Hawx 2 bench mark
http://cid-5b2f3103232c3d18.photos.live.com/self.aspx/hawx 2 benchmark/My Movie.wmv here is a video i made of hawx 2 bench mark available through nvidia you will have to register on ubisoft to use ithttp://cid-5b2f3103232c3d18.photos.live.com/self.aspx/hawx%202%20benchmark/My%20Movie.wmv
I only buy about 2 games a year… i’ve been looking at the Both hawx games for a while now… What would you recommend 1 or 2 ?
I’d personally recommend you wait for the next Ace Combat
None. Amnesia: The Dark Descent ftw, scares the hell out of me, hehe.
I know, its completely unrelated to those games. Might still be worth buying if you want to scare yourself.
I got a heavily modded Fallout 3…. that’s more than scary enough 8-)
Scenario: (with fast travel disabled for extra scary…)
You’ve just survived (barley) a chance encounter with a roaming pack of supermutants, your health is low… rads are high… and your all outa fresh water… you tended to your crippled legs with a shot of morhpine but that wont last long… now your vision is blurred… but at least you can walk again… you set off back to known saftey when you hear the all to familiar scream of a deathclaw… you’d run… but were to?? think fast… or die faster… and i haven’t even gotten to the Wannamingo’s yet… did they see me… i’ll know soon enough if they did.
Yes… i almost never came back… When i look for a game… it has to pass a tough pre-req now… it has to be proven, moddable (preffered) and have a buch of crazy ppl called a community around it… I won’t be buying New Vegas till XLR is done (smart) but wouldn’t mind a fun fly/shoot game on the side… one that don’t demand 7 different sections of my attention like X2 does (lolz)
Heh, don’t think I need to say more; this only applies if you manage to immerse yourself in it.
i tried the hawx 1 demo already and i cant fly for beans i will stick with freelancer. but the graphics and everything just blow me away it is just amazing what is being done from these graphic card company’s and game developers. i made the video for hunterkiller on my forums but i had to post here too.
Xarian_Prime wrote:
I only buy about 2 games a year… i’ve been looking at the Both hawx games for a while now… What would you recommend 1 or 2 ?Try either one of them, I have the first one for PS2 and love it and am waiting for H.A.W.X2 now. I would recommend the first one until you get used to the action.
FriendlyFire wrote:
I’d personally recommend you wait for the next Ace CombatI’m still playing Ace Combat 5 but, am looking forward for the newest release now.
Both are great but, TC HAWX takes you more into the future with battles in space as you progress.
The flight mechanics and actual flying are a lot better in Ace Combat though. HAWX just adds a ton of gimmicks that make no sense. 180 on a hairpin, really? Give me a break