Regarding MODDB Mod of the Year 2009
Ah, well shameless plugs are to be expected - but this can be negated if people post their top 3
Even mod creators can (or certainly used, well, maybe apart from Reynen) be able to point people towards their favourite mods
Always poked people towards Giskard’s Hostile Universe, Crabtree’s WCN (from memory) and Michael Dan’s rebalance. Heck, even TNG
So top 3 mitigates a mere plug, as they’ll give 2 other competitors mods that they respect/enjoy. There is no benefit in trying to send me to crap ones either - as it is then obvious that their intent is soley selfish
There are 4 Freelancer mods in Top-100 this time. Which are, Crossfire, Discovery, Shattered Worlds (in Released category) and Freeworlds (in Upcoming category).
List is here: think it’s worth a front page news post here on Starport, can prepare one if it’s necessary (about all mods, not Discovery).
Anyway, interesting thing is the number of Top-100 mods for games that were in the Top-6 by the number of votes. I did a brief count, and here’s what we got (bot for released and unreleased):
Half-Life 2 (1st place):
31 modFreelancer (2nd place):
4 modsBattlefield 2 (3rd place):
1 modHalf-Life (4th place):
4 modsC&C Generals: Zero Hour (5th place):
7 modsC&C3 Tiberium Wars (6th place):
7 mods -
Firstly, congrats to all the mods voted in the Top 100. You guys definitely deserve the accolades.
In terms of what you’re saying, Igiss, I totally agree. It’s a bit strange that more FL mods weren’t voted in the top 100 considering how many votes we did get. I wonder if they rigged it a little? That being said, we still did a great job as a community getting our votes in and they cannot take that way from us!
And I’d also love to see this on the front page
Sushi wrote:
Firstly, congrats to all the mods voted in the Top 100. You guys definitely deserve the accolades.In terms of what you’re saying, Igiss, I totally agree. It’s a bit strange that more FL mods weren’t voted in the top 100 considering how many votes we did get. I wonder if they rigged it a little? That being said, we still did a great job as a community getting our votes in and they cannot take that way from us!
And I’d also love to see this on the front page
u have used my words
I tend to agree with R8R that the votes are not manipulated in any way. For example, Battlefield 2 has only one mod in Top-100. Yet, it was #3 in the vote (beating Half-Life a couple of days before the end of the vote).
This is probably related to vote distribution. When hundreds of votes go dozens of less popular mods, it probably works worse than voting for a dozen most popular ones. IMO, it could work better if a dozen mods were selected and promoted by all communities. Being number 2 among games per vote number, we could easily bring some 6-8 mods into the Top-100. But that’s hardly realistic…
Anyway, even having four is a progress, I think FL never had that many.
Ya, we’ve doubled the amount of mods we had in last year. What’s even better is that we’re not limited to voting for three mods only this year. I voted for all the FL mods again
Just voted myself, good luck to all ! :pint:
Igiss wrote:
This is probably related to vote distribution. When hundreds of votes go dozens of less popular mods, it probably works worse than voting for a dozen most popular ones. IMO, it could work better if a dozen mods were selected and promoted by all communities. Being number 2 among games per vote number, we could easily bring some 6-8 mods into the Top-100. But that’s hardly realistic…Is not everyone free to vote for the mod he likes and don’t vote for mods he don’t like? I mean that’s kinda cheating if you select a few to vote for so others don’t have the chance to get popular - just because you selected only a few mods and with that excluded others
Every mod deserves the votes he gets. Not more not less.
Anyway - good that FL has gotten the 2nd rank. And congrats to all mods under the top100 now.
I also recall that votes have “value”, IE the older the user the bigger their vote weights in. Maybe some of the lower games had bigger power voters?
Means my vote is = to zero :))
I would like to ask all the mod makers whose mod was chosen for the Top 100 to create an article describing their mod so that I can put it on the front page of TSP. In order to avoid any complaints, the four articles will be posted alphabetically and a combined post will be submitted on top that will link back to all four separate articles.
Describe your mod as you wish and remember to include pictures in the gallery box! You can put as many as you want, but make sure the first ones are the best!
I’ll be sending emails shortly to make sure all mods are aware of this.
This is gonna be interesting
I’m curious what each of the developers will write about their own mod
Personally i vote for the mods i like and not what everyone else tells me is good.
What one person prefers another will disagree on. -
yay - in the top 100 again
i request a special award for constantly being there ^^however - yes votes have different values
to be exact there are 2 values- user votes
- guest votes
only user votes count, guest votes are only taken when 2 mods have the same amount of user votes
the time being member of moddb does not matter
I am not sure if i can submit a mod article. I made the mistake to release the next version of my mod (after 2 years working on it) right in the middle of the mod awards and fixing the last problems on the server have priority now. I have asked someone from my community to write such an article. That one will be submitted.
2nd priority is the moddb site as its getting up to 1500 visits per day and the swat sites also receive 4000-6000 visits per day while TSP is not very player orientated.