Thoughts regarding the Microsoft Matchmaking server
Sent this too them
**Microsoft Game Studios has made the decision to retire player matchmaking services for Freelancer. We are proud to have hosted these services and would like to personally thank you for being loyal to our games. You will still be able to play your games and create matches within your game; however, matches will no longer be hosted by Microsoft Game Studios.If you wish to have matchmaking services, the Freelancer Community has provided a solution to allow players to find servers online. This solution is not supported by Microsoft but is available through**
cheeseontoast wrote:
Sent this too them
**Microsoft Game Studios has made the decision to retire player matchmaking services for Freelancer. We are proud to have hosted these services and would like to personally thank you for being loyal to our games. You will still be able to play your games and create matches within your game; however, matches will no longer be hosted by Microsoft Game Studios.If you wish to have matchmaking services, the Freelancer Community has provided a solution to allow players to find servers online. This solution is not supported by Microsoft but is available through**
Nice one Cheese
No worries
I’ll let you guys know how it goes
Now you’ve attracted the StarTrader for sure. -_-
I really hope this works though… Let’s hope that guy still works there.
I just want a ROFL button…
And a good Sur generator.
Hi Gary, Bradley here
Wouldn’t be a problem for me to update that, but I will need to run this by our legal team since they crafted that current message. Hopefully they won’t have any issues with your addendum.
Woohoo progress is good! Hopefully they can pull through =]
I’m really glad you got the contact for that guy. He seems like a really nice fellow
FriendlyFire wrote:
I’m really glad you got the contact for that guy. He seems like a really nice fellowLikewise
He is a tad awesome
cheeseontoast wrote:
FriendlyFire wrote:
I’m really glad you got the contact for that guy. He seems like a really nice fellowLikewise
He is a tad awesome
I don’t like “official jargon”, it’s made me want to sleep and feels like take to mechanical thing. I hope all of those people can reply email in that style.
NeXoSE wrote:
cheeseontoast wrote:
FriendlyFire wrote:
I’m really glad you got the contact for that guy. He seems like a really nice fellowLikewise
He is a tad awesome
I don’t like “official jargon”, it’s made me want to sleep and feels like take to mechanical thing. I hope all of those people can reply email in that style.
Well, Everything I have had from the guy has been like that, I just want to be polite and not look like im taking the piss
Which tbh, having at least one person at M$ on our side would be awesome ^_^
Chips wrote:
whispers I think the thumb smiley should be added to available smilies. What about a shrug one too?Sorry, kinda have a thing for smilies
I second that.
, :down:, :worship:,:eek:, :crazy:, :bounce:, :protest:,
, :hitler: and
should all be added, imho. Well maybe not :hitler: as we have lot of people from Germany and it might be a problem to them, legally.
Chips wrote:
sweeet (not the smiley’s above:lol:
Hey Gary, our legal team provided the green light on this for the language below. I’ll be updating the site at some point today.
Microsoft Game Studios has made the decision to retire player matchmaking services for Freelancer. We are proud to have hosted these services and would like to personally thank you for being loyal to our games. You will still be able to play your games and create matches within your game; however, matches will no longer be hosted by Microsoft Game Studios.
If you wish to have matchmaking services, the Freelancer Community has provided a solution to allow players to find servers online. This solution is available through Microsoft is providing this link only as a convenience to you, and does not imply endorsement or any association with its operators. Microsoft shall not be responsible or liable for your use of these third party sites.
Gratz, nice!!
Way to go! Now pester him for the source! Just kidding.
Awesome! This guy is great!