New Total Conversion mod in the Works
Timmy51m wrote:
P.S forget about the carrier launching and docking ships, it’ll never happen, this is freelancer, not EVE, it has it’s limitations!FLHook player dockable capitals kthnxbai. See M0tah’s implementation.
Shows how much I know doesn’t it
Also, I take it you know about Lancers SUR builder, if not give it a try, could speed you on your way.
Thanks Timmy,
The cmp to sur program now has made my ship take hits like it should, but there is no ship there, no texture. i have tried over and over to get it working with differant mat files, except a standard freelancer mat file.
I’m using Milkshape 182 with version 0.1 freelancer mat exporter, as with using dds formated textures, and a few jpeg to test things. Is there a new version of the mat exporter that i overlooked, or is it something else i’m overlooking?
From another topic:
FriendlyFire wrote:
You’d be best off to use the topic you already have created on the subject or make a new one if you don’t have one.Just to give you some possible angles of attack, LODRanges? Groups are named right? Files are referenced properly? Errors in the logs?
LODRanges at 50000, there is only one group, Its named ship, Shiparch.ini is pointing to the right ships. Maybe if I clear out the folder to JUST the files I’m testing and see if it is getting messing up and loading the worng file dispite what the ini is pointing too.
What about FLSpit? Any error log that seems suspicious there?
FLSpit was not spitting anything out, I did a FLScan and found shiparch was pointing to an invailed mat file. So I took a closer look and low and behold there was a typo in the path. I now have it working perfectly.
FF, Many thanks for reminding me about FLSpit, and the other error seeking programs I have, Without that reminder I would not have found that error so easly. And I was not thinking of a typo in that manner.
I have a half way working Caldari dreadnaught Phoneix, I’m missing some textures, and right now it only has one turret. Mods going to come together nicly here soon Maybe in the next two weeks
. Lol Darkspace joke there.
Caldari Navy Hookbill
Right now, I have one missle bay, and three turrets. I’m going to change this up to three missle bays. But might keep a second loadout with the older ship layout.
Oh and the SUR file for this ship was made with LC’s CMP to SUR convertor, witch is two for two now, First the Hookbill and now the Phoneix.
Hey thanks Gibbon I can get Motah to help me in the 88Flak forums, I think 88flak witch i’m basing my mod off has dockable ships already, I’ll just have to add the ships i want to be dockable to the list.
Also, I heard there was a npc control like addon someone made? Would that work for the Carriers fighters and bombers? Or will i have to work on that more?
Yet another monster ship
Keep those pics coming.
Fully textured Phoneix Dreadnaught awaiting lift-off in Manhatten.
Now undocking into space, this ship JUST makes it out the docking ring, The top laucher goes right though.
[img\[/img]Another look at the Dreadnaught in space.
And Two pics of the drives in action, I relly like the effects I have on here.
Also I’d like to point out I’ve just been working on getting stuff working, Once I have it working I’m going to rename what I need to. And now I’m going to start on the frigates !
Good job, go easy on the gamma though, don’t want you going blind!
Excellent work lone! i will be following this daily!
And here is another ship, Heavy fighter Missle boat Kestrel.
Kestrel landing to rearm, and to change pilots while training new pilots to handle the new ship.
Kestrel Missle boat letting missiles loose in training.
This is the last one for today, I’ll work on more later. I need to get to bed.
NOTE: Please go back and look over this thread, as I HAVE changed pictuers in some of my past posts.