HaCk ReQuEsT?? or is it???
Simple… I request we leave AdoXa alone… so he can finish the next version of the JFLP…
I dare say we’ve given the man more than enough requests, If we let him finish his own works first… who knows what we’ll be playing with next. I for one am a proud user of the original JFLP and scrapped a rather humongous mod in order to start fresh… from the JFLP “up”…
& besides… my dacom.ini is looking rather… messy (lol) with all these extra plugins that just keep coming… hehe
luv ye work m8 8-)
Xarian_Prime wrote:
Simple… I request we leave AdoXa alone… so he can finish the next version of the JFLP…I dare say we’ve given the man more than enough requests, If we let him finish his own works first… who knows what we’ll be playing with next. I for one am a proud user of the original JFLP and scrapped a rather humongous mod in order to start fresh… from the JFLP “up”…
& besides… my dacom.ini is looking rather… messy (lol) with all these extra plugins that just keep coming… hehe
luv ye work m8 8-)
Seconded, inb4 sur_builder requests sh!tstorm.
lol I’ve waited 6 years for a proper sur builder program a little longer is not going to matter. Personally I would love to see a “proper” wire frame maker. All in good time I suppose.
so he can finish the next version of the JFLP…
Haven’t even really started yet.
I’m still working on updating the resources, using the FRC format (adding more comments this time, so that slowed me down). Once that’s done (almost done with nameresources, then it’s just offerbriberesources), I’ll get to work on JFLP proper. I might put dynast collision damage on hold…
& besides… my dacom.ini is looking rather… messy (lol) with all these extra plugins that just keep coming… hehe
I’ve been meaning to make a “Plugin Integration” topic, about combining some plugins into JFLP (or just one big plugin).
Is Devast8or’s make_wire utility the only one?
Is Devast8or’s make_wire utility the only one?
Yes, the only one. It works, you have to make a low poly version of the ship / slash part in a .cmp then extract the vmesh.dat then export to vmeshwire then combine with the original model, for which I use the XMLutf convertor (very nice thank you). It works, but its a long winded hack. Would be better is we could just pick the nodes we require for the wire from the main model. I understand that FLDeveloper has a wireframe “vertex helper” but there is no documentation and I’m not entirely sure what its suppose to do.