Video from my Revelation Mod [5% of total]
WOW, nice tunnel, nice starspheres!
. . . . . .
picks up jaw from floor
Dang dudes that is epic! !On a techncal note How did you make that Video? I’m in the works making a mod myself and would like to now how people are putting out these nice videos as I myself would like to push out a proof of concept video of my EveLancer mod.
Though I will admit I am having quality issues but I think with a proof of concept video if there content is there and looks like crap it matters not. There is ALWAYS room for improvement.
But for real guys GREAT job on the mod I’m real impressed.
lonestar wrote:
On a techncal note How did you make that Video? I’m in the works making a mod myself and would like to now how people are putting out these nice videos as I myself would like to push out a proof of concept video of my EveLancer mod.
Hi lonestar, capture those video is very easy. Just make sure you can recording in a right resolution ratio and hide your HUD.
Here is detail and tips:
1. Your computer can recording in a large resolution ratio, the Wide HD 720p is enough so you need recording in 1028*760 resolution (or bit smaller) to make your video clear (enable the anti-aliasing is better). The 760px height will give you space to hide something you cannot hide with HUD hack or mod.
2. To Hide your HUD, i believe where may have dll plugin or EXE hack to do this, but as for me, edit the camera.ini is enough, just set fovx in WinCamera to 100 or larger. But note that when you edit this, you will not able to playing like a normal player.
3. Some HUD mod or plugin will hide the mouse cursor together, but it’s bad to navigate your ship, you can change texture for your mouse cursor in SCREEN\cursor.txm, For Exp. Change your cursor to a dot with alpha layer to make it only visual to you and hided in video.
4. About Music, always try to select the right music for your video. Quietly music for tour video, and rockly music for combat. And my suggest select the music before making video.
5. Avoid record yourself if you recording tour video. My best way to record tour video is, disable 3D cockpit view, and recording video in cockpit view. This will give you a clear view point, and when you recording, you is the carema.
6. After video capture: Do not use flaring (like flip fade out blablabla) effect in your video, all things sure be “real”, because you want to show your mod, not your video making skill.
If you love EVE, lonestar, just download some EVE video, CCP’s GC is genius.
heh thanks, but I was asking what program you used as I have no clue what is out there besides fraps and that you have to pay for anything longer than 30 seconds I think. Or it was that way when I tested it out years back.
I must have misworded what I was saying. For English being my first I do make an awful lot of mistakes >.< But thanks for the pointers I’ll have to try some of them. And Yes CCP did wonders with Eve-online I’ve been playing it since 2004 and seen it go though many many changes.
lonestar wrote:
heh thanks, but I was asking what program you used as I have no clue what is out there besides fraps and that you have to pay for anything longer than 30 seconds I think. Or it was that way when I tested it out years back.I use the same Fraps, but you know you can resize your video so you can hide that thing you want. And 30 sec is good and enough for most video.
you know, friends… in our modding rushes we sometimes do forget how beautiful freelancer actually is. videos like these are becoming rare. all of us expose our effects, models, graphics and all combined in great battles. but freelancer is not about space battles but about space travel and exploring of wonders out there, where no man has yet violated peace and beauty. a mod that keeps this idea ingame is at least a good mod. keep it up, NeXoSE.
Gisteron wrote:
you know, friends… in our modding rushes we sometimes do forget how beautiful freelancer actually is. videos like these are becoming rare. all of us expose our effects, models, graphics and all combined in great battles. but freelancer is not about space battles but about space travel and exploring of wonders out there, where no man has yet violated peace and beauty. a mod that keeps this idea ingame is at least a good mod. keep it up, NeXoSE.Thank you Gisteron
Freelancer is a really beautiful game, even without modding.
Wow, nice and calm video.
Are some of your starspheres meant to look like a cloudy sky? And some of your suns look rather strange… -
Many of the graphics enhancements I see with Freelancer tend to overdo it, saturating everything in a blinding light. For me, anyway. But that video makes everything look clearer and cleaner, the suns look especially good, and it doesn’t seem to have that overpowering bloom. Got to say, it looks well done.
this is truly epic. well done on the work you’ve put on so far into creating this beautiful video man.
i really look forward to seeing how your mod turns out when you complete your work with it.
i especially LOVE the lighting you’ve added to the stations and the trade lanes. they look grand, and fit perfectly with the lighting as well.
frozenballz wrote:
this is truly epic. well done on the work you’ve put on so far into creating this beautiful video man.i really look forward to seeing how your mod turns out when you complete your work with it.
i especially LOVE the lighting you’ve added to the stations and the trade lanes. they look grand, and fit perfectly with the lighting as well.
Hi, I see your comment on Youtube, Thank you for your encouragement.
Actually, that is a good question.
Just how did you do those lights on stations/ships/etc? I think it’s just a new texture plus an increase in size for all the lights. Is that all it is? If that really is it, then I think I know something I may have to do when I get the chance.
Did you add any lights to the stations? Modify the vanilla lights so they look more appealing?
Why485 wrote:
Actually, that is a good question.Just how did you do those lights on stations/ships/etc? I think it’s just a new texture plus an increase in size for all the lights. Is that all it is? If that really is it, then I think I know something I may have to do when I get the chance.
Did you add any lights to the stations? Modify the vanilla lights so they look more appealing?
You guess right:-D , that’s my way to make those lights.
I just modify the Light Equipment, and no touch with loadout.
love the skyboxes, hate the new star effects.
All in all looks cool.
Everything looks great, man. Well done. The stars are beautiful.