3D Model Showroom
Really great work you all. Simply awesome all that you guys do.
Finally got the Gallic Jumpgate working, hitbox as well as animation (kudos to silent assasin for all the help):
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/gurjiv/screen27.jpgdont mind the vid, i forgot to fix the glowing textures before i made it
Aye, they are. im currently finishing the trade lane models as well
i will be doing all of the classic ships, like the Great Fox design, the Arwing and Wolfen, both Mk I and Mk II designs, some original designs (like the W-6 up there), and if i can, the customized versions used by the famous characters, to be seen as elite NPCs
Model from Nova (Alliance 6.0 Modder)
Few ships made by me for The Void mod:
Coyote Very Heavy Fighter - view I
Coyote Very Heavy Fighter - view IIScimitar Very Heavy Fighter - view I
Scimitar Very Heavy Fighter - view IIShilone Heavy Fighter - view I
Shilone Heavy Fighter - view IICombat Attack Vehicle - view I
Apophis Very Heavy Fighter - view I (textured by Hash)
Apophis Very Heavy Fighter - cockpit viewFREIGHTERS:
Sovereign Freighter - view I
Sovereign Freighter - view IIMerchantman Freighter - view I
Macune Freighter - view I
Macune Freighter - view II
Macune Freighter - view IIICAPITAL SHIPS:
Europa Navy Corvette - view I (without name and textures)
Europa Navy Corvette - view II (-//-)
Europa Navy Corvette - view III (-//-) -
Love the cockpit for the Apophis, but I’d hope by this period in time we’ve all switched to something like these:
Even though most won’t use cockpit mode, it’s still always so nice to see a full design like this.
They all look to fit within FL pretty seamlessly. -
The Apophis cockpit was…ehm and is my 1st cockpit creation. The next ones will be more high-tech
My turret creations:
Your missile launchers are fantastic! Hopefully they make an end to the gun-like ones fl normally uses for capships.
Will you release them for public usage?