sumanuti wrote:
Using 0.2 exporter but HardCMP crashes while opening .cmp !
Even if I did selected separate groups and smoothed faces individually, or even with dif. export settings.
Tried one group, 10 groups (with 1 subgroup), scale to 1, back_to_front, …
Any idea?Strange. I always export as one group, and 99.9% of the time I don’t have a crash of Hard cmp. My first question would be how many polys does your model have? HardCMP may be having an issue rendering it cuz of poly count. To find that information out in Milkshape 3d, go Tools/Show Model Statistics.
sumanuti wrote:
Yea, default Eagle works good in import/export.
Here is my stats
34K! Holy cow! is that the model you mentioned in the post previous to mine? If you have the program and Milkshape extra file, get LithUnwrap and use its’ optimization command to try and reduce the poly/vert count of the ms3d file. If you don’t have the program and/or the ms3d addon file, zip up your ms3d file here and I will see if I can do the poly reduction.
Its already been lowered - damn!
I did not extract your textures from the mat file, but even at reduction to 28k, I am still unable to get the model to load into HardCMP. My HardCMP doesn’t crash, but all I see is white. I have no wireframe, no black background, nothing. I can’t even open the mat file.
My suggestion is to use the Direct X Poly reducer found in the Tools menu for limiting the poly count. If you can get it somewhere near the 10k mark successfully, it might co-op for you.Fus
Upon testings 20K is max limit that in HardCMP shows properly.
Lowered values to 19K and model still looks good (even better!).
Will models work properly in game even it is beyond that limit?
And will the poly count in any way affect game-play in performance fields? -
sumanuti wrote:
Upon testings 20K is max limit that in HardCMP shows properly.
Lowered values to 19K and model still looks good (even better!).
Will models work properly in game even it is beyond that limit?
And will the poly count in any way affect game-play in performance fields?That is an interesting question. First off, grats for knocking the polys to 19K!
That’s nearly a 50% reduction! (17K would be 50%)
Freelancer is an old game. The best response I can offer based on my work on The Underverse is this rule of thumb: Fewer polys = better gameplay. That’s both from the perspective of the game engine rendering the model and the players being able to fly it. There was a person here in this forum who was able to bypass the 20K limit by breaking his model into 2 seperate cmp files, and then combineing the two into one cmp. I was never able to successfully able to duplicate this, so I can’t help you with that. Hope that answers your questions.
1: Not Completely Sure on EXPORT GROUPS Using CMPVo.2
Below i tried to be as precise as possible in hopes that my mistake stands out
My understanding is as below example for Anubis
a:To my understanding this is what it’s asking for “number of groups”
As Number of Groups:–—*0a
Or_elite as 1 of 9
Or_star_wing 2 of 9
Or_port_wing 3 of 9
Or_Engine01 4 of 9
Or_Engine02 5 of 9
Or_Engine03 6 of 9
baydoor01 7 of 9
baydoor01 8 of 9
Or_glass 9 of 9b:To my understanding this is what it’s asking as “group Quantities”
As group Quantities-----*0b
Or_elite <mat.: elite_2560r=“”>--------- as 1 of 5-----*1
Or_elite <mat.: engine_grill01=“”>------ as 2 of 5
Or_elite <mat.: lib_weap10r=“”>--------- as 3 of 5
Or_elite <mat.: metal030r=“”>----------- as 4 of 5
Or_elite <mat.: weaponsplate2=“”>------ as 5 of 5-----*1Or_star_wingmat.:elite_2560r----- as 1 of 3-----*2
Or_star_wingmat.:lib_weap10r----- as 2 of 3
Or_star_wingmat.:weaponplate2---- as 3 of 3-----*2Or_port_wingmat.:elite_2560r------- as 1 of 3-----*3
Or_port_wingmat.:lib_weap10r------- as 2 of 3
Or_port_wingmat.:weaponplate2------ as 3 of 3-----*3Or_Engine01mat.:elite_2560r-------- as 1 of 2
Or_Engine01mat.:engine_2560r------ as 1 of 2Or_Engine02mat.:elite_2560r-------- as 1 of 3-----*4
Or_Engine02mat.:engine_grill01----- as 2 of 3
Or_Engine02mat.:weaponplate2----- as 3 of 3-----*4Or_Engine03mat.:elite_2560r-------- as 1 of 4
Or_Engine03mat.:engine_grill01----- as 2 of 4
Or_Engine03mat.:metal030r---------- as 3 of 4
Or_Engine03mat.:weaponplate2------- as 4 of 4baydoor01<mat.: elite_2562sideor=“”>---- as 1 of 1
baydoor02<mat.: elite_2562sideor=“”>---- as 1 of 1
Or_glassmat.:o_glass--------------------- as 1 of 1
2: Originally Plates Or_star_wing ,Or_port_wing ,Or_elite ,where grouped with there selected spots
What I Did:
*1 Plate for another shield mount and Hp|Fixed|HpShield02
*2 Plate for existing hard point torpedo,added one Plate and Hp|Revolute|HpTurret01
*3 Plate for existing hard point torpedo,added one Plate and Hp|Revolute|HpTurret02
*4 Two Plates for each side 2 for Hp|Fixed|HpMine01, Hp|Fixed|HpMine02
Two Plates for each side 2 for Hp|Fixed|HpCM01 Hp|Fixed|HpCM025 Renamed hard points at my choice of positions to suit my need
I Grouped New Plates with Older Existing Plates in there respective NAME GROUPS
I Tried ungrouping them Also1: PROBLEM-The ship shows as missing,deformed,some weapons visable,Mat-planes that extend the far reaches of the solar system
2: PROBLEM-Weapons don’t go to the proper spot
3: PROBLEM-One items Shows as 2 in mount window,more mount windows than are HPAgain using CMPVo.2
for level of detail i left at “default 0”
for orientation i set to “Back To Front” Prior to opening exporter i set my object (Anubis) so that i was looking at the back of it
for setting i did save a ces file but dont know if its neccessary
for scale down i set to 1 using the slider
for number of Groups i put as believed according to -----*0a
for group quantities i put as believed according to -----*0b
1: Do HardPoint’s need to be grouped?
2: Do Hardpoint’s need to be grouped with there respective Mount Plates?
Thanks in advance Sky-Blazer.</mat.:o_glass></mat.:></mat.:></mat.:weaponplate2></mat.:metal030r></mat.:engine_grill01></mat.:elite_2560r></mat.:weaponplate2></mat.:engine_grill01></mat.:elite_2560r></mat.:engine_2560r></mat.:elite_2560r></mat.:weaponplate2></mat.:lib_weap10r></mat.:elite_2560r></mat.:weaponplate2></mat.:lib_weap10r></mat.:elite_2560r></mat.:></mat.:></mat.:></mat.:></mat.:>
Use Piper’s CMP Exporter.
No need to define groups and no group limits!
Just place Hp’s below group parts where they need to belong (be part of). -
The piper exporter is not gonna work it is not in my export list
i need to get V2 working i am missing a piece of the puzzle and i verry much need it .
i have tried every combanation i could think to try and i’m getting nothing
i even tried using one texture for the whole bloody thing
I Keep getting a message Mesh or mesh count don’t add up.
Or somthing like that.
Sky-Blazer wrote:
The piper exporter is not gonna work it is not in my export listi need to get V2 working i am missing a piece of the puzzle and i verry much need it .
Spend time to make it work and u have no any troubles.
Find other versions of Milk Shape where it will show in the list.
My 1.8.4 finds it! With 1.8.0 had no luck.