Strange Bug with SHIP Price
Wanted to make ship prices over 4 or 5 million but i can´t undock.
After purchase (it works to that point) i got kicked and a server cheat message (ship related).
Changed the price to 1 or 2 million and everthing works just fine.
Is this a well known issue ?Greetings
In my experience, 10mill creds was the limit on anything for sale in vanilla freelancer. The equipment included in the ship factors in as well though.
Make sure the prices for the ship AND all the equipment included in the loadout match client/server.
It’s been my experience that you can sell an item for less than the server has it listed for, and you can buy things for less than the server has them listed for, but you can’t sell for more or buy for less. You’ll get booted for cheating. Of course, that could just be FLAC compensating for the attempted cheat as well…