Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
NeXoSE wrote:
Omicron wrote:
Is there a way to bypass that initial “information fill out dialog” when a server is first started? I’m looking into using FLServer under Wine as an automatic startup item.Essentially, I just want it to start without having to press the okay button.
Try config your server in Freelancer.ini, And then, start your FLServer with flserver.exe /c
Awesome, thank you good sir. Sorry for posting this request here.
And FLServer seems to be working internally with the latest compiled version of Wine and Debian 6.0.1. I’ve yet to thoroughly test it though, but there is only one way to find out…
Cracks knuckles
Vesko wrote:
=Alex= wrote:
Vesko wrote:
=Alex= wrote:
Omicron, wait what? FLServer runs under wine? \o/Mind = blown.
I think I lost the meaning of this post.
It’s an Internet phrase, basically means my mind has been blown by the fact that FLServer runs under Wine.
Be serious, what about player profile? I feel better to keep FLServer running in a vmwared Windows.
=Alex= wrote:
NeXoSE, player profile?I do have FLServer + FLHook working under Wine, but Freelancer in my XP VM can’t see or connect to it.
I mean save game. Wine will correctly provide %USERPROFILE% for Freelancer?
Sorry for my ignorant, Im not using wine yet.
I looked in the wiki but didn’t see anything on this.
I seem to recall having read at one time that you could extend the scanner range to detect other players but also had to do an edit to freelancer.exe.Does anyone have a link to that info available?
IIRC after adjusting the values for the scanners, these need to be modified as well,
100000000f freelancer.exe 1D15B8 Dev square of max distance that a ship can be selected
6250000f server.dll 086AEC Dev square of NPC disappear distance in MP
25000000f server.dll 086AF0 Dev square of player disappear distance in MP
100000000f server.dll 086AF4 Dev square of grouped player disappear distance in MPI know i adjusted everything to 10k in my mod but that’s just me.
All right, I made the edits to freelancer.exe (changed 100000000f to 10000000000f)
and server.dll (changed 086AF0 from 25000000f to 2500000000f and 086AF4 from 100000000f to 10000000000f) which should make players visible out to 50k and groups out to 100k. And it does…But, even a player without the edits can now see anyone 50k away.
I have the following two scanners:
nickname = ge_s_scanner_01
ids_name = 263750
ids_info = 264750
volume = 0
mass = 10
range = 2500
cargo_scan_range = 4000
lootable = false[Scanner]
nickname = ge_s_scanner_02
ids_name = 263751
ids_info = 264751
volume = 0
mass = 10
range = 50000
cargo_scan_range = 50000
lootable = falseThe ge_s_scanner_02 is intended for admin use, but even ge_s_scanner_01 can see a player out to 50k, they just can’t select the player.
Is there a way to make ONLY ge_s_scanner_02 have the increased range or is it an all or nothing deal.
Scanners do not affect player visibility.
What I’m trying to do is take the second scanner in the files and dedicate it for use by admins. I’d like it to have a range of at least 50k, but just changing the range of the scanner didn’t make it see any farther.
I thought the edits to freelancer.exe and server.dll would make it so that the scanner range could be increased and then the edits to the scanner would take advantage of that range increase.
I suppose I might expect the ge_s_scanner_01 to need an edit to reduce its range, but even though it’s significantly lower than scanner_02, it still sees the same distance, so reducing its scan range won’t help.
robo, did you read what I said? Player visibility ranges are universal, no matter what scanner you use or what’s the range given. As long as the player is within the range, he’ll be visible. Whether he is selectable depends on I think object visibility ranges, but again scanners do NOT affect players in any way.
Yeah, I read what you said, but due to its limited content I didn’t understand its meaning.
It looks to me like it’s a dirty fix, but it really doesn’t tell the player anything they wouldn’t see by looking at the chat list to see who’s in the system with them, so I guess it would work. They can’t select the person so they don’t really know where he or she is, they just know they’re in there somewhere.
Well, I know from SWWT that people would use the distance in the radar list to quickly home in. Just move by a few Ks and as long as your target is stationary and/or moving in a stable pattern you’ll know where to look for him. Sure, it’s not as easy as selecting the target and hitting F2, but you really shouldn’t assume that just because people can’t select a target, they can’t know where he is.
I can see that…
I don’t really like how it’s not working as intended. I don’t believe I’ll be incorporating it in the mod after all.Thanks for the advice and input.
Here’s a plugin to do what you want; install to dacomsrv.ini. If a player has ge_s_scanner_02, they will see other players at 50k and group members at 100k. Haven’t done any configuration, but search for the nickname and you’ll find the square of the distances before it. Let me know how configurable it should be…
Nice 1.
Any chance to get cloaked players @ that admin scanner?