Hack Request - Allow multiple Bats/Bots types
This is a tough one, since I already did a quick look and came to the conclusion that it is hardcoded and I won’t have the time to look into it.
The goal is to make cheap and expensive Bats/Bots. But from what I have seen this could prove to be not possible in relation to the time you would need to invest.
That’s what we thought until we actually tried it ^^ The different ones are treated as normal cargo.
I tried that a while ago and the result was at least with ‘combinable = false’, that
those could be mounted as internal equipment So I didn’t recognize any possible use,
I just misused that to mount some nonsense stuff like ‘cup holder’, ‘airbag’, …
Finally we noted, that it seemed possible with that stuff mounted,
to go beyond the ships bat/bot limit, by looting bots/batsWith the last version I tied to exploit this
and build bat / bot extenders like-
nickname = batterypod001
ids_name = 0 ;GENERATESTRRES(“Battery Pod” )
ids_info = 0 ;GENERATEXMLRES(“<xml><rdl><push><tra data=“1” mask=“1” def=”-2"><just loc=“center”><text>Battery Pod</text><para><para><tra data=“0” mask=“1” def=“-1”><just loc=“left”><text>A very handy equipment part, which allows you to store additional lots of Shield Batteries. Only backdraw - the dealer won’t sell more than, valid for your ship and you have to loot the additional ones.</text><para></para></just></tra></para></para></just></tra></push></rdl></xml>" )
volume = 35
mass = 20
hit_pts = 2500 -
nickname = batterypod001
equipment = batterypod001
category = equipment
price = 9999999
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\equipicon_license.3db
combinable = false
ids_name = 0 ;GENERATESTRRES(“Battery Pod” )
ids_info = 0 ;GENERATEXMLRES(“<xml><rdl><push><tra data=“1” mask=“1” def=”-2"><just loc=“center”><text>Battery Pod</text><para><para><tra data=“0” mask=“1” def=“-1”><just loc=“left”><text>A very handy equipment part, which allows you to store additional lots of Shield Batteries. Only backdraw - the dealer won’t sell more than, valid for your ship and you have to loot the additional ones.</text><para></para></just></tra></para></para></just></tra></push></rdl></xml>" )
shop_archetype = equipment\models\commodities\crates\crate_grey.3db
This is not tested by now and it might cause other problems,
as getting kicked 4 cheating, when lifting off with too much bots/bats.