IDS headscratcher - HELP
Hi! Could you explain me? Please!
This annoying trouble which i can’t fix.So…
Situation is:
I have a name of commodity at ids 589980
I have the description of commodity at ids 590100
I have description of one ship at 589980
In commodity ini written ids_name = 589980 and ids_info = 590100Problem is:
I have the description of the ship in commodity selling base info in game. WHY?-
Why the freelancer writing description, not the name of commodity at the base info??? So how the default commodities was written there?
Why the stupid program ignoring my ids_info (590100) and using the 589980 ???
How to write properly - to have a name in base’s info and the description at the description.
An ids number should only be used for a name OR an info, not both. One will overwrite the other depending on how it is used.
I recommend abandoning those duplicate numbers and using new ones.
For base info, follow the naming convention that DA used, examine DATA/INTERFACE/Infocardmap.ini to see this.
Hmm… that’s something I’d personaly request explained… not much info on how the Infocardmap.ini & KnowledgeMap.ini work. any chance of a link to a tutorial Dwn?
I’m still in the dark myself on how they work for custom ID’s although i understand what they do… just not how…
Here’s something that may help…
And yeah I just shamelessly took it from Dwn’s own site!
Guys, remember some of us are not so strong in English, and the reply has been masked here.
Your problem seems to be, as you said:
1. I have a name of commodity at ids 589980
2. I have the description of commodity at ids 590100
3. I have description of one ship at 5899801 and 3 are the same!
This means your second data has overwritten the first data in 589980.
They must not be the same.
It’s very simple to do IDSes, in my firsts times of modding it looks difficult to do that, I test this to make a Kusari tachyon weapon and it was very easy!
My technique? I’ve took an existant ids and I’ve modified it, I’ve looked the last ids in the inis and I’ve modified it to 30215 to 30216 (for exemple) and I’ve saved it, It was the same for ids_infos.
Yep - !