GE - help wanted
Im very willing to participate in testing, and as well putting up ideas (if you need any
). Its looking great, i think the last time i saw it you had the liberty dreadnought being rendered in your engine which looked awsome!
Hope you are willing to acept my help.
Ozed -
Head over to the website and register. I will most likely be releasing a new update within a few days for testing…
Yes, it’s been out for over 2 months but it isn’t a full game yet. As you can read in the help post that there are many areas needing work. I am currently handling pretty much every part of it with a couple of notable exceptions (music and models).
Atm I have been heavily working on the shaders, with the atmosphere shader working great, I only have skinning and shadowing left to add shader-wise.
A demonstration of the atmosphere and crespular ray shader.
Ooooh, pretty! Nice stuff, LS!
Here is some additional model tests used for walking which is something that has been heavily worked on lately. This entire building can be climbed around in. It’s also approx 81,000 polys and renders at the full 60 fps of the game. Does not contain any normal mapping, just has the basic texturing applied.
Click on the image for a larger view. More screenshots can be found HERE.
All this work is coming together great, LS. Nice going.