Lan Ip address listed when need the Wan Ip address
Sorry for the long delay I am busily trying to find a job. The lovely company I worked for decided to close the warehouse I was in.
It is not the MAC address,
It is not being blocked by my AV,
It is not being blocked by my Firewall.I have tried getting people to connect to it remotely but the server is being listed as a LAN server even when it is an internet server. So I can connect to it but no one else can.
I have properly forwarded my ports.
I am wondering if this might be an issue with my cheap router, which I paid ten bucks for 4 years ago, that likes to reroute all data to itself and eat it. (I cannot even run an FTP through it because it eats the protocols thinking somoene is trying to configure it without permission)
I have tried Vanilla and with 88-flak.
Hope this helps. I am literally at my wits end. It is like it will not run an internet game which is disheartening.
Thanks for all the replies.
I am using the GLS work around. The IP address my freind was reporting was
My router is…
Zyxel Hs100W
try to forward ports on your router:
external ip:2302 <->
external ip:2303 <->
external ip:2304 <-> may see your external ip at (click Test Now)
Go and check your FL Server machine’s real IP address as we said above, it should NOT be 192.x anything.
The firewall is still prime suspect if it is running at all, there should be an exceptions list:
Right-click on your connection icon, select “Change WIndows Firewall Setings”, be sure “Don’t Allow Exceptions” is NOT checked, click the “Exceptions” tab and be sure that there are 2 distinct “Freelancer” entries - one must be for Freelancer.exe and the other for FLServer.exe (click the Edit button to see) and one more for Microsoft Directplay8 Server (C:\WINDOWS\system32\dpnsvr.exe). This one is not obvious but is a killer if missing.
When to the website and it gave the proper address for my router. I am using windows firewall.
I checked my exceptions and FLserver and 88-flak itself are listed.
I am going to set up a Modless server bypassing my router under the name of
“Pegasus Test Server”
I will leave it up and please tell me if you are able to see it and connect. I am really starting to think the issue is my router since it decided that it is no longer a wireless router. Meaning it is starting to show signs of malfunction.
Well i had the same problem long time ago. I also created a server but no one of my friends was able to connect to it.
So i searched for a solution and i found one. Try program called Hamachi. This program creates a private network between 2 or more PC’s. Here is more information on how to use it. you need help with this tool, just pm me
Grimmjow out.
Any idea why it woul dnot be showing up on the global server list?
All the checkboxes are checked.
The ports are properly forwarded on the router. (plugged it back in)
The exceptions in the windows firewall are all set. Freelancer, Flserver, Directplay8 server.
I am using the GLS workaround.
I have not yet tried that Hamachi program but I am hoping that I can avoid using it.
Some notes.
I CAN see it as a LAN server on other computers in the same network.
My router is a P.O.S. and not working right as it is.
I Can connect to other servers.
This is a most vexing problem. I am truely at a loss for what to do.
Maybe check in the router your original IP. That’s mostly possible to.
Or unplug your router, and go directly to the internet to find your IP.
After trying all the things mentioned here I am fairly certain my router is eating the server. Given my router’s age there does not seem to be any help for it. Though I am hoping to replace it soon. Thanks for the advice. When I get the new router hopefully I won’t have this issue.