A second alternative export from a .MS3D file (like a clone)
Okay I now have made 4 ships of one family. They share a .mat file.
Now, I want to make a variation of this same family, using a different .mat file.
Although there is a tool dedicated to do this, I think the easiest way for me is using Milkshape and the UTF-editor. Please comment on my planned procedure:
- open the desired .MS3D file
- under the Groups tab, change all the identifying group names into the new one. (In my case, that means changing ba_fighter into BB_fighter)
- under the Materials tab, change the name of all the material names (in my case, ba_g_fighter01 into BB_g_fighter01, etc.)
4a) save the .MS3D (make sure to change the filename, or the original is lost, duh)
4b) export the model under the new desired name into the appropriate folder
5) into a copied and renamed version of the .mat file, change all the material names, so that they reflect the changes in step #3And of course, put new textures into the .mat file, update the .ini files etc.
It’s especially the renaming parts that I am unsure off. I’m gonna try now, and report back. If it works, consider this a mini-tutorial to this approach. If it doesn’t, we’ll be having yet another bug-shooting thread.
EDIT: The procedure described above does indeed render the desired result.
From my limited experience, it seems to be the way to go.
Goulash wrote:
I’d add there is no reason to use the UTF editor to change the mat file, just make a new one and export it directly from Milkshape seeing as you’re already there. Then use the Hardpoint Exporter by Fenris Wolf and you’re set, whole process, under 5mins.Actually I made a new .mat file with the XMLUTF editor, which I find extremely convenient, but I didn’t bother to mention it (I don’t think it is used that widely, and it was not the essence of my question).
Wow, I almost forgot to use FLModelTool to correct the models!
Moonhead wrote:
Actually I made a new .mat file with the XMLUTF editor
You can clone the model with the xml/utf tool as well and change the textures. no need to go back to ms3d (unless you want to remap the textures of course)
Generate the xml files with the utf-xml tool (adoxas version)
Open all the files generated in an editor like notepad ++
Step 1
select the name in the - “VMeshLibrary” section like “ss_fighter.lod0.vms” select the “replace” in the “search” drop down. Type in the new name that you want “sd_fighter.lod0.vms” and hit the “replace all in open documents” button do the same for any other lod you have in the VMeshLibrary. This will change all references including the wireframes (if you have them) automatically, must be a unique name for this modelstep 2
highlight or type in to the replace box “_lod1.3db” (for a ms3d generated model)
and replace with “_lod1XXXXXXXXXXX.3db” where X is any number that makes sense to you, must be unique to this modelDA used a basic time stamp _lod1YYMMDDHHMMSS.3db
hit the “replace all in open documents” button again, save all
step 3
open the lod0.vms.xml fileyou should see something like this
0, 50, 99, 0xcc, g_fightercockpit 51, 209, 426, 0xcc, metal03D 210, 225, 36, 0xcc, ss_panel_256 226, 237, 24, 0xcc, ss_panel_256 238, 261, 72, 0xcc, ss_panel_256 262, 271, 18, 0xcc, ss_panel_256 272, 289, 42, 0xcc, ss_panel_256
if you see hex numbers instead of normal texture names then you haven’t generated a strings list, you will have to figure out the texture names manually with a crc tool
as usual highlight and replace the textures you want to change
Change textures in any other lodX.vms.xml file that you have
and save and export your cloned model with your new textures, say good bye to crc clashes and problems
Bit long winded maybe, but writing this took far longer than doing the actual job
Thaddeus wrote:
Generate the xml files with the utf-xml tool (adoxas version)
Ha! I wish I could do that, but UTFXML doesn’t work on my present configuration
In the windows event logger (I forgot how it’s called exactly) I saw some references to ‘architecture not supported’ or something like it… The rising tide of incompatibilty that’s threatening us
Not everybody seems to be suffering of it though. So it can also be my lack of expertise with Win7.
I do have an older machine running XP, and I hope UTFXML runs on that one. I made my XML-SDK on my girlfriend’s laptop, running Vista, but it has become buggy (not to mention it has only two USB slots, one of them broken and the other mortally wounded)
Btw Thaddeus - great tutorial you wrote here!!