Menu color help
Fine, fine, I’ll make a violet HUD.
But this doesn’t solve my text problem.EDIT: Love your Lithium tagline. xD
Data\fonts\rich_fonts.ini ???
only thing I can find that actually has a rgb property. I would sample the colour and work back from there, has to be one of the headers.
don’t quote me though, i’ve never done any ui modding
glad you like the sig ~.O
Edit: scratch that, seems that changes the font color for the ESRB notice, the “internet or LAN” box and the words “Freelancer servers” and “LAN Game only” parts of the server list drop down.
Seems your looking for something with the color = 135, 195, 224
Been through richfonts as well as the colours hardcoded into freelancer.exe (or at the least the ones adoxa’s flcolours can change) and no dice, so unless I’m blind and completely missed one… Dx
I was kinda hoping someone who’s recoloured the UI before would pop their head in and go ‘RIGHT HERE MAN!’ but looking around it seems most people haven’t changed it anyway. :<
Bobthemanofsteel wrote:
So I presume it’s one of those there, how do I use this info and put it into use? xD
My Hex editing experience starts and finishes on the Limit Breaking 101 wiki page, so I’m at a loss here. xD
I’ll reply to this when I get back from work in like 7 hours… but im pretty sure there is a tutorial on hex editing somewhere trololol =]
Well, I know how to replace bytes at an offset, if the terminology is correct.
I’m pretty sure the 0x means it’s an offset, but when I plugged them into Freelancer.exe I came up blank, so I’m obviously doing -something- wrong. xD -
Yeah, those are all offsets, but 0x doesn’t mean offset, it means the number is in hexadecimal.
It is possible you just didn’t plug the offset properly into whatever program you’re using
Bob, when you search for the offset don’t input 0x, just use the digits that follow the 0x.
I.E -
3f in freelancer.exe, 0x210530 = near plane of view frustumsearch for 210530.
Hope that’s where you’re going wrong.
Indeed it was Timmy, thanks guys. It musta worked in the program I used to use, or something.
I dunno whether it’s because I’m tired or what, but the styles offsets are going straight over my head when I plug them in. :<
Sadly its not! Seems all screens use separate and are located in:
DATA\INTERFACE\HUD folder, if Im right.
I guess, for example hud_playershipinfo.3db is one of them?
I take a look in this file.
Anyway, tnx for tip Vital.[EDIT] *Wrong! These r hud icons. Search continues.
Anyone able to help with 3 questions? I’ve been through the .cmps and fonts numerous times now and can’t seem to find the solution.
- Pic1, where’s the code for this thin blue line? It pops up on both of the Trader, Dealer screens.
- Pic1, anyone know the name of or how to change the colour of the font circled in Green? The colour currently is #C0C0C0 and there are no entries in FL Colors or any of the info above for this font. I’m assuming the Font is the same both on the Inventory and Dealer lists as it’s pretty much the only thing I’ve not been able to change.
- Where’s the job board .cmp? It’s seems to be totally apart from the others. I surely can’t be the only one who can’t find this?
Appreciate any help/answers.
Rik -
Thanks Hunor!
Well hopefully someone else can help with the second question, it would nice to make that text darker.
To change the colour of the selections I believe you want to be looking at Rich Fonts and these three in particular…
STYLE_NN_SELECTEDThanks again & hope this helps.
Hey Jong,
I think you’re after… (rich_fonts.ini)
STYLE_LABELI may be wrong though, good luck!