Keep Getting Strange LAN Server When Hosting To Internet
Just a google result, I don’t have windows 7.
Turn it off IN THE REGISTRY. Then reboot.
Scroll down to the registry part. Any other technique will not work.
Tanjitsu wrote:
Just to clarifyA Lan server is local only ! no internet
A Internet server is both WAN and LAN
so if u start a net server it will always be available localy unless u have seperate networks.
I am trying to run a Internet server but it keeps using LAN instead.
Yes, FL always comes up in the LAN listing even when you start it for internet.
Your problem is usually IPv6 and then you need to start FLServer.exe from an administrator account with full access (not all admin accounts do have).
One other thing after that may be your antivirus, FL does not like any antivirus. Disable yours to see.
And UAC is another problem, I don’t have W7 to advise you what to do but there are other threads here on this subject that have been solved, try a search.
Good luck, and let us know what fixes your problem?
StarTrader wrote:
Yes, FL always comes up in the LAN listing even when you start it for internet.Your problem is usually IPv6 and then you need to start FLServer.exe from an administrator account with full access (not all admin accounts do have).
One other thing after that may be your antivirus, FL does not like any antivirus. Disable yours to see.
And UAC is another problem, I don’t have W7 to advise you what to do but there are other threads here on this subject that have been solved, try a search.
Good luck, and let us know what fixes your problem?
I do have full admin access, and also make the FLServer.exe run with Administation rights, and antivirus, might have to try that out, but I have ran a server via my old laptop (although XP) and had antivirus on (Same on I use now) and it worked fine, I might need to try to redo the disabling of IPv6 but idk.
I’ll tell you what comes up when I try this.
Yes but in Win 7 antiviruses seem to do something more dramatic and need to be off, especially the more complex ones that scan files before giving them to the program. If it works after you fix the real problem put it on again and see.
I dislike antivirus programs anyway, they didn’t catch the last bug I caught so I only have SpyBot and SpywareBlaster on my XP systems.
Another thought - You may have missed the messages to allow FLServer.exe, Freelancer.exe and Microsoft DirectPlay8 Server (dpn8svr.exe) through the firewall, so one of those may be blocked. Check your firewall settings and allow them through as exceptions.
By the way a little sideline advice - if you didn’t do this already, partition your disk if it’s not already done, leave about 30GB for WIndows on
and make the rest of your disk into 2-4 other disks, D:, E:, F:, G:, rename your DVD/CD and other disks higher letters, and put all your data on
or E: so you can just reformat your
any time without losing your data.
Then you can save an image of your
drive using SelfImage (or other if you prefer but this is the best), save it on your E: drive and on a memory stick, and a full
disk restore (20GB on mine) then only takes me about 10 minutes.
Here’s how, the best way is to make the bootable XP CD and save the image after booting it up, it doesn’t matter which system your PC is running live:
@Talk also turn off IP helper service
Description: Provides automatic IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network. If this service is stopped, the machine will only have IPv6 connectivity if it is connected to a native IPv6 network.