Tip - How to Install Multiple Mods for instant start
Here is a way to install as many mods as you like on your PC so you can choose any of them instantly without having to use FLMM.
1. If you have a clean copy of plain Freelancer already installed and working well, then go to step 3.
2. Install a fresh copy of plain Freelancer, on the drive you want if you have more than one. It is a good idea to install the official Microsoft 1.1 patch too as most servers use it now.
3. Copy your good plain Freelancer full folder (Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V will make an easy copy named “Copy of Freelancer” ). This is for fast re-installation if you have problems in future, so keep it safe. All you will need to do is delete your faulty Freelancer folder, Ctrl+C the “Copy of Freelancer” folder, go to the folder you want to place the game into, press Ctrl+V, and rename the new “Copy of Freelancer” folder to “Freelancer”. Easy!
3. Using FLMM, or the mod’s built-in method if it has one, activate the first mod you want to use.
4. Make a new folder on your disk (anywhere you like) for your first mod. Name it the same as your mod, e.g. I made a main Freelancer “root” folder on my F: disk called “F:\Games\FL” for all of my mods so I can find them all in one place, so my RRJDS 282r3 modded game folder is named “F:\Games\FL\RRJDS282r3”
5. Copy your Freelancer folder (select it in Explorer’s Right-hand panel, press Ctrl+C).
6. Select your new mod folder in Explorer’s Left-hand panel and press Ctrl+V. Ensure the copy is named “Freelancer”.
So mine is now “F:\Games\FL\RRJDS282R3\Freelancer”
7. Go into the new folder’s Freelancer\EXE folder, right-click on Freelancer.exe and make a shortcut for this mod’s Freelancer.exe, and drag the shortcut to the desktop (or wherever you want it). Rename the shortcut to the mod name, e.g. “Freelancer RRJDS282r3”.
8. De-install/de-activate the mod in your original plain Freelancer folder (not the new mod folder!).
Ensure the mod de-activates fully - if not then you may need to de-install FLMM and make a fresh copy of your original plain Freelancer folder again.
9. Go to step 3 and do the same steps to here for the next mod!
Once you have made all the mod copies you need, all you need to do is double-click the right shortcut!
BUT:- remember if you play the Single Player game, doing that will create saved games in your account’s “My Documents\My Games\Freelancer\Accts” folder, which will be incompatible between mods - so you must delete or move them elsewhere before starting a modded game, or you will have problems!
I like this… Can we get a Like button? ^^
Good guide fella =]
I definitly prefer FLMM. It saves a lot of space!
Of course, DVDMan, obviously, and it’s not what everyone wants to do either.
But since it works well, and if one has the space, one can drop out of one mod, and start another within seconds. No more deactivate old mod then activate new mod.
Another benefit is that the number of times that FLMM does not de-activate a mod properly is quite high, I used to have to re-install quite often because of that.
As a tidy-up, I delete all the *.flmmbak files in each FL folder - no deactivate is possible then, but my folders are cleaner.
its a question of the mod itself and the script methods, how well FLMM works with it. i experienced more issues with older versions of freeworlds and rebalance while in 4.84 of discovery always worked just clean and mine did either so far.
NeXoSE wrote:
cheeseontoast wrote:
I like this… Can we get a Like button? ^^Good guide fella =]
Maybe this
I lol’d