Could someone help?
So, I’m using Vista and strangely enough when I play freelancer, the music or dialogue don’t play but the sounds effects do.
I deactivated the 3d sounds, thinking it was that, but that doesn’t work too!
Please help…
That might be a driver issue. Not sure cuz i don’t know much about vista. But as far as i know vista handles audio quite different from XP. I guess u already checked on your audio config if all sliders are up.
I had a similar prob with a game once, i needed to get new hardware drivers to solve that. -
sonicthehedgehog wrote:
That might be a driver issue. Not sure cuz i don’t know much about vista. But as far as i know vista handles audio quite different from XP. I guess u already checked on your audio config if all sliders are up.
I had a similar prob with a game once, i needed to get new hardware drivers to solve that.Well, the weird thing is that it worked before when I had loaned the CD.
But now I have another CD, installed it (as I had uninstalled Freelancer) and only the sound effects work, so I’m a sad pandaBut, it’s not the driver, as all other games work perfect, even games WAY newer than Freelancer…
I’m thinking it could be the installer, because I lowered the sound of the installer because I was listening music while installing it, could it be that?
not shure if this helps but…
a few years ago i purchased the fine game X2… at the time FL was working, but after installing X2 i had the exact same problem untill i re-installed my PC a month latter…
now… X2 has since had a patch or 3… and i haven’t had the problem since… so im thinking codecs here, as is normally the culprit.
Yes, similar thing happened to me only a week or so back. Been using media player 9 for ages now, all of a sudden, can’t watch a tv feed for love nor money. Turns out it was an update for XP where they changed the codecs. I installed media player 11, no problems since. It really could be something as simple as an M$ codec update that’s screwed it all up
Xarian_Prime wrote:
not shure if this helps but…a few years ago i purchased the fine game X2… at the time FL was working, but after installing X2 i had the exact same problem untill i re-installed my PC a month latter…
now… X2 has since had a patch or 3… and i haven’t had the problem since… so im thinking codecs here, as is normally the culprit.
Well,it turned out I had X2 - The threat on my laptop still lingering, well some files that remained after uninstalation…
I just deleted them, and am going to try once more if the sound works now.
If not, how can I:
A. See which (if it is the codecs) codec(s) is the wrong-döer and
B. How can I fix that? -
Removing the files didn’t help
Try to follow me here, this is for XP but “can’t be so different…!”
When you run FL, click the Options tab and AUDIO setup, then do you have 3 sliders shown for dialogue, sound effects and music?2.
Double-click your volume control in the tray. The full Mixer control should open up. Click Options - Properties. Select Adjust Volume for “Playback” and check everything. Select “Recording” and check everything. Select “Other” and check everything. This will ensure all controls are visible. Now go and ensure all sound devices are enabled and not muted, except for Microphone.If this doesn’t fix the problem…
Go to Control Panel and open the Sounds and Audio Devices control.
In the Hardware tab look for Audio Codecs. Double-click that, click the Properties tab, and the list of codecs (enCoders & Decoders) should appear.
Ensure that one of them is Fraunhoffer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec. It is needed for FL.
If you don’t see it in the list, this is the problem. You will need to see what other Vista players have in their codecs list, and get a copy of that into your system.
You can get it here if it’s the same as the XP one:
I hope one of these helps, tell us when you find a solution, many people don’t tell us what finally fixes their problems and then we do not know to help others.
wasn’t there some thing with the “order” of multiple codecs as well??
geesh… been a looooooonnnnnnggggg while since i’ve seen his but i’ll see if i can find the X2 page that explained why its codec stuffs others up… dont hold ye breath though as it may not even exist anymore
It works!
Now, I did it a little different because it seems Vista is different and my laptop is in dutch.
I couldn’t find the codec list, so I googled the Fraunhoffer thing for vista.
It appears Windows and Fraunhoffer have a bit of a fight, now every Vista still has Fraunhoffer’s thing but it is still on, in TWO files.
The problem is that the advanced is working and the professional (the needed one) is deactivated.
By using a patch, the advanced is deleted and the professional is activated.
By using this, and deleting all old saves and restart.fl, it now works like a breeze.I’m so happy!
I don’t know if I’m allowed to link to a other site, but I’m going to take the risk because here is where the patch is: