3D Model Showroom
But have you a Nvidia / ATI / or other control panel, if no, you can’t enhance your FL graphics. And BTW I can give you the model of my MorgenStern class Capital Gunship / Light Corvette, when the Surs, Hardpoints and Animation (If it can do ^^) will be there.
Good render, I like the new Brijev, but the Kiew is always top to bottom. I have a trick to rotate him by the UTF edit. PM me.
Novas Skype is iron118
Better to write only to it.
@Freestalker.fr: so i have to mirror it? Never played Starlancer, dunno how properly Kiew must be
Its my remake.
HeIIoween wrote:
Novas Skype is iron118
Better to write only to it.I dont see any obvious reasons why you wrote this.
That’s right, I remember now, you are the guy who is good at cannibalizing ships. You used to chop up X2 ships and stick them together in different formats, those weird nomad ships with tech implants on them and stuff. Glad to see you’ve come back to chop up some more ships, you’re good at it!
Nice work, m8.
nice work as aways Nova.
Damn, that carrier looks sexy. Just have to find a way to make the wingmen scripts work with launching from the ship via keystroke. So you could have a HW2 style carrier launch/scramble a wing of fighters/bombers.
Certainly fits in with the rest of the fleet nicely, Why.
I’m still getting the hauler feel from it, but very nice.
That Libery Frigate looks cool…the back reminds of the Autumn of Pillar engines.
PS. So I am back from Prague, and I have a few fresh ship ideas
to model.
Excellent work Why!
this is in fact, impressive, Why. would be even better as gunship than your earlier gunship draft.
I like it, looks nice. Maybe add a little Lib-Dred to the sides instead of those ramped out sections? Trying to think of what parts would look good there. Maybe the fins? Or that back section with all the indentation detail? Possibly on the top, on that flat section (not the bay doors) Have the top half of the dreads tower, or even the bubble section from the back end of the Osiris? Just throwing idea’s out. I’m sure you can make up your mind as to what looks right.
A little project I’ve been working on since Christmas is the Bretonia Fol concept fighters. These are original concept fighters for the game that failed to make it to the final cut as it were.
I’m gradually replacing the Liberty civilian fighters for these (in my own mod) in Bretonia based corporations and possibly the Gaians (after a suitably green makeover)
The models follow the modular strategy of the original models, so the next model up will have more weird parts added to it at strange angles. And glad I didnt design these ships. Taken to its ultimate conclusion the Bretonia Fol 8 will have 12 forward firing guns and turrets, with left and right handed gun models. Still a lot of work to do.