Shield drag
Thx Adoxa. Waited for this
Great great work.
note: If you apply a negative value for linear_drag of a mounted
equip you´ll get the expected higher topspeed and manuver advantages.
But if you do engine-kill, the ship accel up to the maximum speed
of the game (defined by ANOM_LIMITS_MAX_VELOCITY in constants.ini)
Think the best way is to use the lineardrag Plugin for “downside” effects on armor upgrades or equal…
But… These are just my two cents.Anyways: Greetings and thank you for this one…
(Another masterpiece of the FL-Wizzard Adoxa) -
Every patch is open to abuse.
One reason that I am against hacks made just for a few people.
TY 4 one more great hack
and a
Happy New Year.
Fun plugins - thx! This will force players not to use nanos and batteries and big guns around ship in True PvP
How about backward plugin - if player have certain item at his ship then drag_force = -10% for example. I think it is way to do some popular RPG elements for Freelancer x)
Ah, necro-sorry. Equip Mass works fine with negative values
Tests have confirmed this is true… and alot of fun too
About equipmass - we have noticed with Jeider at his SP Mod when ship switches system - by gates, holes or just by console - whole ship mass with equip grows each time it jumps.
For example, whole ship mass is 1200.
Lets jump to California - mass is 2400.
Now jump to Magellan - mass is 4800.
So, someone tried EquipMass at SP - do you have same results?
Thanks Adoxa - it works