.obj -> .sur converter
For the shield bubble, the easiest way would just be to create an ellipsoid using the bounding box’s size. No need for user input other than a checkbox toggling between shrinkwrap and shield bubble.
Good luck with the conversions Aeternus.
It’s just taken me 6 hours to regroup a model to make a new sur for it, still not finished. Then I still have to break it into different chunks so the surs for the docking hangars will work.
Shield bubble - Yep a check box is fine for me, although others might want a “thickness” value (i.e. gap from the model surface at the extremities to the bubble) that they can set? It could be better for larger ships.
1 metre steps should be fine. The X, Y and Z bounds plus 1 metre in each direction for each axis (i.e. 2 metres diametrically) is good for most ships including medium sized? I don’t use one for huge warships but may be useful in future if someone cracks how to have collapsible dockable ship and base shields etc…
But let’s get multi-group / muliti-part surs working first.
Just wanted to say that we’ve nearly converted all of the FW:ToW using this tool and have noticed a difference in performance. Thanks again for working on this awesome tool, Schmack!! It’s revolutionary!
Cool, o encounter some errors when making SURs for one or two models, some “divide by zero” errors, when i put the HP names, and if i dont use the HPName functions, the soft just freeze. But i think the problem can come from the model itself, need to do more test, but good job for the tool
@Sushi: Did you encounter no bugs in collision etc? I have Mirkhas model here which does not work correctly. But it’s the only one so far. At least I have a proper testcase ^^
@Ezekiel: This sounds like the one known issue. Should be fixed in the next version which I should be able to finish in the next days.
i have “disassembled” Port Franc 1 (large station) in some pieces of station, to make a “wreck” and use your software with hardpoints checkbox uncheck. The Sur seems to be good in HARDCMPViewer, InGame, Hit detection is OK, and collision detection work 3 or 4 secondes, then FL freeze when i try to pass in he "wreck, without make any collision.
I can upload the model if you want.
Here is a screenshot of the CMP to understand what i mean :
and a screenshot with the generated SUR:
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Schmackbolzen wrote:
@Sushi: Did you encounter no bugs in collision etc? I have Mirkhas model here which does not work correctly. But it’s the only one so far. At least I have a proper testcase ^^@Ezekiel: This sounds like the one known issue. Should be fixed in the next version which I should be able to finish in the next days.
Nope, haven’t had a problem with any collisions even with some of our bigger models
@Ezekiel: i had that problem, too, with lancer’s sur_builder. btw the sur you have there rather is built with the sur builder, at least it looks like it is. Schmackbolzen’s sur conversion software would not generate a sur geometry, it would convert a geometry you input to it to the format of freelancer hitboxes.
The sur you see in the picture is built with the schmack software.
this is the steps i have followed :
open the ms3d station model
regoup all meshe in 1 group
export as .obj
use the software with default values, without check any options and of course wthout naming the hardpoint. -
Could you please upload the model for me? Maybe there is another bug present.
Yes, there are 2 Bugs so far I found
I am writing exams currently so no time plan when I can fix them for now ^^
It seems that you should remove double vertices yourself for now, since I noticed that the filtering does not work correctly, which has very bad implications on the following algorithms, e.g. connected triangles are not recognized correctly. I will have to look into that to make any further conclusions.
Also I forgot in the .obj parser files without normals and texture coordinates. Parsing will fail in that case (was never needed before).
Firstly, i said i wouldn’t be back but here i am. The reason for this post is a simple one, to show you what i’ve done with Schmackbolzen’s utility.
Now i wouldn’t even bother posting this if it wasn’t for one person and one person only, that is Ben_Kai. I got so annoyed at some people in this thread for their know it all attitude and their collective assumption that we should all know how to use this utility. Utter nonsense. Very few people can use this utility properly without some instruction and the information posted so far is …. lacking, at least to someone who hasn’t got a clue about sur files.
The real hero as mentioned is Ben_Kai. He sent me a tutorial on how to use this utility that even my cats can understand, and imho this should be included with the converter because then EVERYONE can use it and get results.
Enough ranting, onto what i’ve accomplished. A new asteroid base with flyable interior. Now when i first put this model into my universe, it had the annoying habit of vanishing after about a 60 degree turn. I thought it was the sur file causing this, so i made one with LS’s utility, same problem. The model was saved as a single group model.
Next up i thought i’d save the model again, this time as a multi group model, five parts to be exact. Now it works fine. Interestingly the sur file is the one i made for the single group model but works perfectly well.
Points of interest, it’s detecting every undulation on the surface of the asteroid, also the fly through entrance as well with all the various internal parts properly covered by the sur which the utility accurately finds. There is no cheating going on here with the use of the phantom physics command. I’ve tested this base in a full battle environment and all parts receive hits, external and internal.
It’s a top utility, that with the brilliant tutorial i have and a copy of Lithunwrap, makes perfect surs.
You ran the original model through FL Model Resizer? It sounds like it was being culled by the game because it didn’t have a radius.
Great news that you’re able to use this incredible tool.
@ Sushi
I don’t remember doing so, but least i know the multipart version worked.
Here’s the tutorial made by Ben_Kai
1. Import CMP into MS3D. “auto load”, is the only box I check. “Import hardpoints” is optional
2. Use DirectX Mesh tools to remove some triangles. Move the slider, for most models it will only reduce by 5 - 10%. Click the save button that has the - sign.
(Note on above: If the model is low poly to start with, you can ignore 2 and move onto 3)
3 . Export as .OBJ. You can try to import back into MS3D and use Dx tools again, but I usually just reduce more triangles with LithUnwrap. I’ve noticed that using DX tools numerous times begins to degrade the model to the point where your SUR will not be very from fitting. For small fighters this is fine. But for larger ships and stations I think It kind of defeats the
purpose. I guess you could delete some triangles manually inside the mesh but I’m not a modeler so I dont attempt it.Close MS3D.
4. Open .OBJ with LithUnwrap. Go to File - Model - Open. Go to Tools - Optimize model. Check all 3 boxes, click OK.
5. Save mesh as .OBJ. Go to File - Model - Save. Make sure format is .OBJ.
6. Import .OBJ back into MS3D.
7. Go to Edit - Select All. Go to Vertex - Weld Together. Make sure you dont skip this step or your SUR could have huge holes….
8. Export as .OBJ
9. Select your .OBJ. I leave 1st option at default. Check 2nd and 3rd boxes then input your hardpoints. I will add that on bases i haven’t had to add in hardpoints
10. Job done
Thanks to Ben_Kai for the tutorial, if i can use it then anybody can.
Programs used, Milkshape, Lithunwrap
Gibbon, glad you did come back. Hope you keep coming and keep contributing.
Would you mind posting your sur file and cmp file please, I am curious to see how the interrior surs are constructed, as they are working well for you?
Thanks in advance.
schmackbolzen: Good luck with your exams, best wishes.