Problem with Texas System
Hello I have a problem with an unknown thing in the Texas system, when I take the New York -> Texas Jumpgate, the game crash through the Hyperspace. Here is the FLSpew.txt. Thank you for your futures replies.
Near the bottom of your log there is this entry:
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\space\StarSys.cpp(540) : *** WARNING: StarSystem::enter(): CLI(1) System(Li01)
If memory serves, isn’t this new york rather than texas? I believe the jump destination may be set wrong.
But I’ve been out of the modding game for quite a while so I’m very possibly wrong here.
I will try to untick the 3D sound, but I don’t think it will work.
Edit : It doesn’t work…
the only time I’ve had this issue is when my system’s .ini file referred to an entry by an invalid nickname… IE: It couldn’t find what it was being pointed to, therefore unable to load it in the system, therefore unable to load the system…
This raises the question, did you modify the texas system? If so, you may want to re-examine changes made… or at least cut and paste your new code here so people can help better
I didn’t change anything but i use SDK 1.5 if you want to know. I may use the error checker.
Just an idea: Not sure jgs cause crash. Try to jump from Texas to NY and vice versa and check where the crash happens. As you use sdk 1.5 you may have some buggy npc entries near the jgs. If you got the crash point ie: in the hyperspace (then I have no clue) or when you enter or arrive you would check the npcs.
As I had similar problems I can give you a piece of advise:
When you spot the crash point (for example: entering in a system via jg ie: the last 1-2 seconds in hyperspace), then fly there from another direction if you can, if not then start new game fly there and wait near the jg. If you have a crash in a couple of minutes then you’d be sure a npc or more have problems. Patrol routes cause this sort of problem, at least generally.Hope it helps
Sorry but it done equally the same thing for California, but here, I see the system, I’m going to do the mission 3. It could be the same thing for Texas, I will replace SDK 1.5 wrong files by SDK 1.3 files. It will probably change something.
You say this problem occurs in another systems? Then I’m absolutely sure it’s referring to the npcs.
I use sdk 1.3+ adoxa’s stuffs, and I had only two problems from Texas to Bering. It was a Xenos patrol route near the jg and another at the half of the route to the jg from planet Denver.But as you make missions I wouldn’t know that because I use open sp.
sounds like npc’s alright…
when the system has issues loading, it’ll crash when the worm hole animation loads the 2nd part of the worm hole animation (just before you exit)… if it’s npc’s or objects, it doesn’t crash till they become in range (or when you would exit the gate).
NeXoSE wrote:
What’s this?C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\DACOM\Dacom.cpp(612) : ERROR:General:DACOM: AddLibrary: unable to load dll ‘MP3codec.DLL’, ignoring…
adoxa has a fix but that never caused the crash.
It always bug, BTW I didnt try quick fix patch yet. Here is the code of the zone :
nickname = Zone_Li04_to_Li01
pos = 12771, 0, -90152
rotate = 0, -159, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 3000
comment = NY gate
sort = 1
toughness = 3
density = 10
repop_time = 10
max_battle_size = 4
pop_type = jumpgate
relief_time = 15
faction_weight = li_p_grp, 10
faction_weight = li_p_grp_prisoners, 5
faction_weight = co_alg_grp, 10
faction_weight = co_hsp_grp, 10
faction_weight = co_me_grp, 10
faction_weight = co_ni_grp, 10
faction_weight = co_os_grp, 5
faction_weight = co_rs_grp, 10
faction_weight = co_ss_grp, 10
density_restriction = 4, unlawfuls
encounter = area_defend, 3, 0.060000
faction = li_p_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_armored_prisoner, 3, 0.030000
faction = li_p_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_trade_freighter, 3, 0.110000
faction = co_hsp_grp, 0.330000
faction = co_me_grp, 0.330000
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.330000
encounter = area_trade_transport, 3, 0.110000
faction = co_alg_grp, 0.170000
faction = co_hsp_grp, 0.170000
faction = co_me_grp, 0.170000
faction = co_ni_grp, 0.170000
faction = co_rs_grp, 0.170000
faction = co_ss_grp, 0.170000
encounter = area_trade_armored, 3, 0.040000
faction = co_os_grp, 1.000000I will try the quick fix now.
The quickfix doesn’t work… another ideas?
That’s pop zone not patrol route. Save your mod to another location, then delete all patrol routes near the jgs and watch what happens. Anyway pop zones don’t usually make crashes but npc appearance problems.
Meanwhile check npc loadouts with FL error checker. -
Could be related to a loadout for the NPCs, or even an altered pilot or formation.
Although, I believe missing pilots and incorrect formations usually just result in the NPCs not showing up at all.
I wonder…
Do NPCs have to have encounters on both sides of the jumphole? Would that cause a problem if an NPC encounter on the New York side didn’t exist on the Texas side? Especially if the NPCs actually use the hole?