Numeric shield/hull display - any hack?
I’m about to go out for a bit, but i’ll get stuck in later tonight when i get back… I’ll PM you the link to the latest build if you want to try XLR2 out for yourself m8 … may as well… she’s basicly a huge extension of your .dll’s hehe
EDIT: Nailed it… Its the MultiIntro.dll im running, that makes sense as well B’cuz that’s about the only extra .dll in my EXE folder you didn’t make.
What i did was uncheck all the FLhack boxes… still CTD… then i proceeded to comment the .dll’s from dacom that weren’t crucial, I went passed it as well after finding this and all the rest work… so obviously its conflicting with FLhacks Intro hacks… either way… case solved, I can just comment that when i wish to use Hack for testing… Happy now
Any Hint why numeric.dll displays the numbers for the hull correctly but not for the shield ? with shield cap´s it get more worse.
from flhack documentation:
Target’s damage numerically
Places the actual value of the damage beside the gauges, hull on the left and shield on the right. Usually it will display level with the gauges, but it might be off sometimes. (BTW, armor upgrades will reduce damage, rather than actually increase hull strength; shields are at 85% of their capacity [reduced by the offline_threshold value].) -
RimShot wrote:
from flhack documentation:Target’s damage numerically
Places the actual value of the damage beside the gauges, hull on the left and shield on the right. Usually it will display level with the gauges, but it might be off sometimes. (BTW, armor upgrades will reduce damage, rather than actually increase hull strength; shields are at 85% of their capacity [reduced by the offline_threshold value].)Thanks RimShot, i only used numeric.dll plugin and looked at numeric.c for Installation, never thought on looking for the documentation in flhack cause it´s a Ripoff.