3D Model Showroom
Finally got the Gallic Jumpgate working, hitbox as well as animation (kudos to silent assasin for all the help):
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/gurjiv/screen27.jpgdont mind the vid, i forgot to fix the glowing textures before i made it
Aye, they are. im currently finishing the trade lane models as well
i will be doing all of the classic ships, like the Great Fox design, the Arwing and Wolfen, both Mk I and Mk II designs, some original designs (like the W-6 up there), and if i can, the customized versions used by the famous characters, to be seen as elite NPCs
Model from Nova (Alliance 6.0 Modder)
Few ships made by me for The Void mod:
Coyote Very Heavy Fighter - view I
Coyote Very Heavy Fighter - view IIScimitar Very Heavy Fighter - view I
Scimitar Very Heavy Fighter - view IIShilone Heavy Fighter - view I
Shilone Heavy Fighter - view IICombat Attack Vehicle - view I
Apophis Very Heavy Fighter - view I (textured by Hash)
Apophis Very Heavy Fighter - cockpit viewFREIGHTERS:
Sovereign Freighter - view I
Sovereign Freighter - view IIMerchantman Freighter - view I
Macune Freighter - view I
Macune Freighter - view II
Macune Freighter - view IIICAPITAL SHIPS:
Europa Navy Corvette - view I (without name and textures)
Europa Navy Corvette - view II (-//-)
Europa Navy Corvette - view III (-//-) -
Love the cockpit for the Apophis, but I’d hope by this period in time we’ve all switched to something like these:
Even though most won’t use cockpit mode, it’s still always so nice to see a full design like this.
They all look to fit within FL pretty seamlessly. -
The Apophis cockpit was…ehm and is my 1st cockpit creation. The next ones will be more high-tech
My turret creations:
Your missile launchers are fantastic! Hopefully they make an end to the gun-like ones fl normally uses for capships.
Will you release them for public usage?
Actually I allway have problems with the cockpit when I am in Apophis. It looks like the camera is living his own life lol. Sometimes the it is far - so I am able to see all the monitors, and sometimes is too close to the main central monitos is nearly filling the whole screen. Strange