3D Model Showroom
A little project I’ve been working on since Christmas is the Bretonia Fol concept fighters. These are original concept fighters for the game that failed to make it to the final cut as it were.
I’m gradually replacing the Liberty civilian fighters for these (in my own mod) in Bretonia based corporations and possibly the Gaians (after a suitably green makeover)
The models follow the modular strategy of the original models, so the next model up will have more weird parts added to it at strange angles. And glad I didnt design these ships. Taken to its ultimate conclusion the Bretonia Fol 8 will have 12 forward firing guns and turrets, with left and right handed gun models. Still a lot of work to do.
The 2nd Stage is realy good! I think the drawer of the FOLs loved stranges details, it sometime arrive…
Another cruiser, again, based on the Liberty Cruiser.
This time I took the front and got rid of the rest.
Oh, and the circular thingy in the middle, is supposed to rotate.
Realy good!! Gavial class Cruiser fit well to it!
Think rifle-ships no offence (Kuze
are not fit in FL
Without stock model was better.
Invent a different feather. -
That’d look really epic with the spinning part, nice work Fagu.
I ended up making a couple scale renders to point out just how much bigger the “new” Rhino is. It was meant to be a frigate or corvette sized ship. (Not necessarily to traditional Freelancer scale. More like Nexus/EVE scale.) For my project I also needed forward firing engines, so those are also integrated into the design.
The ship design will probably changed and get updated as I require new design features and think of other details to add.
This is not far from the Bounty Hunter Destroyer
I’ll have to retract my comment about it still looking like a cargo ship, in scale it actually looks pretty mean!Good stuff!
It still looks way too much like a Rhino.
With a bit moar changes, it will look better. -
Kuze wrote:
It looks good, however the 2 windows near the top engine makes little sense.Noone thinks about the engineers!
Can’t they take a break from looking at Flux Capacitors, Phase Manifolds and Warp Intakes? -
Bobthemanofsteel wrote:
Kuze wrote:
It looks good, however the 2 windows near the top engine makes little sense.Noone thinks about the engineers!
Can’t they take a break from looking at Flux Capacitors, Phase Manifolds and Warp Intakes?If I were fighting that ship, I would definitely aim at those windows.
PD: The bridge and the engines looks like the Liberty Cruiser’s.
Yes well, if you wanted a structurally sound ship you wouldn’t put any windows on it, but it’s a game, so aesthetics very important.
It is not comfortable for workers to drop H-fuel packs to the boilers without these two windows! ))
The windows on the engines thing didn’t occur to me at all. Whenever the next time that I change the model is, I’ll definitely either remove or move those windows, along with some changes to the engine assembly altogether. Where they are now implies that there is a room where the engine assemblies should be.
And once again, the engineers sigh a solemn sigh at their plight in this dark and ugly world. ;(
I don’t think you understand the issue. Think of a modern fighter jet for example, or even any rocket. The nozzle you see in the back is just that, a nozzle. The actual engine itself takes up a large amount of space inside the plane/ship, and as currently designed, that space right now is taken up by a room in place of where the actual engine itself should be.
What I will do when I get around to changing the model around, is move the windows, and imaginary room, to between the two engines. This is a much more plausible place for the engineers to work as it allows access to both engines above and below.