Freelancer Problem Solutions FAQ!
Thougt I posted it here already…however, here it is.
(scroll down for german version)
Note that this FAQ is for Vanilla FL but the most solutions do also help with modificated freelancer
Just enter the chapter in the Browser Search (ctrl + f) to jump to it.
I. Global Server down/Can’t see any Server
II. Freelancercrash
III. Help, my characters are gone!
IV. Can’t connect to any Server (Vista)
V. FLMM under Vista
VI. Loud Sound in Freelancer
VII. Gigant/no font ingame
VIII. Creating more IDs/Saving IDs
IX. Kick when you buy a ship
X. Lag kicks with Vista
XI. FPS problems/mouse lags with Vista
XII. Avira Antivir alert with debuglib.dllI. Global Server down/Can’t see any Server
The Global Server is currently down and don’t comes back, except Crazy get his DNS and launch his own one, but you can still connect to the FL Servers. If you want to play on other Servers, then just download FLMM and the Global Server Workaround ModII. Freelancercrash
Go to the FL Options Menu and deactivate the 3D-Sound.
Eventual rest of mods are still in Freelancer, then just open FLMM, go to Tools->Restore Backups. If this doesn’t help, reinstall Freelancer.III. Help, my characters are gone!
You may have reinstalled FL or Windows and you lost your ID on this way, then create a new topic in the help area of the server you are playing at, where you descripe your Problem and post 1 of your old chars and 1 new-created character.
Other possibility is that they were under 5 minutes playtime or 1 year (or another given time period) inactive, then they are lost cause of the last char deletion.
Or you gave someone your ID and he deleted your chars. Do not give your ID to everyone!IV. Can’t connect to any Server (Vista)
Norton, mcafee securityCenter or Kaspersky aren’t allowed to be on your PC, deactivating them don’t do it!, if you have Avast! you have to deinstall the NetworkShield.
You should eventual turn off IPv6 and give a static LAN IP Addresse in the IPv4.V. FLMM under Vista
FLMM may don’t work right under Vista system, just right-click on the shortcut or FLMM.exe -> Properties, tick on “Execute as Admin” and set the compability mode to Win XP or Win 2000.VI. Loud Sound in Freelancer
It is a bug, especially if you switch back from the desktop to FL. The only one thing that you can do is to rename the sounds or delete them, which result in having no sound anymore in Freelancer. Go to the Audiofolder and rename (or delete) the 4 containing folders, but NOT the Audiofolder, or it WILL come to problems!VII. Gigant/no font ingame
Just move the fonts from the FL CD to C:\Windows\Fonts.
If you don’t know where your CD is, you can also download them here.VIII. Creating more IDs/Saving IDs
See FAQ hereIX. Kick when you buy a ship
You are not allowed to buy the same ship as you already have, when you dock on the station. If you want to buy a cloak ship, then you aren’t allowed to have the same ship in “normal mode”.X. Lag Kicks with Vista
Increase priority in Task Manager for FreelancerXI. FPS problems/mouse lag with Vista
Download DX8 -> DX9 Converter and unpack in FL\EXE folder.XII. Avira Antivir alert with debuglib.dll
The alert with debuglib.dll is a false positive from antivir, that means that there isnt a real virus in this file. You can disable the alert by adding debuglib.dll in extras->configuration->[X]Expert Mode->Guard->Search->Exceptions in “Not scanning file objects”. The alert will also appear in a scan, so do the same thing with the scanner in the configuration. (Note that I have the german version of Antivir but guess you will find through even not all names/descriptions are the same how I translated :P)If you have found some bugs or know some improvements, just post in this topic, thx.
Einfach die “Überschrift” in die Browsersuche (strg/ctrl + f) eingeben, um zu der Stelle zu springen.
I. Globaler Server down/Sehe keine Server
II. Freelancercrash
III. Hilfe, meine Chars sind weg!
IV. Kann nicht auf Server verbinden (Vista)
V. Freelancer Mod Manager unter Vista
VI. Lauter Sound in Freelancer
VII. Riesige/keine Schrift in Freelancer
VIII. Mehrere IDs erstellen/Sichern von IDs
IX. Mehrere IDs erstellen/Sichern von IDs
X. Lags mit Vista
XI. FPS Probleme/Mauslag mit Vista
XII. Avira Antivir Virenalarm bei debuglib.dllI. Globaler Server down/Sehe keine Server
Der Globale Server ist im Moment down und kommt evtl. auch nicht mehr wieder, ihr könnt aber trotzdem auf die FreelancerServer verbinden. Wenn ihr nur bzw. erstmal nur auf Hamburg City spielen wollt, dann reicht es, den Mod und ModManager von der Statusseite runterzuladen und zu installieren. Wenn ihr auf anderen Server spielen wollt, werft einen Blick auf dieses FAQ hier (werde ich nicht zitieren, da zu lang): Freelancercrash
Gehe mal in das Optionsmenü und schalte den 3D-Sound aus.
Eventuell haben sich auch Modreste von einem Mod verhakt, dann deaktiviere alle Mods und gehe im Freelancer Mod Manager auf Tools->Restore Backups oder installiere notfalls Freelancer neu.III. Hilfe, meine Chars sind weg!
Entweder du hast Freelancer bzw. Windows neuinstalliert und dadurch ging deine ID verloren, erstelle dir dann mit deiner neuen, aktuellen ID einen Char und eröffne im Support-/Hilfearea des Servers ein Thema, wo du dein Problem und einen der alten (bzw. auf manchen Servern alle Chars) und den neuerstellten Charnamen postest.
Viele Server führen aber auch regelmäßig eine Charlöschung durch, wo z. B. alle Chars gelöscht werden, die mind. 2 Monate nicht online waren oder unter 10 Minuten Spielzeit haben. (Variiert von Server zu Server)IV. Kann nicht auf Server verbinden (Vista)
Norton oder Kaspersky dürfen sich nicht auf dem Rechner befinden (deaktivieren reicht nicht!), bei Avast! muss der NetworkShield deinstalliert werden.
Evtl. IPv6 Protokoll ausstellen und im IPv4 hab ich eine feste LAN IP Adresse vergeben.V. Freelancer Mod Manager unter Vista
Freelancer Mod Manager funktioniert unter Vista nicht richtig, es verschiebt die Dateien nicht, macht einfach folgendes:
Rechtsklick auf FLMM.exe/FLMM Verknüpfung->Eigenschaften
Häkchen bei “Als Admin ausführen” setzen und den Kompabilitätsmodus XP oder Windows 2000 aktivieren.VI. Lauter Sound in Freelancer
Ist ein Bug, insbesondere vom Desktop zurück nach Freelancer wechseln. Das einzige, was ihr dagegen machen könnt, ist die Sounds umzubennen oder zu löschen, was darin resultiert, dass ihr gar keine Sounds mehr in Freelancer habt. Geht in den Audio-Ordner und benennt die 4 darin beeinhaltenden Ordner um oder löscht sie. NICHT den Audioordner selbst!VII. Riesige/keine Schrift in Freelancer
Einfach die Fonts von der Freelancer CD in C:\Windows\Fonts schieben.
(Bei CD Verlegung Fonts hierVIII. Mehrere IDs erstellen/Sichern von IDs
Siehe FAQ hierIX. Mehrere IDs erstellen/Sichern von IDs
Siehe FAQ hierX. Lags mit Vista
Prozesspriorität von Freelancer hochstellenXI. FPS Probleme/Mauslag mit Vista
DX8 -> DX9 Converter herunterladen und ins FL\EXE Verzeichnis entpacken.XII. Avira Antivir Virenalarm bei debuglib.dll
Es handelt sich hierbei um ein “false positive”, das heißt, es existiert nicht wirklich ein Fund, lediglich ein Fehlalarm. Die Meldung kann unter Extras->Konfiguration->[X]Expertenmodus->Guard->Suche->Ausnahmen abgestellt werden, wenn man bei “Auszulassende Dateiobjekte” debuglib.dll einträgt. Da die Meldung ebenfalls im Scan vorkommt, kann sie auch auf dieselbe Art und Weise wie beim Guard abgestellt werden.So das wars erstmal, das dürften die wichtigsten Bugs gewesen sein, bei Verbesserungen und Ergänzungen einfach ins Topic posten
Here is a solution to allowing a player to launch a local server and connect to it under Vista, normally you cannot as your IP address will still appear in IPv6 format even if you have disabled it on your network adapter/s.
You must add a setting into your registry to resolve the issue
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters] "DisabledComponents"=dword:00000001
Copy the above code into a new text document and rename the extention from .txt to .reg
Then double click the file to enter it into your registry, after a reboot you will be up and running and able to access your local lan server!
I have attached a file with the already prepared reg file inside, download at your leisure
Source: Windows Vista Disable IPv6
Or you can just refresh the list of servers a few times and Freelancer will randomly cycle through between all adapters
I’m on Windows 7 with IPv6 activated and no fancy hack and I can use a local server just fine.
Otherwise, you may want to add that information in [[Internet Protocol Version 6 is Activated (Vista/7)]] instead, since the Wiki is there just for that!
Well, I tried it more than a few times and it didn’t rectify, all the online servers appeared under regular IP addressing format, it was just my own that wouldn’t appear, so I solved it for myself lol.
Awesome. I can’t wait to play on the servers.
V. FLMM under Vista
FLMM may don’t work right under Vista system, just right-click on the shortcut or FLMM.exe -> Properties, tick on “Execute as Admin” and set the compability mode to Win XP or Win 2000.Shutdown that crap UAC and FLMM 1.3 will run on Vista, you don’t even need the compatability mode.
User Account Control (UAC) is a feature in Windows that can help prevent unauthorized changes to your computer. UAC does this by asking you for permission or an administrator password before performing actions that could potentially affect your computer’s operation or that change settings that affect other users.
It’s major PITFA that Microsuck thought would be useful, it interferes with virtually everything on a Vista or 7 PC, the sad part is that it only gets in the way of the user, hackers found out how to bypass it in no time.
Necrotech post for anyone having similar issues.
I am on Windows 7, and couldn’t connect to a local server even with IPv6 disabled. Running Freelancer.exe and FLServer.exe as Administrator and using Windows XP SP2 compatibility did not work.Solution:
I changed them to Windows XP SP3 compatibility, and it worked fine. I have re-enabled IPv6 and have no issues connecting.I have also found a case where someone attempting to direct connect to a server while using the GLS (global list server) workaround was unable to do so. Simply removing the direct connect line from their shortcut’s target line solved the problem, even when it was put in their properly. Just noting it troubleshooting reference.
I have a problem i am using dial up when i connect the message appears remote computer do not response and not connected what should i do
Does this one help yoù?
IV. Can’t connect to any Server (Vista)
Norton, mcafee securityCenter or Kaspersky aren’t allowed to be on your PC, deactivating them don’t do it!, if you have Avast! you have to deinstall the NetworkShield.
You should eventual turn off IPv6 and give a static LAN IP Addresse in the IPv4.Your OS?
Thanks for feedback! Can you tell me if you know any improvements?
BTW, what were your problems (juts out of itnerstest)?Also, the most updated FAQ can be always found @, just direct mates to there if they have any questions (I need a better google rank, mainly for the term “freelancer patch” (I offer that stuff for which people are after)).
I’m on 7 and no matter what I do I can’t connect. The local server will show up, but it freezes a bit and then says it’s taking longer than usual and will then say it couldn’t connect. The server window shows the bandwidth spiking to red.
What do I do?
none of the above solutions worked. Always failed in the exact same way.I’m connected to a router and I’ve tried not being connected and then connecting to internet, and I’ve tried wireless to the router still nothing.
Have you forward the ports?
Can you connect to other servers?
Which antivirus do you use?
Hi, I have a new graphic bug.
Once I move the mouse flickers the font, the play is unfortunately not possible.I use a netbook with the following graphics card:
Intel GMA 3150Meanwhile, the latest driver is installed.
Also, the patch 1.1 on it. Yes but what actually do not mind.Help!?
Sobald ich die Maus bewege flackert die Schrift, leider ist das spielen so nicht möglich.Ich nutze ein Netbook mit folgender Grafikkarte:
Intel GMA 3150Mittlerweile ist auch der neuste Treiber installiert.
Ebenfalls ist das patch 1.1 drauf. Was ja aber eigentlich nicht ausmacht. -
Can you piost in another, new topic? chance you will get a reply there are much greater, I guess.
This graphical problem has been discussed before. Read.
Netbooks, they’re bollox!
Ok that fixed my problem.
I now use the WinXP drivers for my Win7 system! O.O