Need help with sur
Hi yo! I need some help with sur…
I mean, how to make holes in sur to allow ships pass by?
Every time i’m trying to export i having full wrapped sur…
How to do this? Which exporter i should use or which parameters to set?
How to enable passing in middle? =O
This model needs a custom hitbox. Do you know how to complete one of those?
you can take a look here :
you need : Creating .cmps with over 20k polygons
Infinite Hitbox Part Tutorial
Mirkha wrote:
well,you can take a look here :
you need : Creating .cmps with over 20k polygons
Infinite Hitbox Part Tutorial
Thx but… it is not over 20k, its about 1500…
Mm… what “hitbox” is?
Somebody can explain on russian?
hitbox - where model takes damage from guns, collisions etc
For russian this topic -
Nova wrote:
Thx but… it is not over 20k, its about 1500…Mm… what “hitbox” is?
Somebody can explain on russian?
this two topics are to learn how to modify a cmp
so you can do many parts as you need and put in the cmp
is virtually the same process, put a model or a hitbox model …. -
Mirkha wrote:
this two topics are to learn how to modify a cmp
so you can do many parts as you need and put in the cmp
is virtually the same process, put a model or a hitbox model ….Emm… i dont need any parts…
Maybe you all didn’t understood my question.
I’m asking about how to make holes in *.sur. -
from my knowledge is not possible
i tried to make a hole in a mesh with 3dsmax but at least one face doesn’t workso the only solution is to enclose your hole with shapes
these techniques allow you to free yourself from the old limit of 18 parts maximum with the exporter plugin in milkshape
a tradelane is made with 4 models if i remember well
so it’s not a hole in the modelit’s 4 models
and for a base i think there is a reason why all the docking are in a sequence, when you are in a cinematic the sur should be disable
maybe i’m totaly wrong ^^ , i said from my knowledge