Theres Multicruise, but …
It doesn’t look like it would be very difficult for each launcher to have its own limit, if that would be sufficient. … Clarifying that, it would still apply to the equipment as a whole, not an individual mount. So if you have two Javelin launchers, you’d still only be able to have 50 missiles, not 50 for each. Hm, actually, I think I could change that, too…
As far as the ship goes, it depends how much control you want. Having an overall limit would be far easier to specify than individual limits. By overall limit, I mean if the ship is limited to 50, and if each launcher also has a limit of 50, you could then have 50 missiles or torps, or 25 of each.
Here’s the version that provides a limit for each ammo. It adds an ammo_limit = limit value to [Munition], [Mine] and [Countermeasure] sections (add it after nickname). If absent, it defaults to MAX_PLAYER_AMMO. Limit may start with ***** or / to scale MAX_PLAYER_AMMO (e.g. if it’s 50, *ammo_limit = 1.5 makes the limit 75; ammo_limit = /4 makes it 12). As usual, copy ammolimit.dll to your EXE directory and add it to [Libraries] in dacom.ini. It will only work with version 1.1 of common.dll.
Combine… this & the engclasss, dual missiles & multicruise… yeah… that’d rock! 8-)
I’m afraid it’s the whole server which is quite falling apart. It’s probably the reason behind both the attachment issue and the downloads area one, and there isn’t much to do about it for now.
Yes, I cannot download it either I’m afraid, nor me neither!! …
I wonder if it’s this server that’s causing my surs to fail too…??? !!!