras.
Thankx Adoxa
Don’t tell me… It was sitting on your site the whole time…
Ba!hahahahahahaha… silly me…
EDIT: Did as ye say… but immediately after changing the load order i now get CTD’d untill Multicruise is placed back after the engclass…
Any chance of of you two guys getting together and compiling the works in the near future? Or something of the like…
Works great now
Did i spot a freighter class in the source… is that working at moment?
Iit’s kind of a off topic request but since the project is getting so big…
Is it possible to add a light pack mount point? would be kind of a pimping feature, to be able to change those slowsmalwhite for slowsmallpurple or etc…
packs would have generically around 20 lights, can cause any issues if mounted on ships with only 7 our 8 RunningLight Hps?
Here’s what I currently plan to do with the hardpoints, so you can start planning yourself… The types available are:
- hp_EQUIP_special
- hp_EQUIP_special_N
- hp_TYPE_EQUIP_special
- hp_TYPE_EQUIP_special_N
where N is from 1 to 20; TYPE is one of fighter, elite, freighter, capital; and EQUIP is one of gun, missile, turret, torpedo, disruptor, mine, cm, shield, thruster, power, engine, tractor, scanner, armor, user1 to user5. By default, gun will still be labeled as Gun/Missile and torpedo as Torpedo/Disruptor, but an option will override that. Another option will allow remapping classes 11 to 20 as 1 to 10, or having four groups of five (you’ll have to rename the actual labels yourself, though). Finally, there will be “softpoints”, which are the dynamic hardpoints mentioned earlier.