Removing the level cap in SP ?
Hello everyone.
I’m looking for a mod, or informations about making a mod, that simply do away with the SP storyline requirement for the leveling up.
I do NOT want to remove SP - I play exclusively SP - but I’d like to be able to level up at my own pace, and not be limited by the missions.I suppose it must be rather trivial if you know what you’re doing, but I’ve never attempted to mod Freelancer before, so I’m at a complete loss.
Any help appreciated, thanks in advance
It aint trivial… 8-)
you mean between missions right? as the next mission trigger is based off player “value” set in the overall level structure. a fair feat and one im still yet to nail down…
Forsaken has played with this recently as has rasuul… I myself have to “get back to it” soon… so im seconding this request
Im still yet to see a tut covering levels and $$ in SP… many threads… but no stand alone tut. (apart from the SP mission bible) tractoring loot can raise levels too… love to see a tut covering loot params and how they affect player value/level… its all just gueswork here, lol
Xarian_Prime wrote:
It aint trivial… 8-)you mean between missions right? as the next mission trigger is based off player “value” set in the overall level structure. a fair feat and one im still yet to nail down…
Well, I mean that many times, you can’t get your level up until you do some storyline mission (the “level up” condition is doing the mission, rather than accumulating wealth).
That’s very irritating and prevents you from accessing many content in the game until you actually finish it, which kinda defeat the point.
Try my “No Story” save game or SP from MP program on my site. They both start a new game without the story, but with different reputations. You can control the worth required to level up via DATA\MISSIONS\ptough.ini.
@Xarian: Have you seen this? It’s a plugin that triples the requirement between levels.
nice m8
when you got some spare time… i’d love an .ini driven version
but only when… your already doing great things atm that i don’t wanna distract ye from.
adoxa wrote:
Try my “No Story” save game or SP from MP program on my site. They both start a new game without the story, but with different reputations. You can control the worth required to level up via DATA\MISSIONS\ptough.ini.@Xarian: Have you seen this? It’s a plugin that triples the requirement between levels.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I’d like to remind that I specifically asked that I do NOT want to remove the SP.
I want to actually play the SP, but simply without the “mission requirement” on the levels.Forsaken wrote:
I think he might be referring to the inability to purchase equipment above his level. If this is the case, all he has to do is go into the market files and remove the level requirements for all of the equipment.That’s a possible way, yes. Thanks for the pointer
I may end up doing it, but I’d still prefer to have to earn the levels if possible.adoxa wrote:
Or use FL Hack.Mmh, I don’t know about this. Could you give me more information, please ?
Yep… FLHack is groovy
if your just playing stock FL… its even groovyer
Ignore the “false positive” if you get it… I’ve scanned it with a few different AV’s… it trully is a “false possitive” & nothing to worry about.