Repair turret
[Munition] nickname = fc_or_turret01_mark01_ammo hp_type = hp_gun requires_ammo = false hit_pts = 2 hull_damage = -40.400002 energy_damage = 20.200001 weapon_type = W_Laser01 one_shot_sound = fire_laser4 munition_hit_effect = pi_laser_01_impact const_effect = pi_pulse_03_proj lifetime = 0.5 force_gun_ori = false mass = 1 volume = 0.000100 [Gun] nickname = fc_or_turret01_mark01 ids_name = 458820 ids_info = 460811 DA_archetype = equipment\models\weapons\li_smlturret.cmp material_library = equipment\models\li_equip.mat HP_child = HPConnect hit_pts = 1405 explosion_resistance = 1.000000 debris_type = debris_normal parent_impulse = 20 child_impulse = 80 volume = 0.000000 mass = 10 hp_gun_type = hp_turret_special_5 damage_per_fire = 0 power_usage = 12.620000 refire_delay = 0.120000 muzzle_velocity = 300 use_animation = Sc_fire toughness = 3.200000 flash_particle_name = pi_laser_01_flash flash_radius = 15 light_anim = l_gun01_flash projectile_archetype = fc_or_turret01_mark01_ammo separation_explosion = sever_debris auto_turret = true turn_rate = 90 lootable = true LODranges = 0, 20, 60, 100 ```Trying to make this weapon as repair one. Even using adoxa's **healing.dll** which works for [Zones] with negative value, on this isnt. (at least on docking ring that dies on first shot - no 2nd MP ship to test atm) Asking for correct way. Help, pliz!
Actual weapons (not zones) are controlled by hook and are MP only at this time, setting a - value otherwise will result in a instant kill weapon… as you’ve found
88flak’s hook does this and alot more… i think there’s a plugin version too for repair turrets
I should be able to modify Healing to work with guns, if you don’t want to use another solution. (You might like to try FL Hack’s Dual multiplayer - that starts a local server and two instances of Freelancer, allowing a single machine to play with two characters.)
adoxa wrote:
I should be able to modify Healing to work with guns, if you don’t want to use another solution. (You might like to try FL Hack’s Dual multiplayer - that starts a local server and two instances of Freelancer, allowing a single machine to play with two characters.)Modifying healing would be great (no rush - take your time)!
That would solve last thing I miss. THANK U!!!
The thing is I use FLHook 1.6.0 plugin which doesn’t have repair future (separate as plugin too).
Only 1.6.7 version has it in which than I would miss needed future like restart that I don’t know to implement (compile). -
Use FLshell for restarts, server banners… there’s always a way…
Small offtop: There is “Tokens” support (like ID) in 1.6.7 but not checked yet
While we are at this, any chance it can be also used for nomad Regenerative Armor Upgrade where in .ini we list a device(s) with/without adjustable constant for speed of regeneration?
Or maybe that constant on device itself as long as it server side controled preventing clients to change it - cheat! -
- falls over backwards *
Awesome… !!!
And i love your readme’s Adoxa
you have a way in your head and you write it as you made it, I’ll admit… sometimes it takes a few reads to get it all, but after understanding your intention and application… I never forget.
It’s like your in the code… sending a message “out” from the engine’s core… spooky #$%% m8
@Gisteron: Yeah, I realised that may have been a possibility later. Still, at only 6k, it would have been quicker to download and look, than ask. I also said in the post it worked with missiles and mines, so you should have been able to infer it from that. You just caught me at a bad time.
@others: Nice to know, thanks.
One thing I meant to mention in the readme, but forgot, was that, in order to make shield use a positive value, it now rounds, rather than truncates. For example, if hull_damage = 63, making shield damage 31.5, it would previously display as 31, but with Healing it will be 32. Of course, internally it’s still 31.5, so you’re not suddenly getting more damage.
I used the healing.dll and added a damage = -10000 on a zone
Healing when damaged works fine so far but after completly healed i get destroyed. Same goes for npc´s flying towards this zone. Any Ideas ?
adoxa wrote:
I don’t write a readme, people complain. I write a readme, people don’t read it. Can’t win. -
adoxa wrote:
A quick test in SP (using version 2) worked. The process: added damage = -10000 to Zone_Li01_001_Planet_Li01_01; jumped to Patrol 27 to take some damage (one block in an Eagle); jumped back, quickly healed, no explosion. NPCs also seemed fine.well, didnt worked out for me. Also tried to reproduce yesterdays expierience but nothing happend at all. guess i´ll test on vanilla and work from that base to see where my mod got the hickup´s from.
Thx Adoxa, i will get me into more tests.